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  • RMweb Gold

Good to see you back on here and posting Andy - sorry that you aren’t continuing with the 7mm scale Gainford, but I really, really like the look of this so far! The mill is superb, and that church is just great. A very good job as always.

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3 hours ago, NeilHB said:

Good to see you back on here and posting Andy - sorry that you aren’t continuing with the 7mm scale Gainford, but I really, really like the look of this so far! The mill is superb, and that church is just great. A very good job as always.


Thank you, Neil; just don’t have the space, I’m afraid. And wanted an excuse for the peckett... :) 


I’m hoping to develop a whole stone complex and canal wharf for my fictional company, and reproduce the 7mm stock in 4mm, with plenty of extras from local railways. The forcett coach (was in beamish) is a must, for instance. I’m keeping the period a bit fluid so that I can mix and match freely! 


The Church is for my son, so is built to exacting requirements - gravestones went in last night and apparently the lychgate needs working gates... next on the list are the Tower Bank Arms and Hill Top Farm (Beatrix Potter’s house) from Near Sawrey in the lakes. No stress then... :D 

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Next building- the pub for son’s village- the Tower Bank Arms. Interesting structure; it is on a slope and isn’t square (to be fair, nothing I build is square, but this time it is deliberate) 




the church is is largely completed- it has memorial stones in the yard and just awaits trees and a gate when we get back home to the rest of the modelling resources. I could cut out a gate, but I think the silhouette cutter can have that task! 


Below are are pictures of the train set layout. Curves are very tight so all stock must be 4 wheel. Rather proud that I managed to squeeze a decoder and sound chip into the pug... 











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1 hour ago, luke the train spotter said:

The layout is looking good! What sound chip did you put in the pug?


Would you believe the Hornby Tornado? The shop recommended it because the need was for a decent 2 cylinder chuff rather than absolute accuracy. Personally, I think it sounds great, just what we were looking for. Will be fitting the same to another pug, as I really like it, especially as it goes under the tunnel! 


I am plucking up courage age to fit a chip to the peckett too, but would need to be a brain surgeon to fit it in! 

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19 minutes ago, cornamuse said:


Would you believe the Hornby Tornado? The shop recommended it because the need was for a decent 2 cylinder chuff rather than absolute accuracy. Personally, I think it sounds great, just what we were looking for. Will be fitting the same to another pug, as I really like it, especially as it goes under the tunnel! 


I am plucking up courage age to fit a chip to the peckett too, but would need to be a brain surgeon to fit it in! 

Fantastic! I was recommended a similar thing for my pug but told to wait till the q6 chip comes out. With the peckett you should be alright to fit a small 4pin chip onto the chassis. I managed to fit a high capacity stay alive unit in mine with some surgery (see my distillery yard thread) so there should be room for a normal decoder.

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Some progress on the pub. Windows and porch once I get home...


the sloping bit of roof is due to the recessed wall bing not at right angles, but the end table following the main building shape, just with a slice cut off. Never seen it on another building. The stone wall will be mostly buried under a road sloping down from right to left, just under the level of the steps. The pillars will support a bay window. Again, another unusual feature. 



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More progress at the pub. 


Wee Jim has popped in for a pint before the rush... 










need to put chairs in; can’t decide if I should make or buy, but, either way, they need to hide the very dodgy tablecloths! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another room done- the dining room, with my parents and my son having a meal. Built to the requirements of said son, who was disappointed I hadn’t modelled the room where they ate... 


rods and own own back are words that spring to mind! 


The glass vase vase is a clear LED, artwork by various online modelling sites offering home printed bits. Bit of a gash job, but not too bad through the window and at normal viewing distance. 


Roof now now glued on, home straight in sight! 









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JFinally finished... 


The Tower Bank Arms, in all it’s glory, even with Jemima Puddleduck (ahem, swan) waddling past. 


The landscape is foamboard covered in egg box card to give a nice rough surface. Has worked ok with the gentle contours and is very strong. Careful supergluing it- the exothermic reaction is hot enough to get smoke and pretty nasty fumes. I didn’t need sinuses anyway! 













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Back on with the mill... 


roofing in progress. Words cannot describe how much I hate this, but I don’t really like the alternatives. The pub only used the Metcalfe roofing card to make it tie in with the rest of my son’s layout- I feel that it is best to use similar media across one model to give it a harmonious look. So, tiles it is for me. At least the silhouette cutter did the initial graft, although it did mean heavier tiles than is perhaps really accurate. 






The last photo gives a basic idea of how the church and pub will go together, with Hill Top farm to go to the left, and the grasmere gingerbread shop in front, then a Lakeland barn the near side of the road... eventually... after the blinking tiles! 





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1 hour ago, south_tyne said:

Sorry to sound like a stuck record but..... that's absolutely superb modelling. Cannot wait to see the overall layout develop.


Thank you! I had better get a wiggle on, then, seeing as the majority of the model will be a Dalton Mills style edifice. This was just a trial area, with little detail. Although, thanks to a hypo, the tiling is now done :D 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally finished the warehouse, so some cruel close-ups to celebrate. I will try a few in the outdoors too tomorrow. I know hand drawn signs aren’t the neatest, but I like the look. Might try some 1860s style printed posters too, hand drawn and then photographed and reduced. 


Need to look at the plans for the rest of the site as I am floundering a little. 











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Outdoors, new sign- I decided the original was too untidy


also a few posters for medicine and to join Her Majesty’s finest; a random workman and a chain for the hoist. A bit gold, admittedly... 







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