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5 hours ago, Sophia NSE said:

Safety valves and some coal added




Nice tank locomotive. It sort of dips from the front to the back according to the sideview, though. I expect it runs well in both directions.

Edited by LNWR18901910
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10 hours ago, LNWR18901910 said:

Nice tank locomotive. It sort of dips from the front to the back according to the sideview, though. I expect it runs well in both directions.

It dips because the body wasn't actually attached at the time. The coal load was still drying out but I was impatient and wanted a couple of pictures

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"Are those new bogie wheels?"

"Why, yes. Alan Gibson's to be exact."

"Well la di flippin' da!"

"Stop complaining, you're getting your lining..."

"Hang on, has she lost your body fixing screw?"

"It's just been misplaced. Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"Not until she gets me a motor!"




Edited by Sophia NSE
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a spare chassis to make another 0-4-4 and thought it could be fun to let you guys choose what I bash it out of (within reason!). So the choices will be as follows;





Another Q1 

Other (bodies must be able to be easily bought online) 

Prairie (large or small)


This will be my new year project so happy voting!




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17 hours ago, AdamsRadial said:

Why not grab a Dapol Prairie kit and make a Never-wossa-wun-like-that?

Not a bad idea at all. It's on the list. 

Also the idea of an 0-4-4 saddle tank is very interesting

Edited by Sophia NSE
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I have two of the Triang clockwork 0-6-0STs sitting on the mantlepiece while I pluck up the courage to chop them about. I tried running them on my layout with the idea of them pushing a track-cleaning wagon around, but each of them galloped off at a stupid speed and tried to hurl themselves to the floor. One succeeded and so they're both on the naughty plinth for the time being. I have one electric version but that's sacrosanct, the first 00 locomomtive I had was the saddle tank, and stuffed full of plasticene it was (to me as a teenager) a phenomenal locomotive.


Looking at the clockwork bodies, the splashers actually lead you towards making them an 0-4-4ST. I have some photos somewhere of a Beyer Peacock saddle tank I saw in a Finland railway museum which was either an 0-4-2 or an 0-4-4.


On the earlier subject of chopping around the Dapol Prairie, I've just realised the potential for making one of the Lithgow heavy banking 2-6-2ST locos using a Prairie and two Hunslets.


ETA Bad News

From the thread on the Dapol meat Van I've just learned that Dapol don't do the J94 kit, apparently the tooling was lost in a fire. So it's back to the Triang Saddle tanks.

Edited by AdamsRadial
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40 minutes ago, AdamsRadial said:

I have two of the Triang clockwork 0-6-0STs sitting on the mantlepiece while I pluck up the courage to chop them about. I tried running them on my layout with the idea of them pushing a track-cleaning wagon around, but each of them galloped off at a stupid speed and tried to hurl themselves to the floor. One succeeded and so they're both on the naughty plinth for the time being.

I had a similar accident with mine about 50 years ago (how time flies), the chimney broke off and never sat straight again. I may be trying to teach you to suck eggs, but I recall a speed restrictor on the side of the chassis, it comprised a springy strip that pressed on the projecting end of one of the gear shafts, and the pressure was adjusted by a small screw. The main problem was to restrict the fully wound speed to a reasonable degree meant the loco came to a premature halt. Not a very sophisticated governor. No longer with us I'm afraid, oh for some foresight when I was younger.


WRT the J83 body - did not the NBR have a Drummondish 0-4-4T? And a couple of 4-4-0Ts? And there was a Drummondish Caley 0-4-4T too.


Jinty body - Stanier 0-4-4T, but the Johnson option too, especially if you remove the belpaire and reprofile the cab roof?


A large prairie body suggests a County tank?

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1 hour ago, AdamsRadial said:

I have two of the Triang clockwork 0-6-0STs sitting on the mantlepiece while I pluck up the courage to chop them about. I tried running them on my layout with the idea of them pushing a track-cleaning wagon around, but each of them galloped off at a stupid speed and tried to hurl themselves to the floor. One succeeded and so they're both on the naughty plinth for the time being. I have one electric version but that's sacrosanct, the first 00 locomomtive I had was the saddle tank, and stuffed full of plasticene it was (to me as a teenager) a phenomenal locomotive.


Looking at the clockwork bodies, the splashers actually lead you towards making them an 0-4-4ST. I have some photos somewhere of a Beyer Peacock saddle tank I saw in a Finland railway museum which was either an 0-4-2 or an 0-4-4.


On the earlier subject of chopping around the Dapol Prairie, I've just realised the potential for making one of the Lithgow heavy banking 2-6-2ST locos using a Prairie and two Hunslets.


ETA Bad News

From the thread on the Dapol meat Van I've just learned that Dapol don't do the J94 kit, apparently the tooling was lost in a fire. So it's back to the Triang Saddle tanks.

Hi Adam,

With a bit of work you could end up with something looking like this. This is my electric powered one. I still have a spare electric body in mint condition so if I wanted I could put it back to original condition.





Edited by cypherman
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Had a very bad modelling day today. The homebrew controller I've been building refuses to work despite everything appearing to be fine internally. The final straw was when my Q1 misbehaved yet again and my admittedly not very good soldering job literally fell apart.

All railway equipment very quickly and quietly put into a box before the Q1 was launched at the nearest wall. Mojo well and truly gone. I'll still be lurking on here but not as active as I have been :(:(

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  • RMweb Premium

Your H class 0-4-4T looks very good, with nice lining... Can I suggest one thing that will make a big difference? The space behind the motorised chassis and the bige is very open at the minute. If you could fabricate something that would look like the bottom of the firebox/ashpan and a bit of frames towards the bogie to get rid of that openess she will look top dollar.


Thats a very nice look-a-likey of a Drummond Dornoch Tankie...


Andy G

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