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Metcalfe vs Real Life

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How accurate are the Metcalfe Engine Shed and Goods Shed to GWR equivalents? Has anyone looked into this before?


On the other hand are they easy to modify to increase accuracy? Or would it just be easier to scratchbuild something?


Thanks heaps



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Having done Metcalfe and Scalescenes I like both,

I only have a standard HP inkjet and that prints fine, BUT don' t underestimate the amount of ink you will use and therefore the cost !!


Id start with a Metcalfe kit then print sheets from the scalescenes scratch build section to make modifications


These buildings and walls are a mixture of both



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Hope this helps




Thanks heaps!


With the goods shed - the door on the platform is on the long wall? Is it possible to put this on one of the short walls? Where the wall meets the office roof looks like there is the cutout for it...



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looking at my own pictures there does seem to be a cutout behind the office, but its too long ago to remember !!!


In this picture




It shows the door on the long wall and the roof extending down over to form a canopy, this roof section would have to be trimmed off. I also seem to remember that the wall sections fold round and join above and below the back door (the back wall is in effect in two halves.


Again looking at the above pictures there are no visible cutout marks on the inner grey wall that backs on to the office.


All that said I can see no reason why a Brickwork patch couldn't be let into the back wall door and a new one cut through where the office is. In many ways the patch may look better if it wasn't quite a perfect match or even be stuck in from behind to make it look like the door way has been bricked up. Many real buildings have undergone changes during their existence. If just bricked up the roof canopy could stay aswell.



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It shows the door on the long wall and the roof extending down over to form a canopy, this roof section would have to be trimmed off. I also seem to remember that the wall sections fold round and join above and below the back door (the back wall is in effect in two halves.


Again looking at the above pictures there are no visible cutout marks on the inner grey wall that backs on to the office.


All that said I can see no reason why a Brickwork patch couldn't be let into the back wall door and a new one cut through where the office is. In many ways the patch may look better if it wasn't quite a perfect match or even be stuck in from behind to make it look like the door way has been bricked up. Many real buildings have undergone changes during their existence. If just bricked up the roof canopy could stay aswell.




Thanks muchly - this is going to be fun!

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