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  • RMweb Premium

I have an Atlas  GP35 with the pictured DCC decoder. JMRI via Sprog throws up a variety of Zimo possibilities. The loco is supposed to be sound fitted albeit there is no speaker. The large 4 pin connector is obviously track feed plus motor connections. It looks as if it should be some form of Atlas factory fitted decoder given the size of the heatsinks. If so, does anyone have a wiring diagram for the 16 pin connector which is curently wired to the headlights and class lights. I'm wondering if two of the pins are for a speaker feed.

Any help would be much appreciated.



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47 minutes ago, Ref44 said:

I have an Atlas  GP35 with the pictured DCC decoder. JMRI via Sprog throws up a variety of Zimo possibilities. The loco is supposed to be sound fitted albeit there is no speaker. The large 4 pin connector is obviously track feed plus motor connections. It looks as if it should be some form of Atlas factory fitted decoder given the size of the heatsinks.


Can't identify it as I have no direct DCC experience, but if JMRI is correct it is not factory fitted - Zimo essentially does not exist in the North American market.


I believe Atlas used QSI in the past and is currently Loksound.

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If it's Zimo then reading CV8 should return 145.

Then reading CV250 will give you a number which you can look up in the Zimo Large Decoder manual to determine which decoder it is.




John P

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  • RMweb Premium

The fuel tank is empty; the wiring of the lights is a mess, the marker lights are on F0 and one headlight is on F4. It has obviously been modified by a previous owner. As stated previously I'm hoping to find a wiring diagram; with 20 connections it would be nice if 2 were for a speaker. The loco runs on DCC so fitting speaker wouldn't be an issue. If all else fails I'll rip it all out and fit my usual Loksound XL.

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  • RMweb Premium



Yes I did; the loco runs very smoothly; I just need a circuit diagram for the decoder. I don't suppose you recognise it by any chance?




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  • RMweb Premium



Many thanks for the info. It is a lovely model; I'm hoping to get several years of use out of it before I get to the stoge of having to let stuff go. Please pass my thanks to the gentleman.



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1 hour ago, Ref44 said:



Many thanks for the info. It is a lovely model; I'm hoping to get several years of use out of it before I get to the stoge of having to let stuff go. Please pass my thanks to the gentleman.



Will do Mike.  American 2-rail O-scale has been my prime mover for over 45 years, so your comment "having to let stuff go" means I may have to look the steel frame chair and spotlight out?


Not unreasonably, Sophie at Anor Anon didn't check the carpet under the layout for bits we might find useful, so a visit is in plan.


But seriously(!), I used to trade in O and import, so if you're building/enlarging a layout for the GP35 ask if you get stuck again or I'll have to actually produce a list 


ps to all: Atlas have announced a tri-level autorack - 2-rail, true O-scale, GUESS: about £150 landed. Anyone else interested so we possibly could save a bit on shipping therefore VAT?  

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  • RMweb Premium

Layout plans are on hold; we need to move re the wifes disabilities. There is a stock of bits from Jay Creswell ready for when I can make a start. I'm hoping I will be good for 25 years or so before needing to think about getting rid of excess stock.

I'll bear your kind offer in mind for when I can make a start. Till then, my 7ft long Chicago Fork will have to suffice.

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22 hours ago, jasond said:


ps to all: Atlas have announced a tri-level autorack - 2-rail, true O-scale, GUESS: about £150 landed. Anyone else interested so we possibly could save a bit on shipping therefore VAT?  

Unfortunately not. Far too big for my layout.

Just my opinion, but I thought Sophie's prices were rather on the high side, especially the two diesels, and now it comes to light that at least one of them was not as it left the factory. :scratchhead: :dontknow:


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Atlas first shipped the GP35 in question 15 years ago and offered it for us 2-railers as straight DC, with a version of Lionel TMCC(!) for sound and dummy (bring back dummy and let us 2-railers use 3-rail manufacturers OK bits!!!).  The previous owner DCCed it, the option wasn't available out of the factory.


I operated on his layout (DCC, some sound, car cards operation) and it all worked well.  I have to admit I was jealous, even though it was mid-west UP!


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  • RMweb Premium

As the present owner, I think the confusion has arisen as the loco was in the wrong box. The model is  No.749; the box is for No.744  (Quantum Sound) which presumably why it was thought to be sound fiited. The box even includes the magnetic wand for resetting the system. I bought it on the basis that the sound wasn't working; now explained by the fact that it was never fitted!


I'm in the same boat re Auto racks; they will be too big.




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