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I am not sure what these couplings are called, all I know is that they are used mainly on European HO scale models and most recently Hornby Mk3 coaches and Bachmann DMUs. I have absolutely no idea what they're called and haven't found them for sale at any of my usual haunts. I'm looking for a supplier for these either in The UK or a bulk supplier in China.



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The look similar to the Marklin 72060 type available from Gaugemaster




However, these Evemodel couplers look more similar to your picture (I've never heard of Evemodel before, but found them from a search for 'H0 NEM Hook and Loop').





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For some reason Bachmann call them DMU couplings despite them being suitable for any stock.  There's a straight version and a cranked version.  Kernow have them in stock (though only 4 packs of straight).




Edited by Metr0Land
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3 hours ago, Metr0Land said:

For some reason Bachmann call them DMU couplings despite them being suitable for any stock. 

 Probably because the only UK prototype stock they supply (Afair) that used them, are the 1st gen DMU’s. 

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1 hour ago, SamThomas said:

Let's see if the pendants can come up with some extraineous comments.


I assume you mean 'pedants' rather than 'pendants' and 'extraneous' rather than 'extraineous'.  Yes, I know I'm being pedantic - I just can't help it when people make these comments.  :D

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1 hour ago, Dungrange said:


I assume you mean 'pedants' rather than 'pendants' and 'extraneous' rather than 'extraineous'.  Yes, I know I'm being pedantic - I just can't help it when people make these comments.  :D

You bit - have a Housepoint/House Point/House-point.

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5 hours ago, Dungrange said:

The look similar to the Marklin 72060 type available from Gaugemaster




However, these Evemodel couplers look more similar to your picture (I've never heard of Evemodel before, but found them from a search for 'H0 NEM Hook and Loop').





Thanks, the Marklin ones are nice and long, need these as the locos that will be getting them have some rather long cow catchers. I think I saw Evemodel ones on AliExpress

5 hours ago, Metr0Land said:

For some reason Bachmann call them DMU couplings despite them being suitable for any stock.  There's a straight version and a cranked version.  Kernow have them in stock (though only 4 packs of straight).




Thanks, they do look a bit short and the straight ones don't look like the are NEM compatible.

3 hours ago, SamThomas said:

How many do you want ?


I've got loads of them - send me a PM if you are interested.


Let's see if the pendants can come up with some extraineous comments.

I'll PM you later today.

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Australians call them, "Dunny Seats".


I can't think why!  :scratchhead:


There are several variants differing mainly in operating height, uncoupling method (ramp or magnetic), and whether they allow delayed uncoupling.

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Il Grifone said:

Australians call them, "Dunny Seats".


I can't think why!  :scratchhead:


There are several variants differing mainly in operating height, uncoupling method (ramp or magnetic), and whether they allow delayed uncoupling.

Just like dunny seats in fact!

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