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2FS - Smokey Bacon


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  • 1 month later...

Quick update...


No, I haven't dropped off the planet again, but modelling has had to take a back seat for the time being. Having recently finished one career, I've just started in a new job and will be moving house at the end of the month - staying local - it had to be Swindon as it was the home of the GWR!. So manically busy, busy, busy :O :o :O !


New house is smaller and I have been told by SWMBO that I can't have the dining room full time as a modelling zone - apparently a dining table is for eating at, not as a permanent workbench in the warm :scratchhead: But we will have a conservatory, and I have been given 'temporary' running rights in there, on the proviso I build a play shed workshop that will be for his'n'hers trains...


Oh well, back to packing...

Edited by SteveBedding
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  • RMweb Gold

Young could try telling her eating in the conservatory is quite nice! No won't work. Its funny how much moving disrupts modelling. 18 month on and my train room is still full of stuff from other rooms being done up or has yet to find a home. Usually building baseboards and laying track starts then it is time to move again. Best of luck


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  • 4 weeks later...

Quick update


Things are moving forward - well about 15 miles northwest! House move in progress and priorities are correctly assigned...




... toys and trains safely transported before such mundane items as beds, sofas, etc!


Much negotiating with SWMBO has led to an acceptable compromise; I have had to forfeit any and all designs, claims, or intentions, with regards to the dining room but I can have temporary running rights in the conservatory until such time as I build her a 'train shed' in the garden.


Well thats it for now, must finish off the last bit of packing...

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  • RMweb Gold

I thought at first glance your layout was unprotected...and then I remembered you stuck the track plan inverted on the underside...cunning as a fox...


Good luck with the move Steve...why not 'your' train shed?...:laugh:

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I thought at first glance your layout was unprotected...and then I remembered you stuck the track plan inverted on the underside...cunning as a fox...


Good luck with the move Steve...why not 'your' train shed?... :laugh:


That's enough for one day - 99% of the packing done - just waiting for the movers in the morning... ...this time tomorrow it'll be all done and dusted :sungum:


Thanks for observation Pete, the vertical board you can see (with the 'idiots guide' on the bottom) is actually part of a pair boxed together - using it to store/balance other boxes is part of a cunning plan to test the strength of the construction.... ...that my story & I'm sticking to it :O


As to the shed, it's going to be SWMBO's as she will be the beneficiary - it gets me out from under her feet! In reality, it wil be used as a 'semi-permanent' home for Smokey Bacon (with a fixed approach and fiddle yard), and to give Julie a nice long eye-level roundy for her 'pretty' n-gauge trains... ...it also may become the terminus for something a little on the large scale that will bimble round what is left of the garden - I wonder what those strange red boxes are hiding at the back of the pile? (Another reason that it is SWMBO's shed - 2 of the 3 scales/guages are her choice...)


...now just need to finish off what is left in the sherry bottle - it's pointless packing an open bottle, it might spill :drink_mini: :blum:

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  • RMweb Gold

Best wishes Steve. Whenever we move there are aways so many things to get done first. The shed sounds quite nice and trains running round the garden can be fun. I have visited two garden layouts round here with my live steamers. Building a garden railway is a long way down the list.


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Hi Steve -


Hope it all went well. We moved last November and we also have a new shed in the garden - stuffed full of boxes from the new loft that will become a newer bedroom!


'Er indoors' has already said 'No to a garden railway - I even tried to throw in a model of 'Hogwarts Castle' as a sweetener to no effect..... Once the loft & extension are sorted she even wants to get rid of the shed (I've got my own railway room she says). However we'll have to see how she reacts to swarf from the lathe & the smell of cellulose permeating the living space!


Nice to meet you at ESCOT btw.





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  • 3 months later...



Anybody out there?


Well, its been a (very) long time since any progress has happened with Smokey - major career change and a new job, and a (hopefully last) house move, has all conspired to get in the way of the important things in life! I worked it out that its been 108 days since the layout moved and I've finally got through sorting out enough of the packing boxes to make some space to consider 'playing trains'... Also, spending last Sunday with Jerry on Tucking Mill at Swindon Steam reminded me that I need to get on with things!




There's still a heck of a lot of junk to be sorted out / disposed of but at last I can see some of the floor! That and I did promise to have Smokey in a working condition for the 2mm Expo in June 13 so I thought I'd better get a move on! The conservatory was a critical requirement for SWMBO and she has 'approved' temporary occupation by the layout until the Expo - by which time I have to have built her a shed that will be the home of the railways - so 108 days down, 257 days to go...




Well, the layout fits perfectly and I can work arround it easily enough; there is also enough space (well eventually) to get to the various gloat boxes - I really need to sort out everything into some sort of order, however that can only be done when SWMBO's not looking ;)


I have a cunning plan to make a travelling modelling box so that I can do usefull work whilst I'm away from home and thus may lead to some real progress at last; must set a criteria in searching for accomodatiion for places that do not have overly sensitive smoke detectors! Well, that's all for the moment - more to follow soon :)

Edited by SteveBedding
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  • RMweb Premium



glad to see the move worked out alright and you can get cracking with the layout again. Try putting socks over the smoke detectors - always used to work for me when I lived in a flat with one helpfully placed next to the hob...





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As someone who finally sold house in Calne in August after 18 months on market and hopefully will move into new house in Havant next month I can only sympathise with having to take a break


So happy is my wife to be back on the south coast she has actually said that the first thing we have to do is get me a room for my layout eother as ashes or the loft looks promising


Only time will tell if other more pressing projects such as curtains etc take precedence





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No Steve, I'm not here any more. :jester:


It was good to see you again last weekend. If you find you are short on stock for expo nearer the time I should be able to provide a few trains to stand in. I'm making zero progress on the layout at the moment but having some really productive painting and lettering sessions lately.





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  • RMweb Gold

Houston...we have a problem...;).


however that can only be done when SWMBO's not looking ;)


But you've not forgotten that you have 'shared log in permissions' though I hope :P


Good to see you back again Steve...its been tooooooo long without Smokey... :yes:

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  • RMweb Gold

Having moved quite a few times I know how you feel generally once I build baseboards I know we are likely to be moving again. Regarding the modelling when away. I did quite a bit in hotels/digs (including 'dry cleaning' an armchair with daywatt) and later adopted train travel to meetings and modelled on the train. I used an old briefcase and made a melamine/ply worktable to fit in it.I take a photo if I get a chance.


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  • 6 months later...

Smokey's New Home...


It's been far too long since any progress has been made with working on Smokey and modelling in general - travelling with the new job has so far defeated all of my good intentions to 'model on the go' :nono:   What was worse is that the eviction from the conservatory is fast approaching and then all plans would go to a crock of the browns stuff!


Something needed to be done...


...with the help of Mitzi (Mark Cox), well  his expertise and my hinderence, we have finally got the 'playroom' project underway!  Over the Easter break, we cracked on with building a new home for Smokey Bacon - the aim is to have somewhere where I can model undisturbed in peace (OK so I can model, and SWMBO has the peace...)


Tuesday - end of day 1 (not including the 4 days it took my son, David & me to dig & pour the foundations!)  Block-work & frame completed. I had even remembered to put in a pipe for the electrics before pouring the concrete.




Day 2 – Not too windy for once; roof rafters & boarded, and floor joists in.  Don't let the 'sunny' pictures fool you; this was supposed to be Easter and the start of spring!  Last year it was in the 20's - this year it's barely above freezing and blowing a hoolie most of the time!




Day 3 – Blowing a gale & snowing now!  Paint on cladding not drying but frozen solid enough to handle…  Plan revised to now include ‘windows’ in the back wall for extra light.  Had to finish early to go and play darts - quite an experience since I was 16 last time I tried that! 




Day 4 – All cladding done and front window glazed.  Tarpaulin screwed to roof before taking a 2 week break from building.  Need to go to the pub and wimper into my beer




End of Day 5 (two weeks later) – During the interval, SWMBO started painting the outside of shed & I had painted the inside and all of the timber that hadn’t been already fitted.  Roof has been finished – two part torch-on system – David enjoyed the industrial blow torch but not my suggestion that it might help him with a haircut!






Inside still needs a lot of work.  The floor (and under-floor insulation) completed and the rear windows glazed.  Uprights have been drilled ready for the wiring and about ready to the fit the wall lining & insulation.






I have to say a very big thank you  :drink_mini:   to Mark for his help (and putting up with a couple of well intentioned muppets as assistants) - without his practical knowlege and drive I suspect I would still be planning how may bricks I needed to build the step to get in and not actually have built anything.


So what have we built - when complete the shed will be 12'6 x 7'6 internal, fully powered, insulated and double-glazed (another of Mark's bright ideas) and can take Smokey's full length.  Now I just have to get the internals finished, evacutate the conservatory, and get ready for the Expo in June...


Lastly, I couldn't resist this one - Muppet Construction at work - two adults that should know better, perched precariously on a roof (prooved its strength though!) both scared of heights weilding dangerous tools in a quesionable manner...





…to be continued…

Edited by SteveBedding
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  • RMweb Gold

Looks a good job Steve. If I had known you were doing this I would have suggested an EDPM roof basically a big heavy duty pond liner which is glued down and then fixed round the edges. What are you using for insulation?


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Building a shed would be so much easier for me,


unfortunately there isn't the space / wouldn't get past building control but I do have, what was once, a conservatory that I've had the plastic sheet roof removed, a real roof put on and now fitted a floor.


However, I have the need to strip wallpaper in 4 rooms for re-plastering, including the hall, paint it, fit a bathroom in another room and get a kitchen fitted, previously had the time but no money, working full time now so have the money but not the time!

One of those rooms is becoming a nursery which will be even less time!

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