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Dovedale - 7mm Modern Image Set Early 2000's


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Hi all,


I must admit i've been rather stagnant on the modelling front since late on in 2019. Myself and Al created a layout called Russell Street - of which the thread can be found here. It was very much a project that was done in fits and starts, as always life gets in the way. Myself and Al finally managed to complete it for the Modern Image O Gauge exhibition in 2019. After that it lay in the garage stacked up until Lockdown boredom set in, upon unpacking it after some 6 months or so it was discovered that it needed considerable work. We started work on stripping it out and myself and Al started a High Street project that we've yet to start posting about. (I believe Al might have posted some stuff on his work bench thread) 


I really struggled in lockdown much like everyone with having to shield to focus my attention and stuff on one project, and flitted between a bit of this and that. I then decided to sell up my O gauge collection and divert to HO, I eventually  realised the error of my ways and started collecting O gauge stock again, but decided rather than going down the route of modelling in the standard BR Blue/Sector liveries that most people seem to go for, I went down the early 2000 EWS route (what I remember growing up). With this I obtained a pair of EWS 37's and there it started. 


Now a few months down the line and shortly after christmas last year I decided I wanted to create a layout to run this stock on. Hence born was Dovedale. It was originally planned to be a 16ft layout total including fiddleyards and everything. How-ever that quickly changed. We were lucky in the fact we had loads of track & points left over that we'd managed to salvage from Russell Street.  As below you can see the new boards in place.



It got to this point relatively quickly and then Al decided he wanted a garden railway, and it meant we could get back to modelling together, so attention was certainly diverted off this while the weather was nice! Once the Lockdown restrictions we're finally lifted it was decided that rather than just be 16ft we could make the layout into a L shape, and have a bigger fiddle yard which would give us the opportunity to be able to run trains rather than just locos on a stabling point. It was quickly decided that we would focus on a Freight only branch, and so Dovedale was born! In the photos below you can see the inspiration we've taken from Peak Forest.




I was initially worried that a curve would be too sharp for stuff to go round and would look very toy train like, but as we finally decided on a track plan I think it added to the interest.


I've attached a couple of images of the initial track plan although this did change as we got further along;






The initial idea was to have a loader facility and a locomotive stabling point with cripples etc, the initial track plan was quickly changed and incorporated a double slip to lengthen the stabling sidings and the Sidings were altered and an additional point was added to give a headshunt under the bridge;






We've progressed a lot further past this point, but I don't want to overload it all in one post, So I'll be back with more update pictures soon.


Thanks to everyone who stops by and leaving comments the feedback really is appreciated. Myself and Al, have certainly learnt a lot whilst building this layout and improved our skills. We also have the addition of Glyn my uncle who has been a thankful addition as he has been able to assist us with all his modelling & joinery skills.




Edited by Backtor
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Yes the Garden is a bit restrictive atm, hoping for a dry weekend day when we've no plans to have a play but I have boxed most of my stock up for now that's not being worked on.


Anyway, as for this layout we're managing to spend a night a week together on it but I am bringing various structures away for working on. First up is the tunnel mouth for the left hand side of the layout, this is ostensibly complete and ready to fit.




Next up the first bridge. this sits almost directly in front of the tunnel. Hopefully I'll have this somewhere near complete over the weekend. At least in primer and ready to paint with any luck.




Lastly for now is an NPS Mess hut which I built some time ago just for something to do. It was one of the first buildings I had painted and was never happy with it. After looking at many other buildings we've decided to resurrect this building but it has come back for a re-paint. Now back in primer I'll hopefully get this mostly painted by the next working party!



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Hi all,


Thanks for all the kind words, the buildings & bridge are looking spot on from Al, I can't wait to get them in position.


I thought I'd carry on our update from yesterday with some more images. Once we'd finished the track modifications and I'd finished the wiring, Al had started work on putting the landscaping in, and you could start to see what the vision is going to finally look like.







As you can see the bridge & tunnel mouth that Al was working on before be seen in situ, and starts to give you an idea of what that back area will look like. The plan is the gap in the back board will be filled in. This is just missing so we could gain access to work on without having to reach over the tops. We've also added the depot access road in from the bridge, that gives a rather nice vantage here;






Now the wiring is mostly completed all bar the control panel, & point motors the we've started to give the track a coat of dirt, I think this starts to put a bit of depth onto the layout. Glyn has also started applying filler to the hills and stuff so we can start rock facing these and getting some colour on them. I've included a shot of a recently finished 37402. This loco is just awaiting me to grab 5 minutes to fit its decoder.






Whilst I like the peco buffer stops, on the last layout we just simply painted them with a rust wash, and made them look overgrown, this time I wanted to try something a bit different. I took some inspiration from the buffers around the Peak Forest Area, (Mainly in the Cemex site at Doveholes where I work) for this and I think they've come out alright. I just want to add a rust wash to them to dull them down a bit as they're currently a touch on the bright side.




That's all for now I've still got a couple of working weeks to catch up on but we're starting to see the light in the tunnel with all the base work, so we can start making it look pretty!




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Whilst stuff has been quiet on the layout front i've been busy fitting decoders to locos, and painting and detailing stuff up ready to go on to the layout when we get the chance.


FIrst up a pair of 60's. These are of the original batch had I known that Heljan were going to do a RTR model of 60059 I probably wouldn't have chosen this loco.


So seen here pictured are 60071' Ribblehead Viaduct & 60059' Swindon Dalesman' both now fitted with Legomanbiffo V5's




Second thing i've been working on is the first of 2 containers that will feature on the fuelpoint/depot. This is a resin kit from Buzz Models, I have two. One that is an open kit and one that is a closed kit. Its intended that the one with the the opening doors will be kitted out as a stores container.


Apologies for the messy background as it was just a quick picture taken while I was waiting for it to dry.




That's all for now.





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Hi Cam,

Looking really good to date following with interest. Loved Russell Street often play the YT vid of the EWS 37 shunting, inspired me to buy a EWS 37, please dont do this again my credit card cant take it :D!

Look forward to future pictures etc.

Best wishes


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Progress this weekend has been made on the first bridge and the NPS crew building is getting its new top coats. More on this later in the week, but I Picked up the LCut Signal box kit Cam ordered last week this morning so in between working on the bridge and the crew building I have pretty much put this together. Still needs windows and doors as Cam wants these updating and I need to finish the flashing on the roof. 



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On 07/11/2021 at 11:39, Baggies1961 said:

Hi Cam,

Looking really good to date following with interest. Loved Russell Street often play the YT vid of the EWS 37 shunting, inspired me to buy a EWS 37, please dont do this again my credit card cant take it :D!

Look forward to future pictures etc.

Best wishes



I can't be held responsible for peoples card transactions! I'm glad you've enjoyed the videos, fingers crossed once this layout is somewhere near we can do some more. With having no working layout at the minute its a bit hard to record stuff!


No real progress this week from me as i've been on nights at work, but i've received a parcel from Rob at Northumbrian Painting Services of some figures for the loco's/layout.






Got to order a few more but I'm pleased with these ones so far, and the detail on the back finishes them off nicely!






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Yeah it was pretty immersive. Shame I opted to sell the loco. I wish I’d kept it but hey Ho! You win some you loose some.


Progress from tonight’s working party. Al bought a few bits back to try into place on the layout so we could start to plan cable trunking, signals & walk ways. 

First up is the signal box. 



Al has also knocked up the bridge for this end as-well which can be seen in the background. 


The bridge for the other end has gone in now and more ground work has gone in at this end finally getting this area something how it should look.


This is the depot building and what will be the stores, and fuel point road the building was only placed so you could get an idea of what it’s going to look like.



That’s all for now!




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Small bit of progress tonight on the layout, started to add a bit of colour onto the Filler thats above the stabling siding.


It gives an idea of what its going to look like when its finished. This is only a base coat to start giving it some depth.




Where the white bits are will be given a coat of brown & then we will be static grassing etc them to blend it all in. 

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Thanks 37114, it’s been a fun project so far. Modelling the era that I grew up in. 

Took 60059 for a Spin out at Al’s garden layout tonight to give it the chance to stretch its legs. 

Loaded test run complete, it’s onto the next one.  Here’s a couple of shots of it after darkness had fell. 




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Another working party with Al last night resulted in a rather productive evening. 


Bridge at the stabling end was fitted into place, so we can start adding the hills in to fill it all in and complete that end ready for covering and filler. We've also started adding trackside detailing in, cable trunking ducting & lineside boxes. Alongside this we fitted the first of the Dapol semaphores signals into place. With the Box that Al has been building its really starting to come together and create the scene we set out to create.


That tied in with the layout lighting thats now in place it really does finish it off. I've attached a few photos so you can see what we've been up to! 


Until the next time..














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16 hours ago, Baggies1961 said:

Hi Cam,

Layout coming along excellently at a pace following progress with real interest.

Are the wagons behind the 37 brass kits or resin/white metal cast?





They’re Resin/White metal chassis. They were made by Impressionist models. He only did a run of them. And I had them all off him. They’re MHA’s that run on a skytrex chassis.




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