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dean forest railway fundraising for coaches

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Hi all

The Dean Forest Railway is conducting a full review and upgrade of it's coaching stock, which has many benefits:

- Improved experience for customers
- Better capacity to handle growing passenger numbers
- Increased capacity for any potential extension towards Speech House Road

An unmissable opportunity to purchase two ex-BR Mark 2 coaches has arisen. The total cost of this first phase of the project is £60,000; this figure covers both the purchase and conversion of the coaches to vacuum braking, to run with our heritage steam locomotives. We have already raised £12,000, and we need your help to raise the remaining £48,000!

All donors will be invited to travel on these coaches on their first service train. In addition, donations of:

- £250 or greater will receive a 5 year Membership of the Dean Forest Railway Society.

- £500 or greater will receive a 10 year Membership of the Dean Forest Railway Society.

- £1,000 or greater will receive a Life Membership of the Dean Forest Railway Society.

This is just the start of a wider effort to develop the Dean Forest Railway into a top national attraction - and you could play a key part in making this happen...

thank you for any body that gives

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Full marks for not running away from Mk2s but perhaps if DFR had not cut up a XP64 coach some years ago more coach enthusiats might be more supportive.


That was a while ago, with a different group of people in charge.  We're actively resisting cutting/scrapping anything to fund this project! Rest assurred things have changed at the DFR.


Hope we can count on your support.



Dean Forest Railway Society Chairman

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Hi all from the DFR facebook page :-

Good news for our Mark 2 Carriage Appeal - please share!

We are pleased to announce that we have (almost!) reached the halfway stage of our appeal, and, subject to final surveys, will be purchasing the first coach in the coming weeks. It will then receive the required brake modifications, and will arrive at the DFR ready to add to our running set this year.

As a reminder, these Mark 2a coaches have been identified as the quickest way to enable us to thoroughly renovate our existing coaching fleet. In the medium to long term future, the extra capacity will be very much needed as we look to extend northwards into the Forest towards Speech House and Cinderford, and your generous donations can help us to make it happen.

You can donate through the following link: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/dfr-mk2-coaches


Cash and cheques can be sent directly to our HQ at Norchard:

DFRS Coach Appeal,
Dean Forest Railway
Forest Road
Glos GL15 4ET

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I was on the DFR the other day, and there was a volunteer on-board selling raffle tickets for a scheme to build a carriage shed. Is this a separate campaign to the one to buy more coaches? It seems a bit strange for one campaign to not mention the other and vice versa

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