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Lellizzick Quay a NCR backwater


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  • RMweb Premium

Previous post was June 12th 2022

This post 21st September.


Summer turns to autumn so back to the train room!
Bit of scenic work going on between chippying the missing board.
Working up the pond/stream the basket liner is just base for static grass.




Anyway the contraption board as Jeff Grainger (Gill Head etc, Fame) christened this board.
After planning it way back and angling in each side all looked good in my minds eye!
But setting the 2 ends and front panel up screwed and glued it’s not feasible to swing it back!
I guess I should of listened in geometry!



Below left hand end the hinge side and pivot point. I angled the edge so the movable board didn’t need to come back to a right angle.




How to remedy the situation, my gut feeling is the angle on the right hand end where green meets red line needs taking back towards the left to a point where the green line arc no longer chops into the right hand board.
Then the right hand board with the rock face on it needs extending to meet the new angle of the movable board.
Also tempting to cut a piece out of the front arched panel and join back up together rather than cutting a new front panel.
If anyone should be looking in any view on the deliberate mistake and fix would be welcome.


All was not lost here though days later I had a brain wave as you’ll see.

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Inspiration came it doesn’t need to swing! 4 castors slides in slides out. Al la tea trolley!
screwed it in place after putting the other side panel on. To make building it easier so I’m hopping over or ducking under for now!


Temp screwed to next board.




Cross brace blocks added.




The 8mm supposed to be 9mm ply a bit boomerang so braced up with a chump of timber. To keep straight while measuring up for the cross braces.



Had to do the same on the other side. No photo of that.
Enjoying this now. Pond/stream coming on a tad too.
More soon.

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1st October post.

More done today.
That’s how far the boomerang shape was lying out of line.
braced it up, I won’t say square as there’s not much square on this board but parallel shall we say!
Cross braces in track abutments next.



More soon.
Cheers for the likes and looking in.
Probably off to Portishead WC&P show tomorrow.



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  • RMweb Premium

Coming together now!
Decided insulation board would be light and keep it parallel! And provide a top to go away from.
But what a mess! Hoovered up now though and tidy.




Bartoline grab adhesive works great on the insulation board, cheap at my local outlet.
Proper Job.

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Probably should of dropped the cross braces etc. to allow a nice flat top to be laid.
Anyway I didn’t so the solution was drop some square 5mm timber around the top to protect the foam board edge.
I‘m leaning towards having both viaducts removable. For photo opportunities and they will both be there for playing trains! I mean when operating the layout.



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ummm dawned on me today viaduct is too high!
about 3 locos high as opposed to about 2 it was intended to be!
I could change it by raising the tea trolley board and rebasing out the turn end board.
But I think I’ll plough on to get something running goal.


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Much done but not a lot to see!
The foam board top was PVA masking taped down as per @Andy P s method on formers.
then layer after layer of PVA watered down 50/50 to start then more towards neat probably 8 coats on there now ready for the first river colour to go on.
Also making up runners for this board to sit on either side to hopefully alleviate constant adjustment to the castors.



Need some traditional curtain track now for the running faces. Thrown loads out in the past! Thought I had some in the loft which I did but not quite long enough. 
There is a deliberate mistake on the woodwork!
More soon


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Now you can spot the deliberate mistake.
First side made up wooden/plastic runners.




opposite side supporting woodwork attached with 6mm bolts.
Then support runner attached the trolley runner just placed on glue still wet for photo.
Its in clamps now over night to take out a slight twist.



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Tricky having the trolley board on carpet, think the castors could of done with being larger, but to give consistent baseboard height without the need for height adjustment it works!


Toggle latches on we’re about done! Phew




Now you can see why I’ve been putting off building this board for so long! I look back in a minute and see how long it’s taken!
But with a view to getting trains running as discussed earlier in the thread it had to be done.
I’ve lashed some colour on it to make a start and get the white gone.
Cheers for looking in.


Edited by AdeMoore
Photo placement
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Getting the track height right to the prototype ready for cutting the viaduct supporting girders.
I thought they were round but it appears they are square section with ribs.



One of those funny copper topped engines in the last photo!

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  • RMweb Premium

2 steps forward 3 steps back 2 steps forward.



maths went bad made up some extra height with foam blocks, I didn’t need!
temporary cross braces until I can nail the track bed width.




When the deck was offered up it was too high. Oh by those foam blocks!




Wrong alignment below now sorted!

Old viaduct deck ditched and recut in ply in one piece and an overlap made to hang the removable viaduct on this end.




Below we’re getting there Foam blocks removed. The deck is a bit short! No problem to sort.
Next mould the concrete bases. Then it’s glue time.



Edited by AdeMoore
More info added
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Put plenty of time in but not a lot to show! Getting viaduct sturdy enough and lined up. Copper clad soldered on Lellizzick end. Layers of foam board on and track trimmed to suit a baulk timbering look.
But trying not to get bogged down on the detail and get trains running!






Foam board needs relaying on the left of the viaduct in the second photo.
Using carpet spray adhesive it sometimes reacts to plastics, the sliver of some I used there to aid the transition in levels has, should of tested it. I use it for speed!
More soon.

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More done track got to the other side and copper clad done that side on the join.
forgot to add droppers on the 1st bit of rail on the new side of the viaduct and the track was superglued down only a few sleepers after the copper clad so managed with the help of the helping hands tool to lift and sort it.
The feed for the viaduct was a puzzle I had ideas of magnets and copper clad with brass bearer passing power then it came to me just sneak a pair of wires of the side into a connection block and disguise the block under something removable.
Soldering ain’t pretty but with the new station it’s so much easier! I realise how bad the old Amazon cheapie was now!




Cheers for looking in.

More soon.

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  • 3 months later...
  • RMweb Premium

Way back I built the tunnel that runs out behind the quay. Had no tracksettas then and played it by judging set track curves laid on top the flexi track poor I know but been doing that for a while. Anyway running the West Country through the tunnel once in every 5 times it would derail the front bogie. Applying the set tracker there was an obvious flaw. Nothing for it in pure Tony Wrights guidance get the track running perfectly before scenery.

Even read a reference to that today on a thread somewhere!






Doing it in stages first bit to tunnel mouth glued 50/50 water Pva.


Edited by AdeMoore
Plural when should of been singular
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  • 4 months later...
  • RMweb Premium

That was April, then the summer break and here we are all to quickly from a none summer point of view back to nights drawing in and some modelling.
Rob Gunstone and a few other contributors to this thread advised get some trains running first don’t concentrate on finishing areas! As seen on previous pages that’s what I‘m going for.
That was it tested and ok and left until the last few weeks when I‘ve snatched a few evenings.
Then I got the opposite side of the viaduct laid and connected temporary and at last a train running!




Not faultless but I’m happy.

Now consideration as to what next probably complete the track and a bit of scenery along the way.
The Quay board side of the viaduct I’m thinking is none to clever.
As the viaduct is based on The Curved Iron one in Barnstaple a building as per those on the bank there call to me but that wouldn’t fit and make a transition to the quay.
What is currently there is based on Great Torrington out the tunnel and across the viaduct.
Any ideas greatly received!








Until next time.


P.S. Yeah should been something green on the hook but these S&Ds came with the loco an eBay buy Compton Martin pines express set. They might get sprayed green yet!

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Can’t find a photo of Torrington viaduct looking back towards Torrington to see how much rock actually showed if any in the steam era! Certainly some on the station side. Found the photo below, got permission from John Cosford to use. All credit to him. Kinda of a similar feel to what I currently have gone for, but remain less than confident it will work out ok!



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  • 2 months later...
  • RMweb Premium

So dark nights are here sat in front the telly box keeping Mrs Ade company.
Decided to weather my first ever loco!
No little tank or 0-4-0 loco for me .
Went straight in at the deep end. Work in progress but almost done.
Starting with how Lynton started out and how she ended up definitely not just done a few turn look more end of steam short of cleaning and maintenance.
Photo overload I couldn’t pick two! I thought would suffice!















I primarily used @NHY 581 Robs method
Post in thread 'The Sheep Chronicles. A Sheep dips his hooves in various bucolic backwaters.'
The Sheep Chronicles. A Sheep dips his hooves in various bucolic backwaters.
One of the Jedi masters of the art. I’ll never achieve that but it’s reasonable I’ll suggest!
Comments and further advice appreciated.

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November 21st on WT version of this topic/thread! Forget which calls it what!

So over on Jon,s thread All change! Traditional trainset. No.3 in the series.
I kinda reignited some enthusiasm from Jon’s enthusiasm for his new project!
so this evening up to the train room! And who ballasted a yard of track before he realised he hadn’t painted it!
ah well did enjoy it hoovered it off and then set about painting it.
Completed a yard and a half maybe. So then I can ballast it! Plenty to go but that is from the tunnel mouth to the under bridge. See if I can get a section into greenery would be ideal!

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Been at it recently, new job in September has helped new levels of energy! Though didn’t expect to be taking that course at 59 years of age! Company being bought out led to that.
So after trains ran where to start.
I thought about raising the viaduct baseboard as the viaduct is too high! That will be done but not yet.
Detailing the viaduct track bulks and viaduct itself, but not yet.
Building the narrow gauge base along the back. No.
Went with the embankment and tunnel and dew pond!
Not sure dew ponds are a thing in Cornwall they are around here in Somerset!
Sorry for the dark photos.
Ballasted and foam painted ready for soil and static grass.
Paint looked a bit dark!


The grass base on the right went in favour of a more rock cutting look as per the photo on my backscene as inspiration. Which is Trelill tunnel the only tunnel on the NCR.


Tunnel portal out the packet. Soil base paint altered wet still to more Cornwall. Rock form foam added ready to carve.


Not so red without additional light.


Sleepers still to be cleaned and ballast coloured as per Mike Buick‘s methods. First wash on the portal stonework.


Hanging basket liner added on right as a base layer.


Hanging basket liner as a static grass base. Not my idea but I saw the effect on Dan Everson’s layouts which always impresses so thought I’d give it a go.


Until next time.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 23/09/2023 at 18:16, AdeMoore said:

Can’t find a photo of Torrington viaduct looking back towards Torrington to see how much rock actually showed if any in the steam era!

I can offer you the following photo, taken in 1979 from an excursion train from Liverpool. The photo is looking towards rear of train (loco at both ends as no turning facilities at the destination, Meeth) in direction of Torrington.



Not sure if this helps?



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