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  • RMweb Gold

I wondered if there were any model shops near where I will be in Houston later this month. It turns out that there is a model train show on the Saturday. I won't be picking Matthew up until the evening so I'm sure I could spare the time to have a look.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, had a bad night so treated self to a little lie-in.


A new chippy opened recently in the nearest town (Ramsey, 5 miles) and it is really good compared to the other, and in fact all the others on our little rock.  As a Geordie I'm picky about F&C, so many chippies serve frozen fish, the close proximity of North Shileds fish quay meant great fresh fish.   Chris Pendlenton missed that bit off his model.....


Mrs NHN is Cornish gurl from a fishing/farming background so also knows a bit about fish too.


Must wash up breakfast now as a friend is coming all the way from Port Erin to see me today.  Manx joke, sorry, they don't like to travel, and PE is at the other end of Fraggle Rock!

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  • RMweb Gold


I sympathise with your kitchen predicament Bob, it's the same in this household. I am a versatile cook of soups, starters, meat, fish and vegetable dishes but know I can't do puddings. When we have friends to feed, I am banned from the kitchen and from laying the table. Hey ho, I suppose that is why I have to break out quinine water and Bombay Sapphire!


I am allowed in the outside kitchen(BBQ) at all times!


Inside I'm only permitted to be there if Steak, Burgers (my own home made) Sea Bass, Bread, Cakes or various puddings are to be made or cooked. However the problem then starts because I need a kitchen the size of a large catering college to function in together with every known pan, gadget & implement known to man. This has been known to cause friction as our kitchen is not that big.


Thinking about it the G & T is a good idea! :yes:

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A new chippy opened recently in the nearest town (Ramsey, 5 miles) and it is really good compared to the other, and in fact all the others on our little rock.  As a Geordie I'm picky about F&C, so many chippies serve frozen fish, the close proximity of North Shileds fish quay meant great fresh fish.   Chris Pendlenton missed that bit off his model.....

I had the pleasure of spending a very pleasant 8 days in a BB&EM place in Ramsey, just up the road from the station, a few years ago as a relief Range Controller at Jurby, courtesy of the RAF. Nice place, and managed to explore most of the Island "touristy" places and the Railways over the weekend. Went went out for a meal one evening , which was nice, but I don't remember any F&C shops there

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Best, Pete



I was going to mention Librarians too, but Mick and Salopian beat me to it.


Seemed to be a railway night on tv last night, between Portillo's Railway Journeys, the Welsh Railways programme, and Restoration Man on Channel 4 (where they were converting the Settle water tower to a home, and had a special guest in the form of the aforementioned Portillo - who was on again on This Week, can't get away from the chap these days!).


My team is off to Jamie's Italian in Edinburgh this lunchtime for a belated team Christmas lunch. 


I had a chat with Dave (maxstafford) last night, all's well with him.


It was dry when I walked to work, but looked like apocalyptic rains by 10am, then it's now cloudy but dry...  Real mixed bag.

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  • RMweb Gold

The only time I say 'ook' is when I belt my hand with something hard.


I invariably use an 'F' to prefix though!


Weather here is quite mild and getting brighter. the sun has obviously decided that Shropshire is a good place to come on holiday.


Trouble is he only gets 14 days a year off, so I'm calling this mild spell 'The Summer'!


My cutters have arrived, so now I can start building something with a bit more sophistication than a torn cornflakes box.


However, this will have to wait until the more important domestic duties have taken place.





Edited by Happy Hippo
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Should we now have a "Fish & Chippies I have loved" topic? If so, here are some good ones:


Stein's Fish & Chips on the dockside in Padstow (not cheap but top quality), The Cabin at Ferryside between Llanelli & Carmarthen (huge cod, very clean chips), one that is located near the lifeboat station in Littlehampton (does both in and out service), The Aldeburgh Chippy at the south end of the main street (smaller portions, good crisp batter).


I'm off to Cumbernauld next week, I don't know of any good fish shops near there but you can get Deep Fried Mars Bars if that floats your boat - UNLESS of course you know otherwise!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Yet another windy night and a bit more rain I think although Henry seemed fairly dry each time he jumped on the bed to make sure we hadn't left home.  Just rather grey and miserable outside now and likely to remain that way.


The first bit of the lamb - some cutlets - went into a top notch Lancashire Hot Pot last night, and her goodself had also made sure that she bought some black pudding so it all went down rather well with the latter part of the brilliant BBC4 railway programme (which even included one of my former Drivers from 40 years ago!).  Still awaiting today's orders but I understand Waitrose will not be on the list this Friday as meat supplies are 'sufficient'.


Have a good day one and all.

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Morning all.  Surprised all you dog lovers haven't mentioned 'The Secret Life of Dogs' that was on last night.  I was half watching it, but did see some lovely slow motion filming of a dog shaking itself.  An enjoyable interlude from all the news of the day...

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Should we now have a "Fish & Chippies I have loved" topic? If so, here are some good ones:

Stein's Fish & Chips on the dockside in Padstow (not cheap but top quality), The Cabin at Ferryside between Llanelli & Carmarthen (huge cod, very clean chips), one that is located near the lifeboat station in Littlehampton (does both in and out service), The Aldeburgh Chippy at the south end of the main street (smaller portions, good crisp batter).

I'm off to Cumbernauld next week, I don't know of any good fish shops near there but you can get Deep Fried Mars Bars if that floats your boat - UNLESS of course you know otherwise!


Not in Cumbernauld, but if you're coming down the A9 from the Highlands to Cumbernauld, turn off at the roundabout where it becomes the M9, and head into Bridge of Allan, where you can get very nice fish and chips from the Allan Water Cafe - best fish and chips I've ever eaten came from there.

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Not in Cumbernauld, but if you're coming down the A9 from the Highlands to Cumbernauld, turn off at the roundabout where it becomes the M9, and head into Bridge of Allan, where you can get very nice fish and chips from the Allan Water Cafe - best fish and chips I've ever eaten came from there.

Thanks Mike, just a bit far to go to pick up an evening meal from Cumbernauld!

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Don, in Leeds on Friday you have a choice - Fish, Chips, Mushy peas and scraps ( with a cake.... that's a bread cake) or a fish cake in a cake (a cake in a cake) or pork pie, peas and mint sauce/ onions.

Many decades ago, I undertook Staff Restaurant audits for the Post Office.  In Leeds, the only two vegetables in stock were peas and mushy peas.



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  • RMweb Gold

I didn't see or record the "Secret Life of Dogs" but I may see if I can find it on the ITV player. I get plenty of opportunity to observe doggy drying techniques.

I generally try not to allow Robbie into the hall. He does seem to be able to distinguish between letters  (holds in mouth) and takeaway pizza leaflets (tears up).


I only really like peas of the cooked frozen variety. I'm sure I recall occasional assaults on my taste buds by minted processed peas or more rarely mushy peas. They must have become trendy again as black pudding with mushy pea veloute (spelling may be wrong, think foamy, frothy mushy peas) seemed to be a popular starter on our Med cruise last Summer.


I suspect The Librarian would probably say "ook" if presented with mushy peas. 

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  • RMweb Premium

I had the pleasure of spending a very pleasant 8 days in a BB&EM place in Ramsey, just up the road from the station, a few years ago as a relief Range Controller at Jurby, courtesy of the RAF. Nice place, and managed to explore most of the Island "touristy" places and the Railways over the weekend. Went went out for a meal one evening , which was nice, but I don't remember any F&C shops there


I knew a Corporal who was there, but am totally failing to recall his proper name!  He was known as Phineas to all and sundry in the bike world.  Killed himself doing wheelies on his bike, shame, he was a nice lad.


The 'Ramsey Trawlerman' chippy is just on Parliament Street as it leads off Paliament Square, been there for donkeys years.  The other one is new, down by what was the police station.


The MER station (unchanged since your visit!) is about to get a make over, or even possibly moved, as they want to make a multi storey car park there...sigh.  We live in Andreas, not far from the now defunct range.

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  • RMweb Premium

if purchance you visit Cleethorpes try Steels Fish and Chip Restaurant - they train lots of fish shop friers there and the do brilliant fish chips and peas. They also do skate wings which are  - as they  say - gobsmackingly good!


Lots of good chippies in Leeds - might be why I am slightly more rotund than I should be!

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Broadband like treacle today. BT are on the job.


Beware of recommending F&C Shops.

I drew attention to a fabulous prize winning example some time ago.

I went out of my way to buy some there recently and it was disgusting.





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  • RMweb Gold

A postie friend resolved one troublesome dog problem by waggling their giro check through the letter box then played tug of war with the dog. One Giro check ripped to shreds result the Dog kept away. I believe the posties are now told not to put fingers through the letter box hence the letters get scrumpled as they try to push them through.


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