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Bachmann 32-652 Class 44 - 44004 Great Gable issues

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  • RMweb Gold

I recently purchased a 32-652 Class 44, 44004 as I had recently seen it on the Nene Valley Railway and at first really pleased with the purchase, but then noticed a few things whilst fitting a decoder which surprised me.  

When I removed the body I noticed some copper contacts on the body and I then assumed that it was fitted with working lights, but when I gave it a test run, no lights appeared.  I was wondering if in fact it’s fitted with working head and taillights?


I also noticed that one of the bogies is loose on it’s pivot point, allowing it to move slightly backwards and forwards.  Can anyone suggest a simple fix for it?

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On 32-652 the copper contacts are needed for the end lights as well - I bought an example of this model new a decade back and when it arrived lights weren't working at one end so rather than send it back I removed the body and carefully adjusted the contacts which sorted the issue. Of course as ThaneofFife says when a DCC decoder is fitted the lights are then controlled by F0 and will be off by default until switched on. There are no switches on the underside as this model (and indeed all the Bachmann 'Peaks') predate that option becoming a standard fitment.

Edited by andyman7
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  • RMweb Gold

As @andyman7 pointed out, there are no switches underneath and I have a sneaking suspicion that the previous owner or owners have had the body off as one of the cab interiors had been broken off the chassis and glued in place using superglue, but it wasn't square, so had to be prized  off and re-glued to get it to fit properly.  I'll have another play with it tonight and maybe in the darkness, I'll see them better.

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  • RMweb Gold

Sorted issues out, I sent it back because when I put it on the track, lights came on, motor ran but no movement in either direction.  I could have taken it apart to try and fix but in the end, I just decided to send it back and wait until another one became available.

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