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Bradfield, Gloucester Square BR 1962 ish


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The layout is Terminus to storage yard configuration measuring 4.6M by 0.6M ( about 15ft x 2ft in old money). Baseboards are from 4mm ply, an experiment in lightweight construction and so far so good. A fascia/lighting rig has been constructed along the front and all is supported on three legged trestles with height adjustment. Storage yard is a 150mm shelf running all along the back accessed via a train sector plate, all hidden by the built in back scene.




Control is Digitrax DCC with sound. The mini control panel is driven by a CML DTM30 Tower Master which controls the tortoise point motors via various accessory decoders located under the layout. The layout is split into power districts to prevent a short circuit from closing down the whole layout. Signals, when constructed, will be operated via servos and controlled by the Tower Master. A supplementary plug in control panel is located at the front for the carriage sidings only.




As the name suggests, the layout was inspired by Bradfords Forster Square, the old station with the overall roof. The track layout is nothing like the prototype but the station building will be a reasonable likeness. The scenery and topography is designed to resemble the area but is of course a massive compromise. The freight and parcels facilities have been moved down the line off scene, the carriage sidings now occupy the old town goods yard.




My main interest is in operation, so by giving the layout a location, albeit fictitious, enables me to make use of real timetables. I have based my first timetable on a public 1955 timetable. I have recently acquired a working timetable for 1962, the period I intend to represent, so am currently working on an amended timetable based on this. It seems that most services had been taken over by diesels at this time, Peaks and DMUs. It is in this respect that I would appreciate any further information regarding types of DMU, coaching stock and other Loco,s in regular use at this time.




Enough waffle for now, hopefully I have attached some pictures. I look forward to receiving any comments, questions or information from other members.



Overall view from carriage sidings end


Opposite end


Tunnel exit to storage yard


D129 stands on the up main waiting to back down onto its train


The carriage sidings shunter awaits its next turn of duty.


D48 waits at the platform end having just been relieved of its train


The business side of the layout showing sector plate, storage roads and support for fascia.


D163 takes a breather on the centre road between duties.


Station side wall and lighting rig.


A busy moment as D129 accelerates away with a train for Leeds and St Pancras. The carriage shunter brings out ECS for a Carlisle service.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to RMweb,


Great looking layout, I do like a nice terminus.:D Although I model the BR blue period I do like green diesels and that Peaks looks superb nice and dirty.



Cheers Peter.

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I like it when a new layout is presented using not-so-expected methods of construction. I really like the way the end posts for the fascia seem to slot down into pockets, the lighting rig and the use of a centre post which cantilevers over the layout to support the fascia. Good ideas to think about when making any new layout of my own.





I assume the station will get an overall roof? What is the track gauge? Nice track by the way. I am assuming there are three boards? Two longer boards at each end?





So many questions!!!!



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Have you got any detialed shots or drawings of the baseboard design and legs?



This shot should give an idea of the legs and board construction. I don't have any drawings but the sides and diagonals are 100mm deep. Three boards, two at 1.7M and the centre one 1.2M.


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Thanks for all the replies, comments and questions. Thought I would try and answer them all in one reply and add some pics of progress on the bridges and retaining walls.


First the questions:- Track gauge is 16.5mm with 14.5mm back to back. All hand made points of soldered copperclad construction with SMP plain track. Regarding the buildings being "mouldings", they are all constructed from plasticard with appropriate embossed sheet. The station will get an overall roof of "Warren" or "Pratt" truss construction, typical of a lot of Midland Railway construction.


Think that answers all the questions but please do fire away with any more. Now the interesting bit,


From the bridge over the carriage sidings


The station with the new road over bridge, a skew plate girder on a rising gradient. This is a shortened copy of the one outside Forster Sq Stn.


A DMU arrives from Ilkley past my new arches.


D48 awaits the right away with a semi fast for Leeds and York.


Just to show I have something other than Peaks. D325 waits for clearance to proceed light engine to the shed having brought in a stopper from Carlisle.

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A couple of Black 5s wouldn't go amiss.





I have four Hornby Black Fives along with several other suitable steam classes but unfortunately they do not as yet come up to the standard I set myself for running and reliability but I am working on it.


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  • RMweb Gold

Great looking trackwork, just shows how effect finescale 16.5 can look well made and laid.

If the weathering of the locos and the unpainted buildings are anything to go by, then the 'finished' layout will look very impressive!

I can imagine they will be plenty of operational interest.


As others have previously mentioned, the facia looks very impressive.


Look forward to seeing more.

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