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adb968008 last won the day on November 25 2023

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  1. Bickershaw branch could fit the branch line. Meanwhile 7298 was doing its Rainhill dash in 1980 I presume. Pity things like a Jinty, or a GWR 2-6-2T have never had a mainline chance for passengers.. unlikely ever to happen now, closest would be 7298/4566 at Bromborough, or 5521 on LUL or Poland.
  2. I’m wondering with 37508 will it eventually come out to play in railfreight .
  3. DL26, D0226 and Taurus… all which still exist.
  4. 20% ? Good luck with that. Good old R610 short straight would be closer to £2.70 or 54p a sleeper. This could be an Interesting demand gen strategy if its true… .. tease a price rise, watch what pre-orders rise…. Then selectively increase the price of the popular ones as thats where the demand is.
  5. Theres a land fill site in Crewe collecting real class 60’s… At £220 (today) maybe some of Hornbys might go there too if they got a price rise ?
  6. Could be but isnt the website full RRP ? Most retailers offer at least 10% off. if prices creep 10% your only saving from retailers later, what you lose by going direct now ? I stopped using Hornbys website when the 10% club discount ended, as that was the only incentive worth having by being a member. They did the exact same back in 2017, they uses to offer 10% discount, and then ended it, so I voted with my wallet that time and returned to buying from retailers. Only for them to realise and bring it again back later… which they removed once more just recently… As for the points, they lost their value too, in that last program mod, as the website is full RRP the wheels are worth slightly less against a retailer offering a discount.. so the real benefit is to buy something on special offer…but if its on special offer from Hornby theres almost always a reason, and the retailer often has gone deep first for that same reason. it’s like ground hog day at Hornby, shuffling the customer around only moves the point of sale, it doesn't increase sales.. it just modifies the statistics. its nebulous anyway, all my preorders date back to early 2022, when the club discount still applied, since then they've announced little new of interest, where as Ive lost a lot of interest and canceled many of those pre-orders through boredom waiting… They can raise prices all day, if they aren't delivering much, it makes no difference, if they aren't announcing much it raises little new interest. They are becoming a frustrated irrelevance to me at least…. Sadly it just feels like another round loop of the vortex heading to the plughole.
  7. Surely the hardest part of recreating a new Midland Pullman would be sourcing an original power plant and interior fittings ? body side skin could be fairly straight forwards in the big scheme of things. Tbh refitting a HST seems as good as it gets…. The next nearest thing to recreating a MP using something that already exists would be maybe using a Voyager ? As for recreating a single power car, maybe start with a mk3/mk4 DVT.. its a cab and an empty van, or a few mk2defs and convert two BSOs into power cars to make a train ? But £20mn for a new train from Stadler the mind boggles what that would actually get you ? Surely not a one off bespoke MP to original designs but a modern unit in an older paint job ?
  8. You mean this one… (flickr url not mine) So good theyve got two of them now.,.. Now if WCRC were thinking to sell their Lakelander Pullman set (ex mk2 AC hauled manchester pullman set)… they could find themselves with a really good head start on recreating a Manchester Pullman “DMU”… their are differences but more alike than you think… unfortunately recreating the power cars may be a bit more of a challenge… as an aside if it werent for the ridiculous price on the Bachmann Pullman bodies I would have bought some shells and put them on mk2f chassis as a starting point of a conversion.
  9. Wow 10 posts all in the same boat, i’ll make mine 11. ive been making hay whilst the sunshines on lower prices but the barn is now full. Autumn is arriving on the lower end of prices and winter is going to bite. As soon as work, family and vacation allows this squirrel is going to discard some nuts. Ive simply too much, and not enough time to even let it go. long term though, stuff isnt going to get cheaper, and a lot of things will never get a 2nd retool that weve enjoyed at the prices we have.. so be selective in what to dispose as replacing it down the road might be harder on some things.
  10. Its some what funny that security sells itself on outsourcing trust to them, and prove untrustworthy with it. I wonder how many businesses are now going to restrict auto updates, and how much testing overhead that will create ?
  11. I still remember using Lotus and OS/2, coding BASIC on my cassette driven BBC Micro, playing Chuckie Egg on alan sugars early device and hacking around on VMS using ADA to code on it… Are screens still called VDUs these days ? me dinosaur ? if you want a spreadsheet go code it yourself, define a 2D array and put your variables in.
  12. You could test that theory by looking at aviation. in 25 years computers have gradually increased their role exponentially to todays modern cockpit which is mostly automated. Then look at the increase in volume of modern aircraft types… hundreds then, to thousands now of each mainstream type in the sky. and proportionate number of air crashes… which has decreased substantially since the 1990’s. dont take my word for it… https://www.iata.org/en/publications/safety-report/executive-summary/
  13. I remember seeing Lemmy play the Ace of Spades live and being deaf for a few days afterwards.
  14. Indeed in which case maybe more railways should disneyfy their fleet to look like this… Its by far one of the busiest real steam railway rides ive ever seen, carrying several thousand daily… no wonder with views like this.. I bet a few clowns could put on a good show too, and why not do some fire eating from the footplate. Could even turn a loco smokebox into a bbq grill. Teddybears picnic, kids in costume day would probably do far more for a lines bottom line than some other events.
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