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Smoke Ash & Steam

steve fay

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Track arrived !! Yay first few lengths glued in place post-5983-0-06507600-1540914890_thumb.png

I’ll have to take a few pictures down to make room for the back scene and add some lighting directly over the top.


Edited by steve fay
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A few spots of super glue to hold the track in place until it’s ballasted, I’ve glues and screwed in place the first piece of ply, this will be a pit the same style as I did on Canton.

Also I’ve had some prints done from my various model Rail photo shoots they will be framed in time, A nice reminder of past projects that will provide inspiration for this new one.

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I spray the side of the rails from a low angel with track dirt then Matt black £ shop directly over the top, I then weather it with black smoke weathering powders. The ash piles are white smoke powders mixed with water to form a paste and brushed on, once this dries I add more black powders to tone it down all sealed with hair spray. I’ve also mixed some of the black and white powders together to form a grey and brushed this in certain areas. Once the whole lot is done I’ll give it a waft over with dullcote

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The first home made out completed. May need a little tweaking. Kirtley models printed rendered concrete the same method I used on Canton.

I’ve got a laser cut brick lined pit on order for in front of the coaling stage which will provide a nice contrast.

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  • 4 weeks later...


The Bristol pway gang have been over today and the templot plan for the only point on the back of the shed is in place. They will construct it over the Christmas period for installation in the new year

A nice long pacific proof point this one!!

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I’ve been asked how I achieved the results on this Pannier, So to start I mix black smoke powders and a little water to make a paste and dab this over the chimney, top feed, Dome and safety valve bonnet to get a patchy paint look, I also added some on the smoke box door front.

I then gave the roof and boiler/ tank tops a liberal coating of black smoke powders, this was given a quick waft of clear varnish and whilst tacky another coat of powders as it bonds to the varnish.

Black smoke and a mix of rust and black applied to the sides and then certain areas polished back leaving the dirt around the recesesses and rivets.

I used the same powders varnish powders method along the frame tops, bunker and smoke box front .

For the chassis I gave it a quick spray of Railmatch track dirt turning the wheels to get all areas covered, whilst the paint is still tacky I brushed in powders of varying colours, rust, black smoke and a mixture of the two and black and white mixed.

I used a piece of card to mask the top of the Loco from getting sprayed !! But if you get any over spray clean with some cotton buds dipped in clean thinners.

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