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Roco have released a new firmware (v1.15) for the Z21 which you can find here


Software & Tools - Downloads - Roco z21


There are some very useful additions (at least for me) with a Railcom monitor and also a Loconet monitor. There also now the ability to switch DCC turnouts and an increased number of  Zimo MX decoders that can be updated (but of you know how you can update ALL Zimo decoders using a Z21 :) )


Hope this is useful



Edited by WIMorrison
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  • WIMorrison changed the title to Z21 Firmware and Software Update
  • 6 months later...

If anyone can workout what the


LAN: Added new LAN commands for CAN booster management


addition means can you please tell me?  I have searched the manuals for the Z21 and 10806/10707 and can find no mention of what these LAN commands are in either of the manuals :(


I am hoping that they mean I (or iTrain) can read the internal voltages and currents like I can in the Z21 but without some information from Roco I am lost.


I have also emailed Roco to ask them what this is about, but experience suggests it could be quite a wait for an answer.

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1 hour ago, WIMorrison said:

If anyone can workout what the


LAN: Added new LAN commands for CAN booster management


addition means can you please tell me?  I have searched the manuals for the Z21 and 10806/10707 and can find no mention of what these LAN commands are in either of the manuals :(


I am hoping that they mean I (or iTrain) can read the internal voltages and currents like I can in the Z21 but without some information from Roco I am lost.


I have also emailed Roco to ask them what this is about, but experience suggests it could be quite a wait for an answer.

Latest protocol spec at https://www.z21.eu/media/Kwc_Basic_DownloadTag_Component/root-en-main_47-1652-959-downloadTag-download/default/d559b9cf/1628743384/z21-lan-protokoll-en.pdf , (v1.11en dated 11-Aug-2021). I believe chapter 10 is what you need.




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  • 2 years later...

It will install where-ever you unzip the file into. If you install to the same directory as the old version it will overwrite them, which could be useful if you have shortcuts as they will still work.


If you needed an older version later (can't understand why) then you would just download the older version.



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3 hours ago, RobinofLoxley said:

No what I mean is the new download doesnt overwrite the earlier files, so you have more than one set; you then delete the earlier version manually

Correct, it's just a zip file.

You don't need to delete the earlier zip file version.




John P

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