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If I say so myself, I have extensive notes on the various types of ASW internal user wagons, their uses, former identities and subsequent rebuilding.


These notes were compiled from sightings, visits to the various ASW sites and Cardiff Docks (starting  around 1989),  and with the generous assistance of other enthusiasts and former ASW employees.


As ASW operated up to 350 wagons at any given time, on a variety of internal flows, it may be easier if you can let me know what information you seek ?


Brian R


CRM7-CD630-B927677 circa 1990.jpg

MB475-B947265 circa 2002.jpg

BM509-BPCM77004 circa 1990.jpg

SC701-B947274 120402 -2.jpg

SB103-ALG49268 220802.jpg

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Hi brian

I would like a better understanding of what  the wagon types there are 

And the purpose  

I know some will be very obvious  like scrap carriers and billet wagons etc

Also what wagons worked on what plants. 

My end goal is to build a steel works layout based on wagon used by asw 

With a wide variety  of different wagon but at the same time a prototypical  feel 

So any information would be grateful 


Regards darren

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The image below, gives very basic details of the ASW internal user fleet circa 1990, and the internal flows each type were used on.


Firstly, a brief description of each wagon type referred to in the image; there were other types in use at the same time, and the fleet was constantly changing with old wagons scrapped and replaced by new vehicles modified by ASW at their wagon shop (known as the "House of Holland")


ASW internal users were given a prefix followed by a fleet number.

Some of the prefixes were logical, others were not, some even humorous

Wagons bought from BR or Private Owners would be modified or converted for a specific traffic flow within, or between the two works and Cardiff Docks where ASW took over the shunting from BR during the early 90s.

Many wagons would be modified a second, even third time by ASW as traffic flows altered, or to replace worn out or damaged wagons......this was a harsh environment, with little sentiment for 'rare wagons' even though certain members of the ASW  traffic department staff were very, very pro-rail.

Wagons could often be seen with odd bogies or bogies they didn't run on when owned by BR, and  buffers would also change.

The wagon repair staff were very adept at their jobs, and the 'House of Holland' had an excellent reputation.


The traffic centre at Tremorfa had a board, with cards for each wagon, and these cards were colour coded, to suit the various traffic flows.

There was a move to paint the wagons the same colours as the cards, to make operations even smoother, but this seems to have peterd out.

By the time of closure, ASW had a computerised system similar to, and possibly linked into TOPS (or whatever it was by then) which showed the location of every wagon in Tidal Sidings, Cardiff Docks, Tremorfa or the Castle Works and that included EWS and private owner wagons not just ASW stock.


SB (SB = Short Billet) - former TTA / TTB tank wagons, with the tanks removed and  a sheet steel floor with bolsters and stanchions fitted. During the 1990s this fleet was increased by converting HEA hopper wagons, bought from the Celtic Energy washery, Onllwyn.


MB (MB = Merchant Bar) - mostly ex-BR 42 ton Bogie Plate wagons, and former LNER/LMS and BR 42 ton Bogie Bolster D wagons


P, J & TOR  (TOR = Torbar)- a varied collection of former GWR and BR 30 ton Bogie Bolster 'C', Rectank, Warflat, LNER Bogie Bolster wagons.


MP - Rebodied former BR 16 ton mineral wagons, and 27 ton tipplers, used for internal scrap traffic mainly from the Castle Works (Cardiff Rod Mill) to the Tremorfa Steel Works. 


BF (BF=Birds Fragmentisers) - Bogie scrap boxes built on Warflat wagons, and 4-wheeled 'Red Adders' ( similar to the POA 'Black Adders ) used on scrap metal traffic.

The internal scrap carrying fleet of MP wagons were scrapped themselves in the early `1990s and replaced with a large number of redundant former network registered PDUF POA 'Black Adders'  which were allocated the prefix KW (KW = Korky's Wagons after an ASW employee nicknamed Korky the Cat).


LC - former BR Plate wagons and their various coil conversions, eg Coil E or KEV 

A number of these wagons were modified a second time, and their prefix became WC (WC=Wide Coil)


SC (SC=Side Coil) - 15 wagons, all former BR 42 ton Bogie Plate wagons fitted with transverse wooden baulks, like sleepers, to carry wire coils 'eye to the side'


LLC as per SC above, these 11 wagons were later prefixed SC instead of LLC


CD (CD=Cardiff Docks) - 70+ general purpose wagons, all former BR Bogie Bolster 'D' wagons. N.B. 24 of the CD wagons were repainted red, and renumbered into the CRM series (CRM=Cardiff Rod Mill). Just before ASW went to the wall, the company started to renumber the CRM wagons back into the CD series, but the job was never completed.  


This is a very general description of the fleet and their uses from 1990.


There were a number of oddball purchases during the late 80s and through the 90s, such as BR JZV 'Slabcoil' wagons for Bar Mill traffic, ex-BR 'Turbot' ballast wagons also for Bar & Section Mill  traffic, former ICI bogie tanks, the tanks removed and again used for Bar Mill traffic.


Is this enough to start with ?

ASW Wagons - 1990.jpg

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ASW internal user BF978 a 'Red Adder' formerly tank wagon PR58708 and which was placed in service by ASW on 16th September, 1988.

Used for conveying fragmented scrap aka 'frag' - from Birds and Slag Reduction, across Rover way and into the Tremorfa steel works.

Here seen on 'The Prairie' at Tremorfa, 22nd. August, 2002.

This area is now under the Celsa (UK)  EAF 'melt shop' and scrap bay.



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Thank you Brian 

The information and pictures are very helpfull to me 

Its gave me enough to start working on  and help identify wagon pictures I found too 

I have a few questions if you can answer them

Did the MB  and CD fleets have any alterations done to them for example  bolsters removed or metal fabricated  bolster added 

The LC how many lost there sides for side loading

Regards Darren 





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Let's start with the CD (Cardiff Docks) wagons


When they were first put into ASW service they retained their BR bolsters and stanchions.


This is shown (just) in the photo of CD647 (ex-B927777) seen at Channel Sidings, near the Q.A. Dock on 31st January, 1989.

CD647 was later repainted red, renumbered CRM3 and then, just before liquidation was repainted grey and renumbered back to CD647


Over time  their bolsters became damaged and were replaced using steel channel etc as shown in the photo of  CD652 (ex-B927638) stored, out of use 16 years later, at Channel Sidings on 31st. January, 2005


Both wagons shown were running on BR 'Plateback' bogies, fitted with roller bearings.

Others in the CD/CRM fleet ran on Davies & Lloyd bogies; my sightings and notes usually identified which bogies were fitted when I saw the wagons.


I'll move onto the MB wagons (a fleet that was a tad more involved) in my next post.


Brian R

CD647-B92777, 310189.jpg

CD652-B927638 310105 -2.JPG

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The MB (Merchant Bar) wagons were a more diverse fleet than the 'almost' standardised CD (Cardiff Docks) series.


They were numbered MB410 - MB499 (with gaps) and comprised mainly ex-BR Bogie Plates, but also ex-LNER Bogie Bolster 'D', ex-LMS Bogie Bolster 'D', ex-BR Bogie Bolster 'D' , ex-GWR Bogie Bolster 'C' and a solitary ex-BR 'Flatrol EZ' formerly B900502.


Virtually all the pre-nationalisation wagons were bereft of their former builders plates, and it appears ASW and their predecessor GKN never kept records, making positive identification of these  impossible.


Most BR built wagons retained their builders plates.


Over the years, the wagons were rebuilt, with different decks, bolsters, stanchions and some had additional angle iron welded to the truss rodding.


Photo 1 - shows an unidentified former 42 ton Bogie Plate, fitted with BR (WR) 'Plate' bogies, and 'open' style buffers. In the photo (taken 1990)  it is parked alongside the 'foreshore' at Cardiff Docks freshly loaded with imported billets for rolling at the Castle Works (Cardiff Rod Mill).


Photo 2 - shows MB431, an unidentified former LNER 42 ton Bogie Bolster D at Channel sidings circa 1990. This wagon runs on diamond frame bogies, and also has the 'open' style buffers. 

MB431 also has been fitted with newer bolsters and stanchions.


Photo 3 - shows the deck and bolsters of MB438, another unidentified former LNER Bogie Bolster 'D' running on BR (WR) 'Plate' bogies and again fitted with 'open' style buffers. This 2002 photo was taken along the 'Fence Road' near the castle Works (Cardiff Rod Mill).


Photo 4 - shows MB492 (ex-B947259) parked on 'The Prairie' at Tremorfa in 1990. "Red Adder" BF975 and the corner of a former Warflat scrap box is also seen. The original EAF and its billet banks are behind BF975

MB4xx - un id - circa 1990.jpg

MB431- no id circa 1990.jpg

MB438-no id circa 2002 -1.jpg

MB492 - B947259, circa 1990.jpg

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6 minutes ago, br2975 said:

The MB (Merchant Bar) wagons were a more diverse fleet than the 'almost' standardised CD (Cardiff Docks) series.


They were numbered MB410 - MB499 (with gaps) and comprised mainly ex-BR Bogie Plates, but also ex-LNER Bogie Bolster 'D', ex-LMS Bogie Bolster 'D', ex-BR Bogie Bolster 'D' , ex-GWR Bogie Bolster 'C' and a solitary ex-BR 'Flatrol EZ' formerly B900502.


Virtually all the pre-nationalisation wagons were bereft of their former builders plates, and it appears ASW and their predecessor GKN never kept records, making positive identification of these  impossible.


Most BR built wagons retained their builders plates.


Over the years, the wagons were rebuilt, with different decks, bolsters, stanchions and some had additional angle iron welded to the truss rodding.


Photo 1 - shows an unidentified former 42 ton Bogie Plate, fitted with BR (WR) 'Plate' bogies, and 'open' style buffers. In the photo (taken 1990)  it is parked alongside the 'foreshore' at Cardiff Docks freshly loaded with imported billets for rolling at the Castle Works (Cardiff Rod Mill).


Photo 2 - shows MB431, an unidentified former LNER 42 ton Bogie Bolster D at Channel sidings circa 1990. This wagon runs on diamond frame bogies, and also has the 'open' style buffers. 

MB431 also has been fitted with newer bolsters and stanchions.


Photo 3 - shows the deck and bolsters of MB438, another unidentified former LNER Bogie Bolster 'D' running on BR (WR) 'Plate' bogies and again fitted with 'open' style buffers. This 2002 photo was taken along the 'Fence Road' near the castle Works (Cardiff Rod Mill).


Photo 4 - shows MB492 (ex-B947259) parked on 'The Prairie' at Tremorfa in 1990. "Red Adder" BF975 and the corner of a former Warflat scrap box is also seen. The original EAF and its billet banks are behind BF975

MB4xx - un id - circa 1990.jpg

MB431- no id circa 1990.jpg

MB438-no id circa 2002 -1.jpg

MB492 - B947259, circa 1990.jpg

were the br wagons painted yellow and the pre national blue?

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Some former BR 'Plate' wagons next;


Photo 1 - shows LC742 (ex-B932468) sits in the ASW Splott Loop on 9th. May, 1995, still in BR livery and still fitted with its Coil 'E' / KEV end cradles.


Photo 2 - shows WC744  (ex-B934885) also at Splott Loop in January, 1998. The wagon has had its sides removed and transverse baulks fitted to permit loading wire coils 'eye to the side'


Photo 3 - shows LC754 (ex-B933102) at the Castle Works, 9th. March 1990 still looking for all the world as a Coil E / KEV


Photo 4 - shows WC754 (ex-B935458) at Splott Loop 22nd,  January, 1998, a different donor wagon, hence the need to always check for a builders or number plate.


Hope these help ?


LC742-B932468 090595.jpg

WC744-B934885 xx0198.jpg

LC754 - B933102, 090390.jpg

WC754-B935458 xx0198.jpg

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5 minutes ago, darren chpamn said:

were the br wagons painted yellow and the pre national blue?

Not really, no.


MB wagons were painted in many different colour schemes with no apparent reasoning


MB484 had a yellow livery with black stripes (1990), but most were blue, then came those in green, and at least one was in the same grey as the CD wagons.


The fleet was always evolving


When Celsa (UK) took over the operation, virtually all the ASW wagons had been scrapped, so Celsa replaced the MB wagons with around two dozen BD series, all ex BDA wagons, which initially had their floors removed so you could see through the wagon underframes to the track below.

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13 minutes ago, br2975 said:

Not really, no.


MB wagons were painted in many different colour schemes with no apparent reasoning


MB484 had a yellow livery with black stripes (1990), but most were blue, then came those in green, and at least one was in the same grey as the CD wagons.


The fleet was always evolving


When Celsa (UK) took over the operation, virtually all the ASW wagons had been scrapped, so Celsa replaced the MB wagons with around two dozen BD series, all ex BDA wagons, which initially had their floors removed so you could see through the wagon underframes to the track below.

Thank you for fast response  on my questions


I've seen picture of the Celsa fleet very dull in comparison to asw fleet of wagons

Hence my interest in modelling them instead  

I'm  sure I will have many more questions to ask  in the future 




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Do you have photos of what they did with the ex Murgatroyd/BPCM bogie tanks? Our little group spent a rather wet weekend measuring all 4 designs but I don't think I have seen what became of them. 


The wagon crew at ASW were very friendly but your explanation of the fleet is not something I've seen before, very interesting. 


This photo shows one of the regular RMWeb correspondents enjoying a drier spell https://PaulBartlett.zenfolio.com/bpcmchlorinetbv/e15306e2e


They had good wagon buyers, this was a bargain - only 10K on the clock! https://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/bpo73060

Do you know what happened to that (and yes, fully measured). 



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Yes, ASW staff were  good at locating redundant stock from around the country.


When Hywel Thomas and I toured the plant during receivership in 2002, they had just received a handful of Bogie Bolster D wagons from Healey Mills, but which never entered service as "CD" wagons.

Similarly, they had several of the cut down TEA underframes (converted for carrying steel containers) stacked on each other behind the wagon shop, waiting to be converted, a job that never happened.


The following table is taken from my notes/sightings, combined with ASW information

BM = Bar Mill, for conveying newly cast billets from the EAF billet bank to the Bar Mill, with several later converted to;

MC = Merchant Coil, converted from BM by removing the stanchions and fitting transverse baulks to carry wire coils, loaded  "eye to side"


The ex-Murgatroyd/ICI tanks were initially converted and renumbered as follows :-

BPCM77004 to BM509, later renumbered MC509 from 23/12/2000 

BPCM77008 to BM507, entered ASW service 12/08/1990.

BPCM77009 to BM516, entered ASW service12/09/1991

BPCM77010 to BM510, entered ASW service 05/08/1991, renumbered to MC510 from 17/11/2000

BPCM77011 to BM513, entered ASW service 16/08/1991

BPCM77012 to BM515, entered ASW service 03/09/1991, renumbered MC515 from 16/08/2000

BPCM77028 to BM511, 

BPCM77029 to BM508, later renumbered MC508

BPCM77032 to BM517, later renumbered MC517

BPCM77036 to BM514

BPCM77037 to BM512, entered ASW service 16/08/1991

BPCM77040 to BM518, later renumbered MC518

BPCM77041 to BM519, entered ASW service 17/10/1991

BPCM77042 to BM520, entered ASW service 17/10/1991


The photos show;


BM509 ex-BPCM77004 on 'The Prairie' at Tremorfa, loaded with billets for the Bar Mill, circa 1990


BM519 ex-BPCM77041 - date and location as above.


MC508 ex BM508, formerly BPCM77029 being shunted by 08854 at Channel Sidings, 12th. April 2002.


MC512 ex-BM512, formerly BPCM77037 also at Channel Sidings, Cardiff Docks 12th. April, 2002.


MC518 ex-BM518, formerly BPCM77040, again at Channel Sidings on 12th. April, 2020.


All were cut up during the period ASW were in the handers of the receivers, none appear to have passed to Celsa (UK)



Hope this helps,


Brian R





BM509-BPCM77004 circa 1990.jpg

BM519-BPCM77041 circa 1990.jpg

MC508-BM508-BPCM77029 120402.jpg

MC512-BM512-BPCM77037 120402.jpg

MC518-BM518-BPCM77040 120402.jpg

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23 hours ago, br2975 said:



Yes, ASW staff were  good at locating redundant stock from around the country.


When Hywel Thomas and I toured the plant during receivership in 2002, they had just received a handful of Bogie Bolster D wagons from Healey Mills, but which never entered service as "CD" wagons.

Similarly, they had several of the cut down TEA underframes (converted for carrying steel containers) stacked on each other behind the wagon shop, waiting to be converted, a job that never happened.


The following table is taken from my notes/sightings, combined with ASW information

BM = Bar Mill, for conveying newly cast billets from the EAF billet bank to the Bar Mill, with several later converted to;

MC = Merchant Coil, converted from BM by removing the stanchions and fitting transverse baulks to carry wire coils, loaded  "eye to side"


The ex-Murgatroyd/ICI tanks were initially converted and renumbered as follows :-

BPCM77004 to BM509, later renumbered MC509 from 23/12/2000 

BPCM77008 to BM507, entered ASW service 12/08/1990.

BPCM77009 to BM516, entered ASW service12/09/1991

BPCM77010 to BM510, entered ASW service 05/08/1991, renumbered to MC510 from 17/11/2000

BPCM77011 to BM513, entered ASW service 16/08/1991

BPCM77012 to BM515, entered ASW service 03/09/1991, renumbered MC515 from 16/08/2000

BPCM77028 to BM511, 

BPCM77029 to BM508, later renumbered MC508

BPCM77032 to BM517, later renumbered MC517

BPCM77036 to BM514

BPCM77037 to BM512, entered ASW service 16/08/1991

BPCM77040 to BM518, later renumbered MC518

BPCM77041 to BM519, entered ASW service 17/10/1991

BPCM77042 to BM520, entered ASW service 17/10/1991


The photos show;


BM509 ex-BPCM77004 on 'The Prairie' at Tremorfa, loaded with billets for the Bar Mill, circa 1990


BM519 ex-BPCM77041 - date and location as above.


MC508 ex BM508, formerly BPCM77029 being shunted by 08854 at Channel Sidings, 12th. April 2002.


MC512 ex-BM512, formerly BPCM77037 also at Channel Sidings, Cardiff Docks 12th. April, 2002.


MC518 ex-BM518, formerly BPCM77040, again at Channel Sidings on 12th. April, 2020.


All were cut up during the period ASW were in the handers of the receivers, none appear to have passed to Celsa (UK)



Hope this helps,


Brian R



Thanks, they made a couple of very neat designs. Looking at Cardiff Docks on Google would suggest there is still a reasonable amount of railway being used, expecially alongside Celsa - Tidal Sidings. But the days of simply asking for a photo permit and driving in are gone, I would assume! Never did get asked to show a permit to anyone that I can remember.



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6 hours ago, darren chpamn said:

Hi brian 

Now I have 5ime to go through the information  so far 

I was wondering if you had number ranges 

The CD and MB wagons  

And if you had any other pictures of these ranges of wagons

 Kind regards daz


I'll give you all the number series I have to hand


CRM 1 - CRM 24 (CRM=Cardiff Rod Mill)

All ex-BR Bogie Bolster 'D' wagons, renumbered and repainted form the CD series q.v.


SB100 - SB143 (SB=Short Billet)

Initially all ex-PO TTA/TTB underframes, but supplemented by ex Celtic Energy, former BR HEA hopper underframes from 1996


K131 - P199

Mainly Bogie Bolster 'C', Rectanks, Warflats  and ex-LNER Bogie Bolsters, with prefixes of P, J, Q, TOR or Z; mainly phased out during the early 1990s.


L200 - L211

ex-LNE / LMS & BR Plates, used for carrying scrap wire coils from the Castle Works to the Tremorfa steelworks


BSM200 - BSM207 (BSM = Bar and Section Mill)

ex-BR 'Turbot' for carrying billets to the Bar & Section Mill


MC172, MC177, MC201 - MC206 / MC503-MC518  random numbers in this series.


MP 244,MP246,MP319,MP 395

The last of a large class of scrap carriers, former 16 ton minerals and 27 ton Tipplers.


C301 - C302

ex-BR Weltrol wagons, used for carrying 'wire coil' eye to the sky.


MB410 - MB499 (MB=Merchant Bar)

Merchant Bar billet carriers


BM501-BM520 (BM=Bar Mill)

Bar Mill billet carriers, former BR 'JZV' Slabcoil wagons, an ex-GWR 'Crocodile, and ex-BPCM tank underframes.


CD600-CD674 (CD=Cardiff Docks) 

plus two never converted, due to liquidation.

24 converted to CRM, see above, and in the process of being converted back to CD when ASW went into receivership. 



All ex-BR 42 ton 'Boplate' wagons, for carrying wire coil'eye to side'


LLC720-LLC729 (later renumbered SC720-SC729

ex-BR 42 ton 'Boplate' wagons for carrying wire coil 'eye to side'


LC730-LC766 (LC=Long Coil, WC=Wide Coil)

at least 18 rebuilt, and reprefixed WC, and another 4 'Plates' renumbered CSW61- CSW64 (CSW=Carrington South Wales)

ex-BR 21 ton 'Plate' wagons and Coil 'E' (KEV)

There was great variety amongst these wagons, just the axleboxes alone included Splitbox, Platefront, roller bearings, Hybox & Athermos.


CB800-CB804 (CB=Condemned billet)

Originally 'Warflat' wagons, initially rebuilt  with large box bodies for carrying scrap, but the boxes were removed  1997/1998 and bolsters and stanchions fitted.


KW900-KW937 (KW=Korky's Wagons)

ex-PDUF POA 'Black Adder' scrap wagons, replaced on the mainline by JNA bogie boxes.

Used for fragmentised scrap between Birds / Slag Reductuion and the Tremorfa steelworks.


RM1-RM8 (RM=Rod Mill)

ex-PDUF and ASW KW series wagons with cut down bodies (for safety reasons) to carry a specific scrap flow from the cardiff Rod Mill aka Castle Works to Tremorfa


TW1 (TW=Test Weight)

ex-PDUF POA 'Black Adder' loaded with scrap billets to a defined and accurate weight, with a steel sheet welded over the top.

Used for testing the company rail weighbridges.


BF962-BF979 (BF=Birds Fragmentisers)

'Red Adder' scrap boxes, the internal user version  of mainline 'Black Adder' wagons


BF990-BF999 (BF=Birds Fragmentisers)

Warflat and former BR KGV ? coil wagon conversions of Warflats, fitted with box bodies in the late 80s for scrap carrying. Boxes removed 1997/1998 and wagons converted to CB wagons.


BE92953-BE93288, (BE=Bar Export)

14 wagons, former FPA container wagons, converted from shortened TEA tank wagon underframes.

4 were still awaiting conversion when ASW went to the wall


RR1 (RR=Re railing)

A former GWR 'Toad' brakevan used to carry a generator, jacks, packing and tools for rerailing stock


A former LC series Plate wagon, used with the 'Toad' RR1


B954734, B954532

ex-BR 20 ton standard brake vans, bought by ASW with the intention of using them to transport visitors around the network.



Hope this helps ?


Brian R

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7 hours ago, darren chpamn said:

Hi brian 

Now I have 5ime to go through the information  so far 

I was wondering if you had number ranges 

The CD and MB wagons  

And if you had any other pictures of these ranges of wagons

 Kind regards daz

This link, to a thread on the 'old' RMWeb may be of some assistance.




Brian R

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23 hours ago, br2975 said:


I'll give you all the number series I have to hand


CRM 1 - CRM 24 (CRM=Cardiff Rod Mill)

All ex-BR Bogie Bolster 'D' wagons, renumbered and repainted form the CD series q.v.


SB100 - SB143 (SB=Short Billet)

Initially all ex-PO TTA/TTB underframes, but supplemented by ex Celtic Energy, former BR HEA hopper underframes from 1996


K131 - P199

Mainly Bogie Bolster 'C', Rectanks, Warflats  and ex-LNER Bogie Bolsters, with prefixes of P, J, Q, TOR or Z; mainly phased out during the early 1990s.


L200 - L211

ex-LNE / LMS & BR Plates, used for carrying scrap wire coils from the Castle Works to the Tremorfa steelworks


BSM200 - BSM207 (BSM = Bar and Section Mill)

ex-BR 'Turbot' for carrying billets to the Bar & Section Mill


MC172, MC177, MC201 - MC206 / MC503-MC518  random numbers in this series.


MP 244,MP246,MP319,MP 395

The last of a large class of scrap carriers, former 16 ton minerals and 27 ton Tipplers.


C301 - C302

ex-BR Weltrol wagons, used for carrying 'wire coil' eye to the sky.


MB410 - MB499 (MB=Merchant Bar)

Merchant Bar billet carriers


BM501-BM520 (BM=Bar Mill)

Bar Mill billet carriers, former BR 'JZV' Slabcoil wagons, an ex-GWR 'Crocodile, and ex-BPCM tank underframes.


CD600-CD674 (CD=Cardiff Docks) 

plus two never converted, due to liquidation.

24 converted to CRM, see above, and in the process of being converted back to CD when ASW went into receivership. 



All ex-BR 42 ton 'Boplate' wagons, for carrying wire coil'eye to side'


LLC720-LLC729 (later renumbered SC720-SC729

ex-BR 42 ton 'Boplate' wagons for carrying wire coil 'eye to side'


LC730-LC766 (LC=Long Coil, WC=Wide Coil)

at least 18 rebuilt, and reprefixed WC, and another 4 'Plates' renumbered CSW61- CSW64 (CSW=Carrington South Wales)

ex-BR 21 ton 'Plate' wagons and Coil 'E' (KEV)

There was great variety amongst these wagons, just the axleboxes alone included Splitbox, Platefront, roller bearings, Hybox & Athermos.


CB800-CB804 (CB=Condemned billet)

Originally 'Warflat' wagons, initially rebuilt  with large box bodies for carrying scrap, but the boxes were removed  1997/1998 and bolsters and stanchions fitted.


KW900-KW937 (KW=Korky's Wagons)

ex-PDUF POA 'Black Adder' scrap wagons, replaced on the mainline by JNA bogie boxes.

Used for fragmentised scrap between Birds / Slag Reductuion and the Tremorfa steelworks.


RM1-RM8 (RM=Rod Mill)

ex-PDUF and ASW KW series wagons with cut down bodies (for safety reasons) to carry a specific scrap flow from the cardiff Rod Mill aka Castle Works to Tremorfa


TW1 (TW=Test Weight)

ex-PDUF POA 'Black Adder' loaded with scrap billets to a defined and accurate weight, with a steel sheet welded over the top.

Used for testing the company rail weighbridges.


BF962-BF979 (BF=Birds Fragmentisers)

'Red Adder' scrap boxes, the internal user version  of mainline 'Black Adder' wagons


BF990-BF999 (BF=Birds Fragmentisers)

Warflat and former BR KGV ? coil wagon conversions of Warflats, fitted with box bodies in the late 80s for scrap carrying. Boxes removed 1997/1998 and wagons converted to CB wagons.


BE92953-BE93288, (BE=Bar Export)

14 wagons, former FPA container wagons, converted from shortened TEA tank wagon underframes.

4 were still awaiting conversion when ASW went to the wall


RR1 (RR=Re railing)

A former GWR 'Toad' brakevan used to carry a generator, jacks, packing and tools for rerailing stock


A former LC series Plate wagon, used with the 'Toad' RR1


B954734, B954532

ex-BR 20 ton standard brake vans, bought by ASW with the intention of using them to transport visitors around the network.



Hope this helps ?


Brian R

Thanks brian that does help loads  



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On 26/01/2022 at 21:59, darren chpamn said:


Do you have any pictures  of the turbot conversions just been looking at kit box and I have some cambrian kits that I could use for them 



Hello Daz.


Tried replying earlier, but the issues with RMWeb kept timing me out.


I've attached some shots of former BR Turbot wagons, acquired by ASW and rebuilt as BSM wagons for carrying billets to the Bar & Section Mill, and when converted again to carry wire coils as MC wagons..


Most former Turbots didn't carry their BR builders plates (or should that be rebuild plates in the case of the Turbots ?).


BSM203 (original ID unknown) is shown in "No.5 Exchange Road" at ASW Tremorfa on 22nd. August, 2002. 

Note that this wagon has been fitted ( by ASW ) with BR 'plate back' roller bearing bogies in place of the original Davies & Lloyd bogies . I believe Cambrian still do the 'plate back' bogies in 4mm.


BSM205 (original ID unknown) is seen loaded (probably 'overloaded') on 'The Prairie' at Tremorfa, circa 1990.


MC206 formerly BSM206 (ex-B978241) is shown at Channel Sidings (for the QA Dock) on 31st January, 2005. This photo shows how the wire carrying bolsters were fitted across the wagon(s) and also the Davies & Lloyd bogies.


MC202 formerly BSM202 (original ID unknown) is also shown at Channel Sidings on 31st. January, 2005. Note that this wagon has also been fitted ( by ASW ) with BR 'plate back' roller bearing bogies in place of the original Davies & Lloyd bogies .


Hope this helps



BSM203- no id 220802.jpg

BSM205-un id circa 1990 .jpg

MC206-BSM206-DB978241 bolster & bogie detail,  310105.JPG

MC202-BSM202-no id  310105.JPG

Edited by br2975
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