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Early Risers.


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At the Northern General yesterday to see a vascular radiology specialist about the recurrence of the intermittent claudication in my right leg (that is, pain from arteriosclerosis makes me limp, I rest for a few minutes till the pain eases, then repeat the process). I'm down for an MRI scan in a few weeks.

In the evening, I was at a shortlisting meeting to select candidates for our ward in the local elections. Besides our three sitting councillors, we had to list another three, including at least two female candidates. We were provided with profiles of all candidates, and spent an hour earnestly studying these before making nominations and having a secret eliminating ballot to agree the short-list.

I always take my duties in these matters seriously, and, having carefully weighed up the choices, I voted for the three prettiest women profiled. Two of these got through, and I now look forward to the selection meeting next week. 

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Morning all. The ER's are getting earlier as the week progresses. I just hope that it doesn't continue.


A trip to the coast for me today Portsmouth then a quick detour to Gaugemaster before heading into town for the second job of the day.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Will be off within the half hour and out into the bit of a snowscape that's built up since yesterday! I just hope it won't turn into ice land later…


Have a good one, everyone…

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Good morning one and all and particular good wishes for those with distressing news


One of my many indulgences is 'Round Britain Quiz' on BBC Radio 4.  I follow the Welsh team because I know one of the members, David Edwards.  In addition to being the first man to win £1 million on 'Who wants to be a millionaire' and a past Mastermind he is a fine singer and founded a short lived dance team, Izaak Walton's Compleat Rapper.  Many of the abstruse questions are quite beyond my brain but once in a while I find myself yelling the answer at the radio when the hapless teams cannot divine it for themselves.  This is a futile gesture of course but what the heck.


Another distraction is 'Father Brown' which has begun a two-week run on daytime TV.  This re-interpretation of G K Chesterton's character is skilfully done and a good restful way of spending 45 minutes.  Would you rather spend the time ironing?  No, neither would I.


Tomorrow sees another postponed appointment with Dr Colo-Rectal.  Perhaps I should look for the appointment letter.  I was talking last night with a mate who had been waiting for an appointment with another clinic.   He wandered into the hospital yesterday and discovered that the appointment is this coming Friday!  "You should have had a letter" said the receptionist in fluent bl33ding-obvious.  What would my reply have been, I wonder?



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Morning All,


It is another grey morning here in this part of the world.  It was raining pretty heavily on the way into work - which is a bit of a shame because the little guy is spending the last week of the school holidays with his Grandparents and has been champing at the bit to get out.  It looks like today is going to be spent at home learning his French Vocab (which he will be ecstatic about)


I must admit that I often find this time of the year very depressing - and that is not helped by the fact that so many people seem to be ill, or going through very difficult times at the moment.


On the subject of headlamps and rear fog lamps, which came up early yesterday morning, I think one of the problems with headlamps are these modern automatic systems.  Some cars seem to wait until it is very dark before they actually switch on.  Other cars put the lights on much earlier.  I still have manual headlamps in my car, and I almost always drive with headlights on.  Rear fog lamps are more problematic here in Germany.  If you have your rear fog lamp on, you are limited to 50kph.


Also he couldn't understand how someone from Essex knew Germans.


I met my ex-wife in Essex - which proves that Essex and Germany do come into contact with each other occasionally :mosking:


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Off to a funeral today in Leicester today.


It's at times like this when I realise how precious our time on this planet is.


Have a great day


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.   Not quite sure what the day will bring as I haven't opened the curtains yet.   However I'm off to Bradford to buy some timber to make carrying cases for the scenic parts of the layout. If the weather plays ball I may even get chance to do some woodwork this afternoon and start using the timber.  


Regards to everyone, time now to feed the cats, then have breakfast.



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Morning all.


More illness amongst us and our loved ones- best wishes to all as appropriate. Jock's space hopper sounds particularly unpleasant!


Nothing much doing here. Christmas tree disposed of last night (in the pouring rain). Our Stroud DC distributes large skips in various car parks for them, which is uncharacteristically thoughtful of them. Nearest one is just down the road from us, handily. Would have been preferable if folks hadn't just dumped them all in the front of the skip mind, I had to climb through a prickly forest to get mine in the space at the back. Ahh well. Paperwork day at work today.


On headlights, I must admit overly bright lights (at both ends of the car) are a particular bane of mine. The latest generation of luxobarges seem to be the worst culprits- all the glass (including wing & rear view mirrors) on the Land Rover is clear (no tints) and they are genuinely blinding. Most mornings I have an executive saloon sat a car's length behind and a foot to my right just waiting for the opportunity to dive past me and sit up the tail of the car in front of me- perfectly positioned to dazzle me via the wing mirror- it's not the same one each morning either! It's another one of those features that makes the vehicle safer for the occupants to the detriment of everyone else- the answer seems to be to fit brighter lights to one's own car to combat this and the cycle continues. I feel much the same about excessively large windscreen pillars etc, I don't like driving most modern cars for this reason, combined with the trend of trying to remove you from the outside world as much as possible (computer screens, more controls and functions than you can shake a stick at, heavy soundproofing, overly damped controls etc) they just don't sit comfortably with me. My little Marina estate with glass everywhere, about 4 switches and 3 dials is brilliant in this respect and I feel consciously more aware of my surroundings when driving it. I think I'm just an old fart before my time...


On steam engines vs livestock, the chap that owns the steam roller I crew on was a fireman at the very end of steam in these parts. He once told us of being the next train through the section after a 9F/ herd of cows interface- not a pleasant experience by any stretch of the imagination, it sounds like it was a challenge working out how many of the beasties were involved from the remains.


Anyhoo- enough grumbling for one morning, all is pretty good here really (and it isn't even raining at the moment). Have a good day all :)     

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Accidently clicked on page 1 of this thread rather than the most recent.

Bit scary! What new forum are they all talking about migrating to? I've only been offline for a matter of a few hours!


Anyway, morning all. Misty, damp, chilly here; so experimenting with my new Christmas jumper as a defence mechanism.


Quite tired as the boy was struggling to sleep last night and woke up at 04:10 with a bad dream. Actually that was quite good as he normally goes straight to mum, but this time it was "DADDDDDDYYYY!!!". 


This morning's query from the children was: "Which chair is your colleague sitting in at today's meeting?"

"Why?" - as if I needed to ask the two mischief monkeys who were each sporting a whoopee cushion. 

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  • RMweb Premium

' Morning all from red dragon land. At present it's dry.


Currently getting stuck into my layout track plan - get one bit you want sorted and end up needing to re-sort another!  Still, I'll plod on.


Wishing you all well and hope today is better than yesterday.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Quite sunny, not quite as warm as it has been. I did manage to persuade Aditi to let me take down the outside lights yesterday while it was dry. I will pack away the indoor stuff today. My only other scheduled task is a trip to Southend Airport. Despite the sign outside I don't think anyone local calls it London Southend!


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Weather is not to bad at the moment but due for a haircut so a trip into town beckons, probably tomorrow. I was going to get a haircut before Christmas but the barbers was packed out so I decided to give it a miss. Commiserations and congratulations where neccessary, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, back in the office and my diary is not as full as I thought. Still very tired but slowly getting up to speed,  DD2's trip to Preston was in vain as her lectures for the week were cancelled...

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