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Red Riding


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I have just finished watching this trilogy again, having seen it first time around whenever it was first released. I have to say that it has made no more sense to me now than it did then. Is it just me?




I think I know what you mean Ed but this is the third time I've seen them and it's all fallen into place now. Mind you, I did notice a few things this time round which I hadn't before. Watching them all again has made me want to read the books they are based on.


One thing that did strike me was the lack of traffic in many of the scenes, somehow it added to the doom and gloom and made it work. The few cars they used though were great, the Tobacco Leaf brown Rover P6 especially, it looked much better than mine! I've been wondering where exactly it was filmed too, the power station at 'Fitzwilliam' looks familiar... could be Drax, Knottingly or Eggborough by the look of it.


Nidge ;)

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Worked ok for me. Do remember driving to work one morning and seeing several 70s cars and drivers dressed in the clothes of the era and was quite surprised by it, only when I got further down the road did I see the film unit. (This was on the A640 Nont Sarahs road Huddersfield-New Hey), they seem to use that road quite a lot for filming, Corronation St, plus other stuff, probably because it's pretty quiet for a trans pennine route.

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The reg number of the P6 rang a bell so I did a bit of digging around in the old archive and here she be, a lovely 1974 V8 Manual with all the trimmings... I suspect the colour is not everyone's cup of tea but it's a real period gem in my (biased) eyes...


Nidge ;)


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