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  • RMweb Premium

I think I can understand your Grandpa's thought process Dom. As you get older, you will start to notice that the number of areas in your body that start to give trouble increases quite quickly. Everything becomes an effort and I'm sure that you come to a point when everything is so hard to achieve, you just wish to go to sleep. Thankfully I've not reached that point yet, in fact I'm far from it, but having seen various family members go through this process, I suspect it is a blessed relief not to have to go through more and more medical treatment. If you can come to terms with your own mortality, I would imagine the pain goes and you can gently go to sleep in peace.


I see where you're coming from, Gordon...thanks for your thoughts.


Though I do wonder if I may end up seeing things the same way as I grow older. I would think a big part of it will also be related to whether one will be satisfied with what they have achieved in life. I mean, I can barely imagine how it must be like to have lived for more than nine tenths of a century, and just what kind of personal meaning the things you live through in this timespan may acquire. I admit that I myself cannot really grasp the idea of someone feeling they have, in fact seen all they could reasonably see in their lifetime, and that they do not need to see anything else to be content.


Not yet, that is...

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Afternoon All,


Did get around to posting first thing. Went off to Church to change light bulbs!


Good news on the building inspector front Mick. Fingers crossed that you get a better price for the house now.


Dominik, it is somewhat difficult to know what to say about your Grandpa, not knowing him. However, I think I can see where he is coming from. Having spoken to my own Grandparents about this when they were still alive I think that often a point is reached in your life when you have satisfied all the goals you have set for yourself and you are quite content to accept anything that comes your way - including death.


An operation would be stressful for him, and for your family and with no guarantee of success. Therefore he has probably decided that his time has come.


My Grandfathers biggest goal was to see the year 2000. As long as I can remember, he always said he wanted to see the year 2000 in. He did so, and died at the end of January 2000.


Have a good day everyone...

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What is Lisa doing with that candle?


I was going to write that I'll suggest a Living Will to the In Laws but ERs might think they were becoming a nuisance. :angel:

Although I don't have the same emotional involvement as SWMBO, I still think the world of them because I remember how they used to be.

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Guest dilbert

The French have an interesting philosopy - the four ages of man :


1. as a child you are dependent on your parents

2. as a parent your offspring are dependent on you

3. in early retirement, your are independent (from children and hopefully with grandchildren)

4. and as you grow older, you eventually will become dependent on your children


An Arabic variant of this is 'happiness is dying before your children do'... dilbert

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


I guess today'll be stinking hot - even the trip to the bakery I just returned from gave me a sweat :wacko: :wacko: :O . I wonder if you could fit an air conditioning unit in a rucksack?


Have a pleasant Sunday, guys...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Well done your Rugby team yesterday Don. Who do you fancy to win the world cup? I think it will be one of the big three from the southern hemisphere. Who is the strongest at the moment?


I received an e-mail this morning informing me I'd been fined for speeding in New York a couple of months ago. I must have been going some to get there and back before work.


Looks like it's going to be another nice day here too. Enjoy your day whatever you are doing.

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No comment on yesterday's game, BoD? I haven't seen it yet so don't know if it was a fair result.


Cloudy and overcast at the moment, but hoping the sun will break through. Daughter and boyfriend are here today/tomorrow to look at wedding venues.


Oh gawd, it's started..

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Hi BoD, I must confess I was astounded!

For World Cup I favour New Zealand. I don't think we have a hope in Hades.

Your speeding fine sounds intriguing. Do let us know if you ever find out how it came about, but I am inclined to think it's bogus.

I have never heard of a speeding fine being notified by e-mail.

I don't know if you have the facility, but here one can pay traffic fines through any ATM

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Morning All,


It is a rather cloudy morning here - hopefully it will be a little cooler. It was a real stinker yesterday afternoon!


That e-mail sounds strange BoD. How would NYPD get your e-mail address? As Don said, e-mail wouldn't be reliable enough to send out speeding tickets. Probably a hoax, but might be worth doing some on-line research.


It goes without saying, but don't phone any numbers in the e-mail!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

No comment on yesterday's game, BoD?


No comment.



It was obviously a scam Don. There was an attached file for me to load to see the 'ticket'. No chance.

I guess that some poor unsuspecting folk who aren't computer savvy may well worry and load it just to see.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all.

Back in Essex.

We had a fairly uneventful drive from Austria to Aachen apart from a tremendous rain storm that actually halted the traffic on the Autobahn. Yesterday there were considerable delays round Brussels as some unfortunate person had attached their Volvo (one of the larger ones) to the front of a truck just where there were roadworks at a junction approaching a bridge. There were delays at the Eurotunnel as well, partially because we were in the queue for prepaid tickets, EU passports and it was of course the one where some of the people in the queue weren't either and caused delays. Aditi was impressed as as we got to the self service terminal the screen already had identified us (number plate recognition cameras).

Our garden has survived thanks to the attention our neighbour has given it while we were away.

I had to push the Clio (returned from repair while we were away) as the battery was flat and I needed to get into our garage to turn the water back on. I jump started it from the Land Rover (after looking for the battery, every thing seems to be under a cover or in a box in a Freelander).

I'm just going to ring up my friend to see if it is OK to collect Robbie.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, our largest cat returned last night after a 3 day absence so the happiness level went up all round. I actually watched Andy Murray win a tennis match which was unusual for me and him I think. The list is now less than a page long so it might soon get to modelling time.

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Thanks Gordon and BoD for the elucidation, but I fail to understand how ANY soccer game can be more important than a Rugby International!!!!!!!! :O


Well you have to have been brought up there to really feel the deep rooted passion for these local derbies. In my case it's Spurs v Arsenal and of course there are many other fiercely fought local derbies that can take priority over everything.


Sunderland v Newcastle is probably the most passionate one of all....


With regard to the Test Match, yes I've been watching it, but in essence it's become such a one sided series, it's not that much of a competitive spectacle. Shame really it promised so much. I'd rather see a closely fought contest than a sound thrashing any day.

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  • RMweb Premium

There would appear to be a collection of rain and thunder cells in this area, one of which has just stopped emptying itself on us. It's quite muggy, though, so I expect this won't have been the last of it.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Been a few days since I posted - I have been lurking awhile, and have been following events in here with a lot of mixed feelings.


Glad for Mick that the house is a bit more saleable now - hopefully with the building inspector's certificate, you will get the price that you want/need, and hopefully stave off any more severe financial repercussions.


Dominik - watching a loved relative who is ailing is very very difficult - I have been down both roads - my dad died suddenly and unexpectedly while at work, and I was living in London and didn't manage to get to the hospital in time. My mum had dementia,which we suspect was caused by a long term insulin overdose, as she stuck to her insulin as prescribed even when she was eating less - some days she was taking 40 units a day and no food, and I wrote a letter to her GP outlining the situation, and asked her to take it when she next went - after she went into a home, and we cleared the house, I found said letter stuck in a rack with a load of old bills and things - never opened. In the end, all three brothers had to take a decision to sign a "Do Not Resuscitate" instruction to the hospital and later to the home, as it was clear that her quality of life was exceptionally impaired. At least Dom, in your Grandad's case, he has already considered the options, and has made his decision based on his own thought processes, and while he was in a mental condition to do so.


Nice to see Lisa is with us even though with lottle or no real news - it's always encouraging to see that some of the really old hands are still around.


It's stopped raining now, so I'll logoff and make a trip to the shop to get a few odds and ends.


Regards to All



ps the jury's still out on the new format......

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