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Morning All,


I reached the office at last, and found a queue of people standing outside my door waiting to see me. I think it is going to be one of those days!


The weather is typically Autumnal - broken cloud, cold and blustery.


My meeting with Thomas' teacher went better than expected this morning. We have some behavioural issues to sort out, but it wasn't as bad as I had expected - The long and short of it is that I have a challenging child. Thanks to everybody who commented and PMed me about it.


Oh well - I guess I had better get on with some work!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Wet outside, but the sun's burning through by now, so it may yet turn out to be a fair day.


Robert - glad to hear there were no really serious issues. I'm not sure if this may be related to the situation with Thomas in any way, but last night I was reading how American doctors were now suggesting treating kids affected by ADHD with medications like Ritalin from 4 (!) years onwards. I can't say I approve of this suggestion, considering how prescriptions for this stuff would appear to have soared over the past few years and how it may have serious side effects, the risk of which certainly should not be taken easily.


Certainly, blanketing children which might be described as being difficult for one reason or another with strong medication cannot be a sensible response, as I cannot help but think this kind of approach borders on summarily stamping out difference in human characters, and takes away resources from those individuals who definitely do need medical assistance.

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I agree completely Dominik - Ritalin is all too often used as a way of turning challenging kids who just need firm discipline into compliant drones. I don't doubt that ADHD is a valid disorder in a minority of Children, but I can't believe it is as common as the media would have us believe.


I know of one Mother who was told by a school that they would only take her son if he was on Ritalin - which I believe is shameful behaviour. Admittedly the child is very challenging - but it is nothing that a firm hand wouldn't correct (having re-read that, I should emphasise I am not advocating hitting children, I mean a firm hand in the sense of well defined boundaries and discipline). Needless to say, the Mother turned the school down, and her Son is now doing very well at another school.

Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Cloudy one in these parts. Lots to do today but so far little achieved.


Dom and Robert believe me when you find a child with full on ADHD, Ritalin and similar drugs can make a huge difference. I have 3 kids and they have all been there. Without the stuff they were all over the place but with it they were very bright individuals. Far from suppressing individuality it allows them to find it. Of course when they get to a certain age and believe they can live without it there is a tendency for quite a lot of things to go wrong. Ask me how I know...




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, wet as anything here. I'm currently sat on the sofa shivering with the worst cold that anyone anywhere in the whole history of mankind has had to endure - well I feel pretty rough anyway. I don't usually give in to these things but the combination of a sleepless night and a raging headache led to my submission so Hampshire water supply will have to do without me today.


There's enough coming down from the sky anyway so if anyone's that bothered they can put a bucket out.

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  • RMweb Premium

I was not meaning to suggest all ADHD diagnoses were unwarranted, Dave, just in case I may have come across as having done so. However, liberally applying it to pretty much all difficult children certainly is not helpful either.

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  • RMweb Premium

Dominik is quite correct that strong minded children are being dosed with a drug they don't need it is very prevalent in the USA and unfortunately in Britain certain parents know that benefits are attached to a diagnosis of ADHD and actively seek a diagnosis. It shouldn't happen as the doctor involved should refer to other settings but they don't all ways do this. In the case of children who have ADHD the difference can be remarkable allowing them to focus and learn as well as relax..

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  • RMweb Gold

Matthew's situation at junior school wasn't caused by any misdiagnosis by parents, the school psychologist, the LEA doctor, our GP, ur the physiotherapy unit he attended. As well as having to deal with the intolerance of his class teacher he was also having to deal with "playground issues." He eventually dealt with the playground bully by thumping him. He hadn't resisted before because it was against school rules (Matthew liked rules) to fight. I'm sorry to say that turning the other cheek doesn't work with bullies (especially when you have run out of cheeks). Matthew had been to karate lessons (not the most elegant of practitioners but he did try). I suggested he couldn't get in trouble if he used the blocking techniques he had been shown. I gather that he defended with attitude and told the playground supervisor the other boy had run into his arm.

His class teacher was much more difficult to deal with and in my humble opinion someone in need of more medication than any of the children she claimed were disruptive. Actually she told me that the headteacher was also disruptive. She was so vindictive she decided that if Matthew had special needs he should get the bottom band's spellings so he went from lists containing words like "turquoise" to lists with words like "cat".

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Morning guys. At last a reasonable night's sleep, so feeling so much better, other than the dry cough I seemed to have picked up, probably on the plane back. Sorry to hear of all your kids problems. Seems to be much more common than I thought. Of course now feeling totally guilty, that my two kids have grown up OK. Never really considered it until I read today's posts.


Phil, you must have flu. Men don't have colds.


ET Mk IX is already underway. Thanks DD, for having the faith to stay with it... :D


Just wait till you see MkXV....


Otherwise the sun is shining and all is well with the world.

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Gold

. Of course now feeling totally guilty, that my two kids have grown up OK.


Don't feel guilty! Matthew describes his educational experiences as character building. I'm not sure what character though. He amuses himself when irked by people now by imagining what Stalin would have done in such a situation. Fortunately I think he is only joking. It all turned out OK really, but it was unpleasant when at the time it seemed he was being punished for needing help. I think that being the only child of older parents made certain people in the school think we just couldn't accept the "fact" that our child was "naughty" and of "limited ability". As I mentioned the other day I wish I'd taken him away from that school.


Anyway back to trains,

Eastwood Town Mark IX looks as if it would be great fun to operate. My loft layout at our old house was quite nice, there was a terminus for local traffic (rather like Moor St in Birmingham) with the mainline to rest of the Western Region going round the loft on a 14ft by 16ft oval.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hello Folks!!

It's been a while since I was last on, and to that I apologise!

Hope you are all well, forgive me for not looking back at what you lot have been up to in my absence.

I have now settled down into uni life and it is going very well so far, if a bit stressful at times!

I am typing this on a brand new laptop which is heaven when compared to my old one. It can actually multi-task for a start and holds its battery!


I will try and post more regular now I'm settled in properly. I've already completed my first uni assignment which was handed in yesterday.

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  • RMweb Gold


I have now settled down into uni life and it is going very well so far, if a bit stressful at times!


Glad to read that you are settled. Hope you are finding time for some fun as well! Matthew has just started year 2 and claims to be too busy for fun at present though he is enjoying living with friends rather than in hall.

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, sometimes it is a bit like that - no time for fun!

It doesn't help that I am living at home which is 45mins away from uni (on a good day).

My only method of transport is relying on two people for lifts.

However, I do go to the pub quiz every Thursday night which is always great fun!

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Very glad to see you back on line Jam. I did miss you. Very happy that all is well so far.


Hello all. It's still cloudy with a threat of some rain, today and continuing,


Gordon, glad to see ECML vers IX has been instituted. I will continue to follow with excitement.

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Morning All,


It is a fairly clear morning here - and not too cold. Typical Autumn really.


Things are much too chaotic at the moment though. There seems to be so much to be done and so little time in which to do it!


I would have liked to have seen the piano animation of the Maple Leaf Rag - unfortunately it isn't available in Germany because GEMA haven't granted the publishing rights. So much for the World Wide web!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Good to see you back on air, Jam, and I'm glad you're enjoying uni.


It's been rather nippy when I looked out the door a few minutes ago, and wet. However, the forecast predicts the next few days to be fairly warm for this time of year.


Cheers everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Looks like a grey day here with rain ahead. Strange to have such a regular weather pattern. Monday: beautiful autumnal day. Tuesday: heavy rain. Wednesday: autumnal mist then again sunny. Today: rain. It makes planning easy.


Have a good day one and all.

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Second time recently we have had an electric power switch off. Went off at 8:25, restored at 9:15.

Don't know the cause. Some 4 or 5 years ago it was a daily regular occurrence but things got sorted out but it seems we may be returning to the bad old days.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,wet and cold outside and the light on to see the keyboard. Glad to hear you are enjoying uni Jam.I got some work done on my 2011 challenge last night stuck down polystyrene with a nomorenails clone 99p a cartridge as opposed to £6 for the genuine item, stuck the crossover in place too..

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