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    Retired Professional Photographer, so do not expect to see any pictures in my posts! LOL

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  1. I think I understand what your saying, but unless both Kadees are “open” the remote coupling function will not work. I use the “Kadee shuffle” on my locos but it isn’t that reliable TBH, I find a dozen or so micro magnets 3mm x8mm in the track do a good job.
  2. Yep, ideal car for going logging…….I said LOGGING! 😁
  3. Unfortunately it doesn’t keep the real advantage of Kadees in that unless the truck has the same mechanism fitted you won’t get the remote uncoupled shunting feature.
  4. I didn’t say he had, I was talking about the controller which is Hornby’s cheap standard controller.
  5. If I were twenty years old again and called classic I don’t think I’d mind at all…….if only 😁
  6. Well considering Kai cars were introduced in 1949 so probably less modern than many in here.
  7. Nor can they in Cornwall…….
  8. STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT I promised I wouldn’t buy another Loco before Christmas, and your not helping 😄
  9. The kei cars were actually built to comply with a maximum size hence most are just boxed shape which maximises space inside, reason was of course very little free space in Cities in Japan and often you couldn’t own a car unless you could prove you had garage/parking space for it. And yes they did tend to throw everything into them including some “interesting” engines.
  10. Oooo the XK is a definite project just waiting, the XJ I suspect sat there has very little “floor” left intact.
  11. First point if it’s done a lot of miles then maybe it’s due, but I’d expect at least 50k a set, my company had 100K plug changes, then again it wasn’t Honda, and Honda make excellent engines that are sometimes pushing their capacity output, which exactly covers your second point. Not sure if it’s still relevant but the Japanese market was always taxed on engine size rather than output or emissions which is why there are a lot of smaller capacity high output ICE from/in Japan.
  12. Seems dumb to not even use a Loco that is in the TT range, colour, name, smoke deflectors etc etc Then again ever since the launch there have been some very, very strange manipulated publicity graphics published.
  13. Sorry to mention “his” name but….Sam’s trains had a test of a trains set which came with that controller and it buzzed and was basically not good at all, he changed to his normal GM controller and the Loco performed well.
  14. They can’t, AS don’t make a Class 46 yet…….do you McC? 😉
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