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The Penguins workbench - Trans Pennine transformation part 3

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Hi all.


Thanks for your comments of support. Just to clear things up, my dispute was not due to any of my postings regarding my modelling or any of my projects.


I'd ask that members don't speculate about the whys and wherefores, suffice it to say that I'm not one to air my dirty washing in public which is sadly not the case for some others. The matter has finally been resolved now and having had this thread unlocked, I would not want to attract any more scrutiny and end up back at square one.


I returned and posted on this thread because pictures of my work had been posted on another thread and I did not want those looking here to miss out. In good time I will consider my options but for now, please do follow the link above and have a look at the completed 27. I think it looks rather good, but then, I'm biased.





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Hi all.


Well, I've finally completed the production pair of DMCs and below there should be a picture of them standing in the platforms on our latest club layout and also out in my garden.....




And with that, my contractual obligations are complete and it is decision time. After the earlier issues, I agreed to post pictures of the ongoing projects once they were completed. In order to do so, I had to fight to get this thread unlocked but I have yet to convince myself that aside from regular contributers within this thread, my input into the forum is valued by others. With this in mind, I did some Penguin pondering, skimmed some stones over a pond and decided that I will, for the time being, keep updating this thread, but also build up a good stock of pictures and reference material within a new blog. The amount of unused pictures of my work that are left lying on my computer would probably choke up the forum, so it is nice to afford myself the confidence to post pictures etc at will.....


So, for the moment, I will update on my projects here but will make many more pictures, thoughts and progress here.....




Please feel free to pop in for many many more pictures of the Trans - Pennine and other stuff.





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