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Remembering all the great modeling and brilliant results that were achieved with the Great British loco collection locos. Goodness knows I'm still working my way through a great stack of them even now.

 I've always thought it was a shame and a missed opertunaty that Del Prado didn't also do the N scale Highland railway Duke class in OO 

 If they had of I'd have most likely got as many of them as I have the Caley single which if you could ever see how many of them I've chopped up for projects I would have justified the cost of producing the Duke in OO on my own.


 Has any one felt it's a shame that other locos could have been done in the range that were missed. 

 How about an LMS Bayer Garret maybe because of its size done in two parts?


Would love to hear of your thoughts on the Duke and any other that could have should have been done.



The N gauge HR Duke class a lovely iconic HR loco but the tender alone could be used on a Sky bogie and no doubt others and the loco might have made a good base for other HR types like the HR Jones tank or the Glenberry class or the aforementioned Sky bogie 



Edited by Londontram
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