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"What do you all do to keep calm when you got an exam or something similar coming up?"


As my Doctor looks a little like Aleesha Dixon (?sp), I quite look forward to getting sick.


Guess it all hinges on what's coming up! :blush: :icon_lol:

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Dominik - you can only do your best - don't cram to the point when your head's ready to explode. Make sure you take plenty of breaks.


I always liked to take a break every so long and play guitar. Friends always said I seemed really calm going into exams, when inside I could be squirming, with guts tied in a knot!

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  • RMweb Premium



Just the first traces of daylight outside - slept like a rock, though, which can only be a good thing.



Dominik - you can only do your best - don't cram to the point when your head's ready to explode. Make sure you take plenty of breaks.


I always liked to take a break every so long and play guitar. Friends always said I seemed really calm going into exams, when inside I could be squirming, with guts tied in a knot!



I guess you're right - but as you can probably remember it is often hard to get into this kind of thinking with the feeling of knotted-up guts inside :mellow: .


One thing's for certain - regardless of what will come out of it, I will do nothing even remotely related to my studies after Friday! :lol:

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Morning All,


I didn't get on yesterday - I tried to log on early, but it seemed RMweb had a little downtime.


It's looking pretty grey outside this morning, not actually raining but it may well do later on. I'm just glad I had an hour or so to get out on my bike in the dry yesterday.


Dominik - try not to worry about the exam too much. There is little that you can do at this late stage other than take things easy and see how things go. As John, and sixoh have already said don't try cramming now - it won't help and may even be counterproductive. If I were in your position, I would take things easy today and do something relaxing.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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Good Morning all!


Just trying to shoehorn myself out of bed, as we need to be at the tram stop for half 7. this is so that we can get in to manchester for the train down to brum.


i'm getting the hurry up from swimbo, so


have a great day everyone

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Thanks again for your encouragement, guys :) . I guess I often am way too much of a perfectionist for my own comfort.


On a related note, I wrote to two of my professors, explaining my worries and the unease. One of them replied, "please do remember that what we are about to do is really nothing more than a pleasant conversation of thirty minutes about things we both like, as we have done before on several occasions." The other told me not to worry about the shortness of time as she was, of course, aware that it is impossible to discuss any topic at encyclopedic length within just fifteen minutes per topic, and that we would strictly adhere to the outline I will be writing up for it. That helped me a lot and further emphasized the good impression I have been having of them for several years now.


I also think I should not worry too much about the grade I may get as marks are, after all, not really capable of expressing the entirety of a person's capabilities and character.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


The weather is rather pleasant here at the moment, blue sky with a few high wispy clouds. No coffee for me with breakfast, I usually prefer tea. There seemed to be quite a few layouts with trams on them at the Shoeburyness exhibition yesterday. Although I saw the trams in Nottingham last year I didn't travel on them. I'm fairly certain that it is over 20 years ago I last went on a tram at Crich. I did go on a bendy-trolley (or trolley-bendy) bus in Salzburg more recently though.



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Just had a tipper load of logs delivered, or should I say dumped in the drive. Guess what I'll be doing later....

Does that mean Shergar and Sam will be moving out of your storage sheds?


Yesterday's result makes up for that travesty of justice when we played your lot. wink.gif

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I didn't take Robbie for his walk when it was clear and sunny earlier. We went while it was raining and hailing. Now I'm back it has of course stopped raining and is again sunny.

I've also bought some brackets to make some more shelves in the garage (33% saving on shelf brackets at Focus DIY today). Yesterdays effort now means I can get to the pillar drill and mitre saw. I don't seem to be throwing much away though.



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Tried something interesting earlier today in order to unwind after revision. I read that binaural audio recordings with a frequency difference of about 5 Hz can induce a deep state of relaxation, so I bought one such recording from Amazon - really just a pulsing tone which goes on for about thirty minutes. Indeed - after what could only have been a few minutes I suddenly felt heavy as a rock as well as an odd kind of warmth from within me, and totally lost track about what was going on around me. It did feel weird, but good all the same.


Edit: I just got a message from one of my professors as I had asked them for the results of my exams earlier this year (as we aren't informed about them automatically - for whichever reason) and she said she had given me a straight A (or 1.3 under the customary grade system over here). Phew! :D

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