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Rüthi (Rheintal) SBB industrial shunting layout


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  • RMweb Gold

What with CK's delightful Bethesda Sidings and 10800's 'Midi' odyssey I was feeling left out of things! As a distraction from work on 'Balcombe' I thought that I needed to do something different.


Having been influenced by the baseboard construction of one 'ovine' contributor on here, I thought that I would get a couple of  IKEA 'Lack' coffee table sets to play with! (Thanks Rob!)


The first idea was for a Plymouth based  BR(S) layout (Cattewater/Turnchapel area, which may or may not subsequently come about...!)


After seeing this u-tube film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsVR1OjygHo Well, I have one of these locos in the shape of a Hobbytrain Ee6/6. These were monster shunting engines. I believe that they're all gone now.





The Baron gave me three locos to sell for him but when I saw one of them I just had to buy it from him!




Then I found this video of the other one that was to be sold! I checked it out on the DRAG test track and it ran faultlessly for such a tiny thing.



In the meantime I had acquired the railcar that would pass back and forth across the front. I know that it's a 'Seetal' unit so it would be 'out-of-area' but hey.....!



There will be a 'virtual' museum off to the right with 'museumsloks' occasionally trundling across the scene. All very improbable but fun I think!


Most of the track off the main and loop will be embedded in concrete and made from copper clad and probably with phosphor-bronze rail to match the Tillig code 83 plain line and the ballasted pointwork that will be used. I always find copper clad track building very satisfying. Thought was given to building it in P87 but with the wheel turning down work that would be needed, sense prevailed. Anyway The Baron could play with all his unconverted wonders that he has!


The main and loop will be wired and maybe a small amount of the yard. The rest will be plain line so the little battery tractor will earn its keep shuttling stuff around. The premise is that the warehouse will be a storage and distribution warehouse for commercial building insulation (Celotex type of product) and other building materials. One such company exists called 'Flumroc' (from Flums in Switzerland, near the Lichtenstein border) and the bonus is that Roco did a 'Flumroc' decorated High Capacity van Hbbillns one of which I have acquired, Being that near to Austria maybe an excuse can be found for some OBB stock!

Some SBB OLE has been supplied by Blackwells of Hawkwell from their most fortuitous 30% discount (or thereabouts) sale!


The 'current' track plan (very much subject to revision!) is ongoing and will be posted when minds (there are several of them!) are made up!











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  • RMweb Gold

A couple more of these would be nice.




This is pure overkill but I've always wanted one of these and have finally found one.

The diesel version.



The real brute. Note the superb weathering. To be attempted!







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  • RMweb Gold

Having now realized that the 'huge Warships' were used on infrastructure trains when wiring work was being done so it would seem that a short infrastructure train should feature!


Here's the plan.


A location has been chosen which will be Rüthi (Rheintal) in the canton of St Gallen which lies on the Swiss/Lichtenstein border. Apart from seeing such a facility and the approximate track layout at another location in the Winterthur area  back awhile, this will be purely a figment of the imagination. I'm hoping that it will be fun to play with! 


The 'at home' section will be built on two 1200mm x 600mm IKEA 'Lack' coffee table tops as per Rob's (NHY 571) tried and tested methods. There will be a short FY at the RHS and a slightly longer one to the left. The off-scene 'Museum storage' to the right is a blatant excuse to run some lovely elderly stock across the front!


Eventually, if it gets to be exhibited, there will be another 1200mm board added . A big thankyou goes to Rod (10800) for doing all the Templot for me. It was originally planned using the really 'old school' Protofour ¼ scale track planning templates. They've proved very useful both back then in the pre-computer times and now for this project.


The bottom track is the bi-directional 'main' with the loop the next one above . The rather good Tillig code 83 will be used for the SBB track. This part will of course be fully wired with the lovely 'Sommerfeldt' equipment. I'm awaiting their information book to arrive from Germany so that a correct as possible set-up can be achieved, which would be nice!


Behind the fence, the yard will be built from copperclad and code 83 rail and will be concreted in. Some of it will be wired, probably with simple wiring.






This is a real factory/warehouse with disused inlaid track in Rüthi. Although with a different track layout, it does gives me a feel to it all.




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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, Re6/6 said:

I'm awaiting their information book to arrive from Germany so that a correct as possible set-up can be achieved, which would be nice!



Good luck with that then!


I found this helpful - 



but - would love to know where he got the nice guide tools from because the Sommerfeld guide 158 is - well - naff. Currently 3D printing something more usable.


You will get another take on the feel you are looking for here - - https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@47.662457,8.9771442,3a,75y,297.01h,69.16t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sA_OtVu1f5r0z2vH8MkCVCA!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo2.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DA_OtVu1f5r0z2vH8MkCVCA%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D133.73853%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en-GB



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Viessmann do some gauges for overhead that look very similar to those in the video except they are blue in colour




The red ones are Marklin, just needed to find out what to call them, mastpositionslehre





Edited by brigo
Added Marklin
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  • RMweb Premium
49 minutes ago, brigo said:

Viessmann do some gauges for overhead that look very similar to those in the video except they are blue in colour




The red ones are Marklin, just needed to find out what to call them, mastpositionslehre





Good work tracking them down - annoyingly no use for HOm. Print job is finished and if they prove successful, will share the results.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

How could this lovely little beastie not be acquired?......... It has just arrived from that famous emporium in far reaches of Kernowland!






I quite like the Re 4/4 I at the rear!....mmmmm...!



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  • RMweb Premium

Looks very good, simple but plenty of operating potential. You joke about a virtual museum being just off scene, but there are plenty of museums/depots a short distance from a station - Lyss, Sissach, Le Locle, Brugg and Koblenz for example. Plenty of excuses for something random to trundle by! 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

A brilliant find Neil. Many thanks. I now want an Am 843! Parts of it have the 'essence' of what I'm looking for.


A translation:

A spectacle takes place in the middle of Zurich up to four times a day: a long freight train travels on the sidewalks and across busy squares. With it, SBB Cargo delivers 200,000 tons of grain a year to Swissmill, the largest grain store in Switzerland. The special train has a long tradition and used to serve other companies in the industrial area. But with the change of the quarter, the Korn-Koloss comes to new honors. The megatonner has long been a cult among tourists and neighborhood travelers. NZZ TV was able to accompany the bizarre trip through District 5 with the camera and was given an insight into what the tour means for SBB Cargo employees.

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