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The layout grew until May 2024 but was not completed.

My Meldon Quarry sits in the Micro’s & Dioramas section ought to be here really, but it’s just track on a board to date!

This is a new board to adjoin it.









Until next time




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Reload photos. May 24 add text
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Bit more done, well a lot more done but unless you were studying the woodwork closely it doesn’t show up!






the curve was an off cut of a previous baseboard so seemed a shame not to use it up! Runs short so a lap joint was made to accommodate the next piece of baseboard.


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  • AdeMoore changed the title to Lellizzick Quay a NCR backwater
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Time to update here! Chris @2ManySpamsasked over on WT What’s the plan.

I need to rough out some track but I’m hopeful it will feature some 009 L&B.
It’s basically a scenic storage yard.
But the inspiration is a north of the border layout on RM name of which escapes me and Fremington Quay.


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Then time to get an idea of the track plan.
The rear line will be the through running line on a small embankment like that in the photos of the layout I screenshot the images of above lost the link to it now!
Then the storage/ narrow gauge transfer sidings? Maybe a little NG engine shed although that could be low relief as a scene entry RHS, the fremington signal box l quite like too.






Maybe another track left of the NG track time will tell.

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From code 100 to code 75 from left Meldon Board to the quay board straight into a tight radius curve but it works after trialing it.

Mocking up the supports for the 009 above.




It’s been done so many times it’s difficult to be original with the narrow gauge tunnel portal above a standard gauge one.
Trying different positions to work out where the supporting woodwork ought to go.




Not sure I said above so this may be a repeat the narrow gauge will enter the tunnel and disappear through the backscene to reappear further along the extended board.





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The position I originally thought was right for the 009 portal to exit through the backscene 




Then thinking I needed more hillside above the SG tunnel I think moving it back half a foot looked potentially better.









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Below the tunnel lining on the main line portal needed to be installed, so I could see where I could drop the NG track bed down to. As I see a need for a reduced incline to give the L&B loco a chance!
Out with the cereal packet cardboard and using a spare portal as a guide a shape was cut and fitted into the Lellizzick portal, the bend was stapled at the top overlap.
Holding to shape was providing to be a nightmare to stick the stone paper lining into it.
So I made a Heath Robinson jig to hold it and painted PVA on in a hope it will retain a bit of shape to stick the lining paperstone to.




PVAed the inside of the cardboard in a desperate attempt to get it to hold its shape.
It actually worked so happy with that.
Then uhu glued the printed stone paper on it.






Now I’ve realised I need to ballast that bit of track while access is good before installing the tunnel lining! Oh the joys still it’s heading in the right direction each bit is a bit closer to the end goal.


Painted and ballasted the track.



50/50 Pva glued it then realised it need ballast up to the tunnel walls!
Track laid and ballasted in the Mike Buick @scoobyramanner. Paint ballast paint all in acrylics.




Notice now the paper lining joint in the tunnel is far from perfect so needs addressing.

Those moulding pips are a pain to get rid of hadn’t spotted the one on the keystone!
Tried both a file and a knife without great success.

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Then I thought rather late in the day! It has to be said ! Best try out my untried theory of running the NG line from quayside up to the tunnel mouth exit over the standard gauge. 
oh dear even with a helix I don’t think it will work.




I do have video but suffice to say with a coach I had to drop it to an inch over about 5ft for the MW 009 to pull just one coach.




Plan b is a vertical transverser if I can make it work off scene.




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The extended board I decided was to unwieldy so was cut.




The incline over the SG tunnel will now not be needed so offered some timber to get an idea of things.







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Spun the board around to build the backscene support and NG track bed behind the backscene.




Next I built the track base behind the backscene and covered with foam board.
Soldered up some droppers on the the 009 track! Blimey that’s small to 00! New soldering iron though is a revelation.
Track down first L&B train ran on some permanent track.





Need to cut the track now for the lift out section then get the backscene in so I can spin it back around the right way and get it back in the corner where it belongs.

More soon I hope!

Cheers for looking in.


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  • 10 months later...
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By the time I came to update the thread we had the whole server crash thing and photos lost for good it now seems.

Fortunately I duplicated the thread on Western Thunder. So until I can be hacked to replace the photos.

Everything is here .


PS you need to be a member otherwise you just see thumbnails.

Ok 18/12/2022 paid my £12.00 to go premiership member. Must say it’s a game changer and shouldn’t of been so tight and done it earlier, but the ads did pee me off particularly the video ads you had to kill to see anything! So I’ve decided to bit the bullet and re upload my thread photos.

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Here we go one of many posts to get up to date!


Battled the lift out over the tunnel! Dremel cut the 009 track where it left the lift out board to exit behind backscene.
Oh dear! Failed to note how wide the disc was. Cue track removal rewire etc etc copper clad purchased and relaid track and test and remove to much solder until trains ran!


Tunnel lining was glued in and seams of lining paper disguised.
Below lift out section foam boarded on bottom for more sound deadening and power push connector installed.




Now done train room major tidy up next and get the boards back and all lined up.
cheers for looking in.Now done train room major tidy up next and get the boards back and all lined up.
cheers for looking in.

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A while since the last post but construction has been going on quietly.
I was not sure whether to post this or not as you’ll see I’m not sure what the word is it’s a little, contrived far fetched?
But following on from the Lellizzick board is the viaduct board.
I was planning a Taw river curved viaduct as Barnstaple was. I couldn’t get it to fit without major tearing up of the Meldon board. But as I had already built the opposite board to drop as a viaduct crossing, I chose to keep steaming in that direction.
So as below we have Torrington viaduct meets Chelfam viaduct!

 This all came out and was replaced later but for completeness I’ll include here.



Below this little extension of the board I had to make removable in case I need to remove from the room one day.
The viaduct board to the left will swing on wheels to give access to the centre well area.




I could not resist a little posing of loco’s,




So forgive my indulgence I’ll be back to the main subject soon.

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Trying a few things to workout the L&B narrow gauge exit from the backscene.
Fancied an over bridge over a stream as the timber I fixed for the embankment lent its self to it.
But now track laid and tested the coach overhang is rather unprotypical but with space constraints tight curves are par for the course. It works that’s the main thing on a 3 coach West Country hauled train. Wrong coaches for the NCL but what I had to hand.


Again this came out later but included for completeness.



Probably ballast next .

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I didn’t like that tight curve and the front bogie wheel on the West County was derailing. Funny as testing it with the tracked pinned it was ok but with track glued down hopeless.
It had to come out.
Also been to tight to invest in some tracksetta templates and used fixed radius curves as a guide for the flex track.
Anyway saw some cheap mdf ones on Model Rail and ordered a 15” and 18” not very long but do the job.
so Im looking at easing the bend to 15” as it was (but I had it a bit tighter three parts the way round!) then easing out to 18” at that point.


Yet more that later came out but included for completeness 




But stripping that out has given better access to the cliff I’m doing just behind it, so I laid in some foam.
Pic’s tomorrow hopefully.

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Messing about trying to get the rock face somewhere handy.
But thoughts turned to the quayside siding.
Toying with a removable hillock with sidings underneath.
An loading warehouse or engine shed with through roads.
Or keeping it open.
Not sure which way to go.
Plonked some buildings and a couple of dogfish on for some idea of scale.





I’m liking the warehouse engine shed idea less so.
just needs a hillock or something I feel and another idea on the sidings layout.

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I went for an open space around the sidings with a stream/pond. Photos of that once I have done a bit more and it’s worth posting.
In the meantime rain today on a little break to the coast so always a chance to do a little modelling, the brushes came out. The cheap acrylic paint has to go though. Serious lack of coverage! Tamiya I think is where it’s at. Though heard good things of mig and Vallejo is it?



Laser cut kit of Chelfam on the Lynton and Barnstaple, has its issues but I think it might turn out half decent.

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Carved some rocks out of foam, badly!
So after a few coats of paint I thought where I’d got over enthusiastic with the knife some of it wanted filling in.
There is scrub and bushes to add yet but it’s a start.



Next from BGmans bits and pieces at Swag the other Sunday raising money for Bristol & Weston hospitals charity.
If your not on RMweb you won’t have a clue, suffice to say BGman = Grahame Hitchen was taken suddenly and his grateful family sought to sell off his railway modelling items to raise some valuable funds.
I picked up a fair bit and the first bit I have used is some of his hanging basket liner.
I have filled in some of the crevices I thought not realistic.




Getting there I feel.

Then put back the viaduct timber work after the tracsetta realignment.





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Albion Yard a blog I follow Paul had a Link to Lance Mindheim’s blog which I found interesting, then explored further and this post HereI found rung very true to me.
Get trains running! forget the scenery bridges and viaducts plonk some timber in their place etc etc.
So having read this and to add I had a great nephew round Monday and he’s a train fan at 4, I could only run up and back 7ft on a single line. Now if I crack on with one more board I’ll be around the room for a tail chaser.
I have 2 boards already done that are in the shed awaiting their return to the train room.
But I was going down the split the layout up into manageable chunks route. Hence the Lellizzick Quay thread here, doing one board to scenery stage. Though it is part of a tail chaser.
I see modellers like Andy Peters, Rob and Chris doing the get em running first so I’m chewing over whether to drop what I’m currently doing and crack on with the next board or keep on the course I had set myself.
Fire away with your thoughts.

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For context of where I’m heading next I’ll take the liberty of posting Rob & Alan’s posts from WT.



Always get something running. Only do the basics of scewnery that might be difficult when the track is laid. Whilst layout building it is nice to have a play as well as a plan.



Hi Ade,

I'm definately in the get stuff running section.

I tend to get the track down and spend quite a while playing sorry testing things out before moving on.
For me, this helps to visualise the layout. As you know, I use mainly RTP buildings so I take the time to place the structures, looking for good views, sightlines.

It also helps with getting ideas for the scenery, what compliments the buildings etc

Once the track is painted and ballasted, things can then move quite quickly as in effect you have already worked out the basics. Everything literally just drops into place.

Of course, if the truth be known your great nephew won't care one jot if there's no scenery or buildings.....it's the movement that provides the entertainment, initially at least.



Cheers Alan having also read Robs reply below yours it has to be the way to go with 2 unanimous votes!
I definitely leaning that way.
Cheers for the reply

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Cheers Rob I didn’t tag you in my post as I didn’t want to make you feel obliged!
But having read your excellent summary of your approach it makes perfect sense.
Out with the wood working tools it is.
Only trouble is this is a complicated board I’m building it to swing for access to the centre hole. As I didn’t want a duck under or lift up. That means wheels! And with 2 viaducts on it. I may just plank those for now and duck under! But hinges in place ready. Needs thinking about.
Watch this space 

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So cracking on as per the above. The next board is potentially a duck under to get to the centre well.
Knowing that’s no good long term, not a fan of lift out and tip up would hit the ceiling before being upright .
I‘ve come up with an alternative a swing back! Probably ill conceived but worth a shot, bits are in place.
Sketch sorted let the timber cutting commence!


The potential duck under as above.
Please chip in with your views…


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