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Joe and Steve´s respraying and weathering of Dapols 73124

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This was a joint effort between Joe (teacupteacup) and myself.


I bought 73124 knowing it was the wrong colour and first attempted to see if I could disguise the wrong colours through weathering.I was not convinced I was going to be successful.The lemon yellow ends ended up not too bad as I managed to warm them up with a wash. But the sides just looked wrong.


A couple of pictures here. One next to 50 to show the colour difference




So I sent the loco off to Joe to respray it, as I do not have the kit.

Edited by SouthernBlue80s
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So back to me.

I brief run through of my approach.


Railmatch Framedirt on the bogies, buffers and underframe.

Silver on the Buffer shanks.

A mix of Railmatch Framedirt and matt black used on the center of the roof.


I then mixed up weathering powders to try and approximate that rusty dirt colour that you found on the southern region in the early 80s and used it in washes on the front ends in different strengths and wipping execess off with cotton buds.


I used the same mix to highlight where the dirt would fall on the sides and also on the roof along with a darker version, lots of blending in with cotton buds.


And then with a very soft brush, with a fractional amount of sand and white on I push up and down in a horizonal motion along the sides pulling fractional amounts of powder of the roof and bogies on to the body and giving the loco that slightly faded look that they would have after a while.


Pictures here of work in progress and the finished loco.


This is the first pass. I will pick her up again in a few weeks with a fresh eye and amend any little bits that do not look right. Many months of faffing about now over.


I have always wanted an accurate model of a blue 73 as that is what I used to see as a youth at Faversham.

And I was so disappointed when Dapol´s model was the wrong colour and now I have one in the right colour :)







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Great modelling! There is something strangely handsome about a 73, especially when its weathered so well. 


I really like the look of the layout that the loco is on in those pictures too, do you have a thread about the layout? (also really like the weathering on the grain wagons!)



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Compliments Joe and Steve on the excellent work on 73122.

Nice subtle touches, although if I had to nitpick I would add a touch more brakedust to the bogies.


The layout looks good too with the already remarked on grain hoppers.


Good stuff`

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Joe and I thank you for the positive comments guys.

CovKid -I will pick it up in a few weeks with a fresh pair of eyes and do any tweaks....so more bake dust it is.


Justin - The layout topic is here I will add some extra pictures, it as about time :)



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Guest teacupteacup

Joe and I thank you for the positive comments guys.

CovKid -I will pick it up in a few weeks with a fresh pair of eyes and do any tweaks....so more bake dust it is.


Justin - The layout topic is here I will add some extra pictures, it as about time :)



I echo Steve on the thanks for the compliments!


Its really Steve who deserves them as he brought the loco to life!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Painted and weathered like that reminds us that the 73 is a good looking model, which makes it even more disappointing that Dapol screwed up the colours first time round. Looks great with the weathered b/g mk1 coach.


I totally agree, it is such a good model but what a shame about the colours after that long wait we had for it too.



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