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Brian's 7mm Diesel Workbench, Belated up-date!

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Is that a request Gazza?


As I do know that Brian has an addition to his MOD fleet that he still has to build when he can find the time.



Well Pete no one does the MOD Warflat apart from Mr Talbot and I dont think he as got any?

You never know Heljan may have a dabble in the MOD sector?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have finished the KFA, just painted it in primer. I have added some airpipes to it from pictures I took of one in Didcot Yard.  I did not take enough pictures of where the pipes go (as usual) so this is the best I could make out from my pictures, the chances of me getting round another anytime soon are slim. I have ordered some Revell Lufthansa Blue from a shop online and Precision Labels did some transfers for the containers in 4mm so I hope he can do them in 7mm. The KFA flat comes with a set of transfers thankfully.











When new the bogies were painted blue as well as the body.



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Sorry for not getting back earlier Gazza but I "think" they were available seperately. I bought these off Pete harvey some time ago and the old memory has gone i'm afraid but I would think Pete would do them on their own. What's next, now there's a question. I have a Jim McGowen Queen Mary and a Hobby Holidays early warflat to do, a Heljan 60 body to paint as 60081. For the future I will be getting at Telford a PRMRP Shark and a Sealion to go with the Heljan Dogfish and Catfish when they are out.

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The wagon was supplied with transfers that Pete Harvey got Railtec to do, hopefully get those on later. I found out that Precision Labels had done the container transfers for someone in 4mm and so he has done a set in 7mm.


Those won't be going on for a bit though as I have a niggling little problem with the containers in that the paint won't dry on the roofs and underneath! The resin that they are made from always had a sticky feel to it that I could not fully get rid of. But when I sprayed them with Halfords white primer it did seem to dry ok so I went ahead with the Humbrol Red. But this is just not drying off completely. Hopefully it might go off fully in a day or two as it seems to be a bit better now I have left them outside today. But I have a nagging doubt that it might be something in the resin that's coming through the paints?

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Whilst I am waiting for the paint to dry on the MoD containers I dug out this kit from Hobby Holidays of a WW2 Warflat that I bought last year. It was designed by the same person who did the Warwells I did a couple of years ago. You can tell it's designed the same because it's made from heavy gauge brass and there are a few lamination's to make to get the thickness," just like the real thing", so you need a good hot iron and plenty of solder to assemble it. Having said that I think you could stand on it and it won't bend! I have stuck on some old bogies I had in a draw for the time being as the working diamond frame ones in the kit will take me a while to make.









There a couple of V hangers and a vac res tank but that's it as far as brakes go. I know there is a wagon at the Swindon& Cricklade Railway that still has a vac brake by the looks of the picture I took a couple of weeks ago so another visit is in order to stick the camera under it to see what's needed in the vac cylinder etc department.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I have made the diamond frame bogies for the Warflat now and they do look nice. But I have no idea how to attach the brake blocks as the instructions are for another style of diamond frame bogie and the etches bear no resemblance to it either. There are only 4 axlebox ends on the fret as well! I have added the vac res cylinder from some brass tube and blanked the ends off with some brass sheet. The vac cylinder is from JLTRT that they supplied in their TTA kits. No vac cylinders are supplied but in fairness you can't see them. The cast vac pipe is also from JLTRT as is the lower part of the couplings. The long top links and hooks are etches supplied in the kit.

















Edited by brian daniels
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I am sure it will look just as good CME  :good:


Transfers on, just varnishing next.


Thanks Brian - much appreciated - lets hope so.

Whilst I am waiting for the paint to dry on the MoD containers I dug out this kit from Hobby Holidays of a WW2 Warflat that I bought last year. It was designed by the same person who did the Warwells I did a couple of years ago. You can tell it's designed the same because it's made from heavy gauge brass and there are a few lamination's to make to get the thickness," just like the real thing", so you need a good hot iron and plenty of solder to assemble it. Having said that I think you could stand on it and it won't bend! I have stuck on some old bogies I had in a draw for the time being as the working diamond frame ones in the kit will take me a while to make.









There a couple of V hangers and a vac res tank but that's it as far as brakes go. I know there is a wagon at the Swindon& Cricklade Railway that still has a vac brake by the looks of the picture I took a couple of weeks ago so another visit is in order to stick the camera under it to see what's needed in the vac cylinder etc department.



I was just about to say I had spied one on S&CR back in the late Spring - you should have popped in for a cuppa!


As always lovely work Brian, I love the military bias - superb!

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