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A guide to Modelling DMU's


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Is this book :-




the one previously mooted at Nottingham MRE - 2006/7 ish ? IIRC it was never published for reasons I know not.


Can anyone confirm whether it IS now going to be published as Amazon claim ?


Thanks in anticiaption.

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There was a statement made both here and on the DEMU forum back in January 2007 (copied from DEMU forum as the archives of RMweb don't go back far enough) :


Further to the August-dated thread below, I must now advise that Neil Ripley, Ken Gibbons and myself have each formally withdrawn from co-authorship of the Santona title, ‘A Guide to Modelling Diesel Multiple Units’. Our decisions have been made carefully and individually, following a period of ongoing difficulties, and any future plans are indefinite.


Since then Santona Publications have been bought over by Booklaw.


It would look unlikely to be published in the form advertised by Amazon. A PM to one of the authors (who I think are all members here on RMweb) would answer the question.


Andy B)

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From what I've heard it's a definate no in the form advertised on Amazon.


It's shame as I suspect such a book would do well - there's a gap in the market and second generation DMU's could easily be included too I think.

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There was a statement made both here and on the DEMU forum back in January 2007 (copied from DEMU forum as the archives of RMweb don't go back far enough) : Since then Santona Publications have been bought over by Booklaw. It would look unlikely to be published in the form advertised by Amazon. A PM to one of the authors (who I think are all members here on RMweb) would answer the question.


Cheers for that Andy - two of those authors are here, Andania213 is the other.


Ignore what Amazon say, they've been doing this for years and I've no idea where they get these ideas from (it certainly wasn't from Santona, whilst Steve was at the helm). As for the statement you mention, things have moved on in many ways and I've no intention of dragging it all up again.

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  • RMweb Gold

Given the huge % of layouts on RMWeb that are post-1960, and the apparently wide range of kits available, as well as an increasing number of RTR DMUs, I think this is a gap in the bookshelf that could be well worth filling. A publisher somewhere should be rounding up the willing resources already identified and having at it. Even I might be tempted to buy a copy.

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My understanding about Amazon is that once a title is issued an ISBN number, which is before it is actually published, it's listed on their site. Santona would have to ask them to delist it if it's not going to appear.

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My understanding about Amazon is that once a title is issued an ISBN number, which is before it is actually published, it's listed on their site. Santona would have to ask them to delist it if it's not going to appear.



I was speaking with David (Mr Book Law) Allen about this very matter in the pub the other night.


No, this book is not being released some time soon ! The book was to have been published by Santona a few years ago, whilst Steve Flint was in the 'chair', but various factors prevented this. An ISBN number was applied for to Nielsens and subsequently they have been notified (twice I believe) that the book is not now to be published. For some reason, both Amazon and Waterstones seem keen to keep selling non-existent books.



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