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  • RMweb Gold

"Will that be this forum?"

No Tony - YMR probably.

On here it would be construed as an advert.

The fact that it's cost me a minor fortune to produce is immaterial.

It is a pity that YMR doesn't have a read only view of layouts. I've tried to join but the management didn't even respond to my email. Our nice Mr York always replies to me.







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"Will that be this forum?"


No Tony - YMR probably.

On here it would be construed as an advert.

The fact that it's cost me a minor fortune to produce is immaterial.

Please check that with Andy Y. There have been other professionals displaying their commissions on older versions of RMweb. You should be able to as well as long as you word it in such a was as to not be touting for business.
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Jam the plan is for two baseboards of about five feet by three each, with a curve to a scenic break, then a four foot fiddle yard at right angles, and a four foot traverser at the other. Should give me a baseboard run of fourteen feet which will just fit into the spare room, and can be broken down to the four components for storage. I hope to start cutting the timber (I have enough MDF plywood and 2x1 for the supports to do most of this without visiting the woodyard - all left over from building and DIY projects) when the weather improves.


Thanks also for the good wishes about the dog's ears. The news was very good indeed, as they are responding to the treatment, which is a potion concted by the vet, and the combination and quantities of the ingredients is specific to the breed of dog - she said that the concoction is different for every breed, and specifically is different for spaniels from any other type of dog, as the hair follicles in a spaniel's ears are apparently complex (ie can support multiple hairs from one follicle) as opposed to simple in all other breeds (ie only growing one hair). Hence, there are also different balances of oils and fats in a spaniel's ear from other breeds like a Labarador. As this vet is apparently one of the best in the world on animal dermatology, she knows what she's talking about. This might be of some interest to Tony S who is another RMWebber owned by a Spaniel. The bill was nowhere near as steep as we expected, but next time, a video otoscopy is needed, and we are looking at several hundred pounds - thank goodness for pet insurance.


DD - great news on the praise that you received


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold


... Hence, there are also different balances of oils and fats in a spaniel's ear from other breeds like a Labarador. As this vet is apparently one of the best in the world on animal dermatology, she knows what she's talking about. This might be of some interest to Tony S who is another RMWebber owned by a Spaniel. The bill was nowhere near as steep as we expected, but next time, a video otoscopy is needed, and we are looking at several hundred pounds - thank goodness for pet insurance.




I'm so glad the dog's ears are responding. I knew about spaniel ear problems and the lady who sold me Robbie showed how working cocker ears are different to the show cockers. The inside is much less hairy. My mother's schnauzers both had ear problems and the poor things seemed to be really irritated by it.


Robbie's only skin problem is that he has a small bald patch on his elbow. The vet said it is nothing to worry about, he just has bony elbows causing a patch of hard skin probably due to whatever position he sleeps in. He doesn't lick it or scratch so it doesn't appear to bother him.

Stewart, you may also be interested to know that since the telephone engineers moved away from near here my broadband speed has doubled. Not as fast as it used to be but nearly 8Mbps now which is much better.






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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Quite nippy outside, but the forecast predicts another sunny day. List for today includes that essay again, though I'll also have to tidy up the flat some.



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Morning All,


As Dominik said, it is rather chilly around here this morning. Still, the sky is clear and it looks like it is going to be another nice day.


Have a good one everybody...

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Morning all! Planning an early start and finish at work today so am up early. Roll on 3.30 and the start of the weekend!


Looking after Jamie tomorrow while SWMBO puts in an extra day at work to repair her flexi total.


Have a good Thursday everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

The weather forecast suggested that the cloud will disperse later and it will be sunny here. We've got snowdrops, crocus and a few daffodils flowering so it must be spring!

I'll need to go and get a Clio fog lamp today as there seemed to be an absence of glass where it was supposed to be.



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Evening All,


I am very relieved this evening. Remember that PayPal claim I mentioned a couple of days ago? The situation escalated :O


See Here


I have a few more grey hairs as a result - but I am extremely glad it's over.


Have a good evening everybody...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, cold dry here but I can see patches of blue sky. I'll be following a friend to the main Renault dealer today. It would appear that her Clio's "body control module" needs looking at and it is a main dealer only task. I'd never heard of such a module but the internet revealed all. Anyway I hope my job is just to provide a lift home.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a bit chilly and hazy on the horizon but another week completed. Someone I know well has started Chemo this week he has already lived a year longer than he was expected to when diagnosed so compared to him my difficulties are trivial.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, The sun is shining and there's frost on the car. I'm fit and healthy so do I feel glad? You bet I do. There are so many folks suffering with awful disease we should all be thankful for every day we get up and are in (reasonably) good shape. Hope your mate keeps fighting Mick.


Off now to scrape the frost off the car and think about loading the trainset up for two days at Romsey exhibition this weekend. Have a good one all.




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Absolutely right - it makes you realise how fragile human life can be.


It certainly makes ones problems seem trivial by comparison.


I currently have a friend of a friend who has been diagnosed with an incurable brain tumour, and a colleague who was rushed into hospital as an emergency last night. We are still waiting to hear if it is anything serious - his poor wife was in a right state when I spoke to her on the phone this morning (not surprisingly).

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm now back home (I don't actually need to be home to post but I don't quite know how to post from my new "fruit " phone yet). My towing skills (!) were not needed fortunately, as my friend and her car made it to the garage.

Still some blue sky showing but it is not very warm.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Temperature's hovering around freezing this morning, but it does look like another sunny day is up. Essay is mostly done – I only need to finish the summary and then proof-read it.


I wonder if I may get that third parcel today... :)



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Morning all,


I'm giving the missus a lie in today so been up with the kids since 5..... <_< They would pick today to wake up early! lol


Might tackle the rest of the wiring on the layout today once I've defrosted the workshop :blink:


May your weekend be packed with modelling bliss !



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