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Morning all.

Personally, I'd rather make Ian's journey suspended upside down with my left foot cable-tied to a luggage rack than spend any time in the company of Chris Evans.

Slightly unrelated, but don't even get me started on Noel Edmonds... if I ever make a "Voodoo" doll of anyone...


Goodness me, poor old Chris Evans does seem to have upset a few of you. He's not a bad lad really, maybe he's a bit too cheerful for you so early in the morning. Does a lot of good work for charity though. I have to agree re the other one!

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  • RMweb Gold

Goodness me, poor old Chris Evans does seem to have upset a few of you. He's not a bad lad really, maybe he's a bit too cheerful for you so early in the morning. Does a lot of good work for charity though. I have to agree re the other one!

He does have a rather tasty collection of motor cars of course.


BTW John according to the Beeb that which has caused a bit of fuss in the NE of the USofA will be arriving with you in a day or two (and Scotland and northern England, not sure if Fraggle Rock will be joining the party).  Meanwhile us in the sunny sarf will allegedly be enjoying, well, sunshine.

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  • RMweb Premium

Oh, and as for the 430s: Aside from the goofed wheelchair request button arrangement and dodgy control software, these are affected by inadequate cab air conditioning which as per reports from numerous drivers provides insufficient heating capacity and has a mysterious software regulation routine which will lead to unoccupied cabs actually being cooled even at outside temperatures around freezing. The cabs are sometimes reported to be inadequately draught-proof, too, so QC seems to be hit-and-miss, too.


And then there are the issues with the onboard fold-out gap bridges which at this time are only installed on the units for the Stuttgart network. These have been causing a lot of trouble, too, meaning they wouldn't retract through any known means and due to software provisions prevented the train from moving while they were deployed. One incident reported from Stuttgart in 2013 mentions a set of 430s having blocked the Stuttgart trunk line tunnel for 26 minutes, after which the entire fleet of 430s delivered thus far was taken out of service. For the moment, the gap bridges therefore remain deactivated.


TBH, I do strongly sympathise with the DB train staff of today, given how (according to what I'm hearing from various sources) they go right up to and even beyond the personal breaking point to keep things running even under such circumstances. Also, I can't blame any of them one bit when they need to call in sick, and certainly don't agree with the flak they're getting from the media when they protest for better working conditions and pay.


Forgot to mention: Of course, the DB managers responsible long claimed to know naught about no problems. Later, they began a passing-the-buck game with the railway industry (and not just over the 430s).

Edited by 1216 025
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TBH, I do strongly sympathise with the DB train staff of today, given how (according to what I'm hearing from various sources) they go right up to and even beyond the personal breaking point to keep things running even under such circumstances. Also, I can't blame any of them one bit when they need to call in sick, and certainly don't agree with the flak they're getting from the media when they protest for better working conditions and pay.


This is what railwaymen (includes women) do.

The railway world would fall apart without this attitude.



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Yes, but still not sure about the burnished parts. Bloke we bought it from polished parts for a previous owner (it's been through his shop twice) and I might prefer it all black/slate. Apparently it was originally painted white. Big rooms need a fireplace, though, and we've waited over 30 years for this one!

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  • RMweb Premium

Just spotted this on the BBC web site:


"While Facebook was down, I nailed a picture of my breakfast to a tree outside our house. Seven people have knocked to say they liked it", wrote Alistair Coleman.

As long as he did not leave a pavement pizza. :jester:

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Afternoon all.  A work from home afternoon here too as the new head master took pity on me after a morning from hell. It began with a 6am telephone call from student teacher to tell me she was not coming in. Not sure if I should be concerned by the lack of lesson planning sent on to me - we'll see what materialises tomorrow! Sarah and Amber still ill. The former feeling so rough that she did not want to lift herself out of bed. So the dilemma was what to do with the latter. A quick call to my parents proved fruitless as they had dental appointments this morning and couldn't babysit. Amber was not well enough herself so I could not take her into school with me,  so it was a case of Sarah having to cope until lunch.

 The head allowed me to take my non-contact time at home so I could assist. In the intervening time Sarah had taken Amber to the doctors due to sore eyes. She was diagnosed with an eye infection - but was, according to the doc, fit to attend her afternoon nursery session. At 2pm we got a call to collect her as she was ill. I went and picked her up to be faced with a sobbing little girl with conjunctivitis. Not good and not sure on what plan of action will be for tomorrow!


Oh well keep smiling - and keep remembering last weekend!!!


Let's hope things improve and the US weather doesn't hit over here - this coming weekend is the Stafford show!!!


If in the US stay safe!

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There is a lot of nasty infectious stuff about, very sorry for all those afflicted. Already had to change plans twice for this week because various folks are laid low.


Fireplace is in. Quite a lot of dust and mess to clean up, and the skirting board to reinstate, then dressing it...

That would look good with anything from a late Victorian prototype O gauge train to a 3.5" gauge loco on it I should think.

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  • RMweb Premium

Bummer... Current focus of malaise is a tough sinusitis which seems to have been propagated by the strep throat. Hurts like hell whenever I cough, blow my nose or move my head significantly. SWMBO still poorly, too. I guess it's time to have one of our favourite meals for dinner regardless in order to lift our spirits...

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  • RMweb Premium

I have just received a bill for £0.00


I'm going to be charged £4.50 for not paying it by direct debit.


Send them a cheque.

Better still send them a payment of 1p by direct debit and then insist on a refund of the overpayment by cheque posted to you.

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  • RMweb Premium

He does have a rather tasty collection of motor cars of course.


BTW John according to the Beeb that which has caused a bit of fuss in the NE of the USofA will be arriving with you in a day or two (and Scotland and northern England, not sure if Fraggle Rock will be joining the party).  Meanwhile us in the sunny sarf will allegedly be enjoying, well, sunshine.


Will be Wet in Wales, apparently.  Nothing new there then. :mosking:

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Similar reports here as a couple of others ahead of me - I continue to improve from the weekend malaise, but as of yesterday Mrs has it<sigh> Sinus issues, headaches, cough, sneezing, etc., etc! Luckily she's not working this week so can take the time to rest and recover.


Watching the East Coast weather, noted;

1) Pete luckily has less than predicted

2) In typical fashion (I lived there for 7 years so feel I can comment as an ex-native) NYC residents are all moaning because the city was shut down and the storm was far less than estimated - typical, they'd moan if the city WASN'T shut and it was grid-locked, they moan NOW because they could have gone to work after all... can't please everyone!

3) CNN in their <LET'S PANIC> status quo mode are reporting every flake of snow that is falling from about a 1000 different locations! MUCH of the weather is CERTAINLY significant in the Boston area, but NOT biblical proportions that the CNN news team are trying to hype <groan>


YAY!! Postman Pat delivered my Hornby Pullman Brake car... it's so nice and shiny and new :senile:  :locomotive:


Weather is a non-event here in what is supposed to be the cold part of the US :jester: currently +1 cloudy and going to be +3 for a high today/tomorrow, snow diminishing rapidly...

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

Just been advised that the Mac is ready for collection, hard disc content is totally corrupted (must have been herself reading the Daily Wail on line ;) ).


So we now stand at tyres paid for, fence paid for (today), 'puter to pay for tomorrow, good quantity of books bought at IA Cardiff last week, herself currently abed and feeling grotty but not got the shivers again.  So I think possible trip to Stafford on Saturday will remain cancelled although I have partially recharged my current account at the bank (from a deposit account) as I will no doubt have to reimburse the household for paying for the tyres.


Odd thing about banks - I went in to pay a bill and shift some money from one account to another (our online banking does not happen on PCs) and by the time I left I'd been offered a loan, household insurance, and I'm not sure what else - but no improved interest rate on my ISA.

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Seaweed feelers say we shall have muchly snow tomorrow - the sun has just set with the most glorious sunset , pinks and red all over - so now it is a battle between science and old wives sayings, and we will see what tomorrow brings - hopefully my new camera - the Fuji EZR having adopted non-operational mode for no apparent good reason, so I have treated myself to a Canon Digital Ixus 170 for my barfday - but I suspect it may take a few more days as it is enroute from Germany.

Edited by shortliner
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Just been advised that the Mac is ready for collection, hard disc content is totally corrupted (must have been herself reading the Daily Wail on line ;) ).


So we now stand at tyres paid for, fence paid for (today), 'puter to pay for tomorrow, good quantity of books bought at IA Cardiff last week, herself currently abed and feeling grotty but not got the shivers again.  So I think possible trip to Stafford on Saturday will remain cancelled although I have partially recharged my current account at the bank (from a deposit account) as I will no doubt have to reimburse the household for paying for the tyres.


Odd thing about banks - I went in to pay a bill and shift some money from one account to another (our online banking does not happen on PCs) and by the time I left I'd been offered a loan, household insurance, and I'm not sure what else - but no improved interest rate on my ISA.


That's because the last thing they want you to do is save!

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Similar reports here as a couple of others ahead of me - I continue to improve from the weekend malaise, but as of yesterday Mrs has it<sigh> Sinus issues, headaches, cough, sneezing, etc., etc! Luckily she's not working this week so can take the time to rest and recover.


Watching the East Coast weather, noted;

1) Pete luckily has less than predicted

2) In typical fashion (I lived there for 7 years so feel I can comment as an ex-native) NYC residents are all moaning because the city was shut down and the storm was far less than estimated - typical, they'd moan if the city WASN'T shut and it was grid-locked, they moan NOW because they could have gone to work after all... can't please everyone!

3) CNN in their <LET'S PANIC> status quo mode are reporting every flake of snow that is falling from about a 1000 different locations! MUCH of the weather is CERTAINLY significant in the Boston area, but NOT biblical proportions that the CNN news team are trying to hype <groan>


YAY!! Postman Pat delivered my Hornby Pullman Brake car... it's so nice and shiny and new :senile:  :locomotive:


Weather is a non-event here in what is supposed to be the cold part of the US :jester: currently +1 cloudy and going to be +3 for a high today/tomorrow, snow diminishing rapidly...


Back in the 90's, during the first Gulf War, our Saudi office and accommodation were close to Dhahran airport. The lads were watching a CNN report from the war one night and were surprised to hear that they were currently under attack by scud missiles. The reporter was standing on his hotel balcony with the sound of explosions in the background. His hotel was next to our accommodation. The whole report was a total fabrication.

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Watching the East Coast weather, noted;

1) Pete luckily has less than predicted

Weather is a non-event here in what is supposed to be the cold part of the US :jester: currently +1 cloudy and going to be +3 for a high today/tomorrow, snow diminishing rapidly...

Quote of the Day from the BBC rep in NYC: “Mayor de Blasio should realize that a “historic” event should have actually happened, first”.


We pick up and spit out 7” of snow.......


Best, Pete.

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Mind you I did just watch the BBC 6 - 10 day forecast for the UK. The BBC apparently consider temps above freezing as “bitterly cold” and forecast “disruption” from “snow showers”..............

So they are as guilty of hyperbole as everyone else, apparently.


Best, Pete.

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