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Adventures in O gauge - First Class kits LNER 8 shoe open merchandise wagon


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Quick message for all members of the MMP fan club, Mr Parkins has put up the images of the etches for his various new wagon kits. I strongly suggest you go and have a look, they are fantastic.


Wagon porn!




Wagon porn indeed!


Glad you like them Boris, there is a lot of work gone into this range of wagons by David. With a bit of luck you should be getting an MMP newsletter fairly soon where I may do a feature on these.

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Wagon porn indeed!


Glad you like them Boris, there is a lot of work gone into this range of wagons by David. With a bit of luck you should be getting an MMP newsletter fairly soon where I may do a feature on these.

You do know how to make me a very happy Boris. I feel a loan from the Bank of Wife coming on.

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If the etches are displayed on the site and we are being threatened with a test build you can bet they are imminent. However with the amount of effort that obviously goes into the instructions (CAD drawings, photos and decent wordage), it may be a while before everything on the list is available. Do what I do and check the site regularly.

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I've been plodding on with this for a bit now, but I confess to having a bit of time off because of work stuff, spending time with the wife and other chores. I have managed to get all of the doors and equipment boxes finished and added, a job aided by clear instructions and some nice half etched lines for location. More importantly the refills finally arrived for my fibreglass brush and an intense bout of washing and rubbing followed. I'm not totally happy with the finish yet, but another session at it and I will be, I have added the equipment box to the other side of the loco and one door so far.



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I see you are doing an old one with the door strapping, which number are you doing it as?

I'm not sure at the moment, I'm leaning towards 08253 because I'm liking the idea of the red cranks and buffers on a BR blue model. I'll work that out in a while, but I am gradually narrowing it down by choosing rivetted hinges, no 2nd exhauster box etc!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been plodding away on the front end and finished the front radiator bits tonight. Behind the louvres is a nice etched nickel silver radiator grille, I just hope folks can see it once the loco has been painted. I've added the radiator surround as well as fillers, water gauge glass and marker lights. The next job is the resin roof followed by the radiator side vents, which look quite complex being another multi-layer set of etches.



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  • 2 months later...

Well, I've not done any updates for over two months, but I've been quite busy, I built and finished one of the Parkside LNER Horeboxes in January that was a Christmas present from the wife, makes up fairly well and can be a very good model with some tweaking. However as I have written a review to be published elsewhere on that subject I'll leave it there.


The 08 was put on hold as I said after the delivery of a horsebox and is now at the point where I really do need to sort out a motor/gearbox, this is currently put to one side waiting for the domestic authorities to release sufficient funds for purchase.


Attention in the past few weeks has been returned to the PRM 20, with a Steve Beattie cab detailing kit having been acquired and some work finally being done. The Steve Beattie cab kits can be purchased off ebay and are well worth the £20 asking price being a quick and easy way to a very good cab interior, especially when combined with the remains of an MMP detailing kit. The cab comprises a set of resin castings for floors, seats, control desks and bulkhead features making a very use alternative to scratchbuilding, especially when the supplied detail for the PRM 20 is a chair and a handbrake wheel!


Bodywork wise, I have added some bufferbeam fittings, handrails and all sorts of small fittings too numerous to mention, I am just assembling some MMP 3 part plough fittings at the moment. Remaining job is to fabricate a missing air pipe at either end, I believe it is the control air pipe, and sort out the loco with buffers and couplings, the supplied buffers being rather poor, but the screw couplings extremely nice.


Considerable amounts of filler are required to make parts of this loco go together as required at times, and I am in the process of sanding some of it out. Bogies have been poked at and are complete (ish) and one has been primed and part painted out of sheer badness one afternoon.


The 2 upright grab handles at the front are medium handrail knobs with the tops soldered full and fitted into the holes where the castings should go, the upright castings supplied being a bit of a mess with flash and distortion.


Overall I am feeling a bit more positive about this kit than I did a few months ago and it feels like the end is in sight, I think if you are willing to spend a lot of extra time on one of these it makes up into a reasonable representation of the real thing. That said I would think twice about buying another one.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Boris,


Your class 20 looks very good and certainly worth all the hard work! Will be good to see it painted. :sungum:






Hi Simon,


Sorry for the delay in replying, thanks for the feedback. I think the cab will actually look really good by the time I have combined Steve Beatties castings with the castings I have got from MMP.


Anyway, the last bits have finally been added to it and a clean-up has been done to remove any loose bits and errant post soldering greenery. This was followed by a second and third wash-up just to make sure, and its now set out to dry before heading downstairs into the cellar for an encounter with the primer tin.



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  • 2 months later...



I'm mid build with the 08 at the moment and I've found a couple of things that aren't clear in the instructions.


1. Leave off all of the white metal pipework at the cab end until the near the end of the build.

2. Don't fit the steps, front or rear, until the sideframes are attached and completed but beware of the sandboxes in relation to the steps.

3. MMP supply 3 axles but the intsructions refer to the use of 'Slater's' axles several times. Use the MMP supplied axles.


I encountered various additional matters with the chassis construction, but i've fitted a Mashima 1833 and Roxey 40:1 gearbox that wasn't one of the recommended motors.


Good luck with it - it really is a superb kit to put together. It's the first 7mm loco kit i've built and it's been very enjoyable so far.

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MMP supply 3 axles but the intsructions refer to the use of 'Slater's' axles several times. Use the MMP supplied axles.


The ones we supply in the kit ARE Slaters axles - just of an earlier design.


David Parkins,

Modern Motive Power

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Hello David, did you get my e-mail from a couple of weeks back?


Hello Jeff -


No I did not - I hope it wasn't about Falcon!!!??? Try again.


Anyway we had better not hijack Boris's thread!





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Thanks for the clarification on the axles. I've got to say that the MMP 08 kit is excellent value for the money. I do feel sympathy for kit manufacturers at attempting to supply a kit to a customer base with such a broad range of skills. I suppose my issue with the axle types is a lack of experience.

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  • 2 years later...

It's not dead its only sleeping, the latest ongoing project in my experiments for 1/56 scale model railway layout:




Eventually it is going to be some form of tranship warehouse or similar or possibly something military related, its from a company called Sarissa.  Not much more to say at the moment, just waiting for paint so I can make a start on it


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  • 1 year later...

So, things have been quiet mainly because of ongoing health problems.


The 08 will not be completed due to being irreparably damaged during a house move.


However I have recently acquired a CCW LNER van kit from the LNERCA sales stand and fancy a bash at it, or at least use it as the basis of something else, the pressed ends are gorgeous for a product that's 60 years old.  I fancy a bit of old school modelling, just not quite decided what I'm going to do with this yet.  It was only a tenner and a promise not to take a dump in any of the toilets in the teak set so not much lost there aside from maybe a pair or two of pants.


The more I look at it the more I think that scribing door frames and planks on this would be a pain in the arse, but it would lend itself quite nicely with a bit of plasticard to a BR standard box van in plywood.  For the age of the kit the castings are really nice if a little chunky by modern standards, but then again I've seen worse in much newer kits.


Anyway here is a photo of what's in the box, hopefully there will be an update or two again soon.




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  • 1 year later...

So, having come back to the hobby properly now it'd be nice to resurrect this thread properly.  When we moved house there was an "incident" with the removal van and a lot of stock was lost, including the MMP08 which was a shame and all of my tools.  It was kind of a kick in the guts and for a long time I had no interest in modelling of any sort, the wagon kit didn't progress much beyond me drawing on it or ideas.


However time has moved on and the PR Class 20 now looks slightly more like a 20 than it did a number of years ago.  It isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination but it was the first loco I built so I finished it, mistakes and all and I'm perversely proud of it.  Ok, its not going to be winning prizes at the club competition in November but it runs, it looks like a 20 and I built it.  I'm still poking at it, having added Markits buffers and Railtec transfers recently it's not bad.


Next job is to put the transfers on the 129, for which I have asked Railtec for a custom set and will report on them in due course.


I know its a rough picture but its from my mobile. 


EDIT:  Nope, not dusted that off properly then!



Edited by Boris
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