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Sharman Wheels


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Does anyone know whats happening with the Sharman range? A look on the net and a search on here has drawn a blank.

I need a pair of drivers for a kit that I'm about to start. (High Level RSH Husky, requiring Sharman M014 which are 10mm dia. on a 2mm axle).

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I honestly can't remember, but I think that 'not in current production' seems to be the current position. If I remember rightly however, the wheels for the Husky are those form an L&Y pug which are available from both Ultrascale and Gibson. I'm afraid I don't know, off the top of my head, what the axle diameter might be though I would suspect 2mm.



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Thanks for the replies. I never thought to search the old forum...

Adam, the Pug uses 12mm dia. wheels (I've just measured up), the Husky needs 10mm dia. Chris Gibbon suggests that Gibson wagon disc wheels suitably drilled for crankpins can be used but if I can get the correct wheels I will.

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Thanks for the replies. I never thought to search the old forum...

Adam, the Pug uses 12mm dia. wheels (I've just measured up), the Husky needs 10mm dia. Chris Gibbon suggests that Gibson wagon disc wheels suitably drilled for crankpins can be used but if I can get the correct wheels I will.


Ah, apologies - I must have had the Armstrong Whitworth in mind which does appear to have the 'pug' wheels.



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Thanks for the replies. I never thought to search the old forum...

Adam, the Pug uses 12mm dia. wheels (I've just measured up), the Husky needs 10mm dia. Chris Gibbon suggests that Gibson wagon disc wheels suitably drilled for crankpins can be used but if I can get the correct wheels I will.

The Lowmac wheels presumably rather than normal 12mm wagon wheels?

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Some of the moulds may well also be worn out now. That probably means even less incentive for production to restart, as new tooling.....costs money!


Apart from limited runs for London Road Models' kits, I can't see Sharman Wheels coming back. We'll just have to accept the situation, and that's that.

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I managed to get 2 full wheelsets worth for my SECR H Class 0-4-4 in P4 direct from the factory unit courtesy of Mr stapleton the senior himself some time ago, when I did this i also managed to clear him out of the complete stock that was available , although he does appear have a lot on his plate and may I be so bold as to say a rather large mountain to climb seeing the state of the wheel lathe, yes I did ask the question! he did say that he would like to reappear on the3 market, but as with most things time is the enemy and commercial jobs come first.

so I suspect that in the medium term we are not likely to see them reappear.


in no particular order Messers Gibson, Ultrascale, Exactoscale are your choice now.....

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