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  • RMweb Gold

I bet Robbie was pleased to see you! :tender:

After getting home, then making myself presentable, I went and collected Robbie. He seemed quite pleased to see me but just in case he also made sure he paid lots of attention to Andy who was minding him this morning.

I haven't done much else today. I did of course watch "the" episode of Eggheads.


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  • RMweb Gold

Ouch! Bad luck! Have you tried ice packs? Apparently, they encourage the blood supply away from the inflamed area and lessen the pain. Apologies if that's the proverbial granny sucking eggs advice!


Take care!

As far as muscles are concerned according to my chiropractors the correct treatment is ice packs - not heat.  Heat will relax the affected area and can cause further problems notwithstanding the feeling of immediate relief.


The ice pack in contrast will 'exercise' the muscle by keeping it working and taut instead of encouraging it to relax and that is better for recovery.  Every time my back muscles 'go' I follow that advice and use ice packs and find that instead of being left bent double I can usually manage to stand and even walk (so I can get to the chiropractor and his torture bench).  Not sure about the present chiropractor as I've not had  really bad back problem since he tookover but his predecessor's treatment for my lower back muscles was liberally application of his elbow pressed in very hard (he used the elbow to get more weight on it than he could using just a hand).  The present bloke would probably use his laser which he seems keen to use for all sorts of things - including tinnitus :O   (and yes, it does work for the tinnnitus but the effect wears off overnight at present)

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

Tony, This thread is useless without photos!


Best, Pete.

PS Of your visit, I mean..... You didn't see the Rev'd Billy Gibbons did you?

There will be photos! I had enough trouble finding my house keys when I got home. I don't trust myself doing anything technical today. Aditi is preparing dinner!


Didn't see Billy Gibbons (not this visit though I did see him at Wembley Arena a long time ago!). However the guys driving the ride on lawnmowers in Hermann Park all looked as if they could be in a ZZ Top tribute band.

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  • RMweb Gold
As far as muscles are concerned according to my chiropractors the correct treatment is ice packs - not heat.  Heat will relax the affected area and can cause further problems notwithstanding the feeling of immediate relief.


The ice pack in contrast will 'exercise' the muscle by keeping it working and taut instead of encouraging it to relax and that is better for recovery.  Every time my back muscles 'go' I follow that advice and use ice packs and find that instead of being left bent double I can usually manage to stand and even walk (so I can get to the chiropractor and his torture bench).  Not sure about the present chiropractor as I've not had  really bad back problem since he tookover but his predecessor's treatment for my lower back muscles was liberally application of his elbow pressed in very hard (he used the elbow to get more weight on it than he could using just a hand).  The present bloke would probably use his laser which he seems keen to use for all sorts of things - including tinnitus :O   (and yes, it does work for the tinnnitus but the effect wears off overnight at present)






This is correct hence the ice baths that sportsmen and women have ,my youngest endured these after playing county rugby.


Rather him than me I can remember thinking especially on a cold winters day, then it was eat pasta by the bucketful afterwards. What always amused me was the eating of Jaffa cakes (by the carton it seemed) recommended by the coaches per and post training.


Quiet day here in Florida spent reading and having the occasional tipple.


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  • RMweb Gold

Ah, a Romantic Evening...........................

I'll try not to disturb you any more.


Best, Pete.

Don't worry we have had dinner and now we are waiting to see the weather forecast. 


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  • RMweb Gold

Tony Nice to know your home safely. What is the weather forecast for are you hoping for moonlight?



Re; DD's phone it is possible that someone has amended the wrong line and put call barring on but local calls only is not common I suspected either a line of exchage fault on outgoing circuits. That is why I queried whether others were affected.



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         Is it Wednesday? I have lost track

         Wednesday is Chef's own choice day. i.e. There is no item specified in the long term menu.

        Today he has chosen 'bangers and mash'.

         Right now it's  misty, totally closed in but the forecast is clear at 23C


        Have a happy hump day all.

Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Don

Yes it is Wednesday (still Tuesday here)!

Bangers and mash sounds nice, hope they serve that with HP sauce.

Almost Tshirt weather again this afternoon wierd because there is lots of snow on the mountains!



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Hi Sasquatch,

                     No HP Sauce. Onion, gravy,peas and carrots.

                     The residents at each table supplies supply our own sauces.  On our table is Worcester sauce, tomato sauce, English mustard and Dijon mustard

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Dull and nippy outside and it doesn't look likely that what the weather service has declared the dullest winter in 42 years is coming to an end. Good to hear you're back safe and sound, Tony!


Happy Hump Day to you all!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Not too cold but overcast and drizzle here. Back in the routine of bin bags and recycling.

I plan to do very little today though Aditi will be going to the annual dinner of some French language group she joined recently. I will be going as well but partners/family are not expected to speak French which in my case would be limited to ordering beverages or a few phrases appropriate to re-fuelling a car.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Got the letter to say they had transferred Dad's shares so I could sell them yesterday. That morning the Italian election had affected share prices. Now the question is do I wait and see if they go back up or sell before it gets worse. It is not a large amount but as executor you have a legal duty to do your best. And the truth is it is all guess work no one knows the answer. I didn't lose any sleep over it.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


Blanket grey day here. 

First physio session for my shoulder which was requested by GP back in early December after that tustle with the swivel chair. Just 4 gentle exercises to do but only until hurts - so won't be spending much time on it yet, then. Next appointment 3 weeks away.


Enjoy your day.


Please keep those photos coming.  Cheered me up heaps this morning.



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  • RMweb Premium

Yippeeedddooo!  A bit of blue sky at last!


out and about all day - glad to see the long distance travellers back safe and sound.


Just listened to a man explaining what happens when the Bank of E drops interest to a negative rate -

Have a good day only people who make anything of it = the other banks :-((


Strange world we live in


have a great day

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No pain without gain comes to mind reading today's posts, whether that be from physio, chiropters, dull weather presented by even duller ( and self-important) people and more specifically pain for us and gain for bankers and directors with negative interest rates and Centrica profits. Don't tell Sid anyone!


I escaped grandchild sitting yesterday for two reasons:

A) The dentist wanted to inflict his own personal brand of pain on me. The score was a draw, no extra visits required but a hole in the wallet!

B) The car needs a new Test certificate. Result will be known later but I suspect it will cost more than my dentist extracted yesterday.


Penance for escaping starts later today as I am summoned to do a second stint of tiny herbert care lasting until Sunday - assuming The Motor gets the green light! I look forward to a little SBB time in a fortnight when it is my turn to ski!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Not too cold but overcast and drizzle here. Back in the routine of bin bags and recycling.

I plan to do very little today though Aditi will be going to the annual dinner of some French language group she joined recently. I will be going as well but partners/family are not expected to speak French which in my case would be limited to ordering beverages or a few phrases appropriate to re-fuelling a car.




Glad to see you're back safe and sound.


As for the limited French, both instances you quote are for refuelling!


Many years ago, I did CSE French and achieved a Grade 3.............which is not very good. (Think policeman in 'Allo 'Allo).


However, my French is vastly superior to both of my children who achieved GCSE 'C' grades.


I attribute this to dumbing down the education system.


And I thought I was dumb! Which is why I reckon, in my simple little way, that if the BoE drops interest rates to negative, then they should be paying borrowers and taking money off savers. so is it time to consider taking out a loan or do I have that totally wrong? :)


Weather in Shropshire is grey and still, with a bit of a chill.


But at least it remains dry.





Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

The idea of the negative bank rate is to discourage banks from depositing it with the BoE so they might actually lend it to business or housebuyers. I doubt if it will actually work.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Grey here, too, with a distant mist, so low cloud, really. But no snow, or even rain. And one senses that the temperature is going up, even though it might only be a degree a day, so there is an end in sight.


Bit of shopping later, I think.


Anent heat vs ice - Deb had overnight ice-packs on her damaged knee for all the four years after her accident. So was this for muscle or bone, given that both were well-knackered? Unfortunately the bone was in short supply - there was an enormous amount of meccano in there in its place, so muscle must have been the source of discomfort, especially in the 7 months in the rehab hospital, when she was having treatment every weekday.

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