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NW 22nd St.


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Well I've kept this away from here for too long, and as TVNAM is fast approaching I thought I'd add this thread before the show so people know what to expect when they come to the show and for those who won't be at the show to have a look.


The layouts basis is the industrial spurs of the Allapattah area of downtown Miami. The layout represents a snapshot of the industrial modern day switching working of the area. Obviously this is inspired by Lance's research of the area , but hopefully that is where the similarities end, I hope to produce a layout of the area that is my interpretation and not Lance's. A lot of inspiration and techniques have been picked up from the big blue forums too.


The layout is 5' x 20", it needed to be quite deep so that I could get the sidings in along with industries along the back and front and also to get the road in along the front edge, well afterall I couldn't call a layout NW 22nd St and not model the road. The industries are a bit of a mishmash and have been taken from actual industries located along the railway that runs parallel to NW22nd and NW23rd St's in the area. I've taken a few modellers license's and slightly adapted certain buildings to fit the layout and to the parts that I had available.


Here's the nearest to final track plan that I have uploaded, all the buildings on this plan are what appear on the final layout. Things have changed over the period of the build.





There are a number of things still left to do, but these are now down to small little detailing items and seating buildings and the fencing onto the layout.The biggest issue is finding vehicles as I've now past the stage where anything from the US would reach me in time. Ebay is just about coming up trumps with a few late items.


I have a few photos of the layout with added sky, I seem to have chosen a camera which seems to take an even bigger dislike to fluorescent lights than most which is the main reason I've not bothered as it looks so much better in the flesh than some of the photos have shown but I'll post the ones that I think are ok.


I hope you like the look of this and its another reason to get over to the TVNAM show now only a couple of weeks away. (but if it puts you off coming please blame the weather :blush: )





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Just spent the time since posting editing something suitable. My camera hates fluorescent tube lights and bear in mind there's still work to do here are a few snaps:






There isn't really much point in showing you the classic exhibition view just yet as its not close enough to being finished and the fascia isn't attached and the general surroundings won't be very appealing, and with these showers and strong winds it won't be venturing outside just yet.









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Wow Jack what a photo that is, bad day at the office for someone, not just one pole but two.


The poles are scratchbuilt, 3mm bamboo skewer and the pig is just grey sprue. Actually I bought a set of preiser palm trees and its the grey sprue from the palm trunks. I've made 2 poles with transformers the one in the photo and a second one which has 2 transformers on it. (techniques from Kurt and Gary on big blue).





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Guest jonte

All very well observed, Dave.


Like looking at a Google "street view".


This will definitely shift a few more tickets for the TVNAM!!





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Dear Dave,


The pics look great, but I wonder how you'll translate the (photoshopped?) sky into "exhibition mode" display?

I can also see some weathering-bomb sessions in your future... ;)


Looking forward to seeing how it's recieved at the show...


Happy Modelling,

Aim to Improve,

Prof Klyzlr


PS what height are you intending to display at, bearing in mind the (presumed) challenge of seeing the trains around the foreground buildings?

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Hi Prof.

There is a bit of weathering to do yes but its all in hand. I'm a better modelled than photographer (can't you tell).


Jonte put it best a streetview style layout. The view blockers are either end and don't block the view much really the lot front middle is surrounded by chainlink fencing so you can se through it.

There is still work to do though. The sky shopped pics were just a bit of fun to block out the view of my garage.

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Another great track plan well executed. And another reason to try and get to TVNAM ;)


Are Domingo and / or the pallet storage rail served...? If not is there the potential to extend to the right to have a through run to some staging or to more industries in future?




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Spot on Longers the layout has been built to be a through layout but for TVnam it will be single ended. I do have a plan to actually add the real end of line section from Miami area, but thats for next year if Nick has me back :unsure: The domingo produce centre and the pallet store are not rail served.


I promise better photos as soon as possible.





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Beautifully done Dave! As for your camera and fluorescents I think it's fair to say that no camera likes them. It appears you compensated nicely. In addition to box cars, Family and Son (singular) also takes vegetable oil tanks at the far end of the spur.


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Beautifully done Dave! As for your camera and fluorescents I think it's fair to say that no camera likes them. It appears you compensated nicely. In addition to box cars, Family and Son (singular) also takes vegetable oil tanks at the far end of the spur.



Nice to see you have decided to join us, Lance - you are certainly inspiring a load of modellers on this side of the pond - welcome

Jack (aka Shortliner)

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And a Welcome from me to Lance too.


Lance, we have only just started (less than week old, in fact) a "USA & Canadian Railroads Group" for like minded members. Please feel free to join, go to "Groups" on the header.

Otherwise there are sections on North America under Overseas Modelling and Overseas Prototype.


Best, Pete.

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Beautifully done Dave! As for your camera and fluorescents I think it's fair to say that no camera likes them. It appears you compensated nicely. In addition to box cars, Family and Son (singular) also takes vegetable oil tanks at the far end of the spur.






Up early this morning Lance, pleasure to see you on here and thank you for the comments. I thought that Family and son had tanks at one end of the building, I'd looked at your site for a long time but it was only about a week ago I realised that the blurred image on your homepage was Family and son. I see it has been repainted recently to this sand/beige colour. The layout does look much better than I have captured in photos, but until the top fascia panel is up then its not worth taking the full photo shot but that should be rectified shortly. Yes fluorescents are a pain for my camera I've added two extra strip lights to the layout now with slightly warmer tubes, which with the colder tubes gives a nice bit of sun/warmth to the scene.










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Thanks for the welcome folks. I look forward to joining the conversation. Dave, the attached photos might be helpful. The 2009 image shows the tanks and was taken a day or so before the structure was repainted to beige. The 2011 image shows the tank cars spotted. Your team track location is also very plausible as that is typically how that situation would be handled on the line.





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Hi Dave,


I've only been away for 3 days ( North Wales to see Portmeirion, home of 'The Prisoner') and I miss the start of


1. The new 'USA and Canadian' forum


2. Pics of you new layout which I'd been looking forward to, and it looks great.


3. Lance Mindheim has joined us, very welcome and, of course, my inspiration for CSX Palmetto Spur


Now I wish I could go to TVNAM ! Oh well, maybe next year :rolleyes:






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Thank you for the photos they are very useful. The hanging aircon units were something I was going to model but didn't get round to it but now you've posted that I might be able to make a decent go of it.

re: the team track, I had read your thoughts on your site and Model railroader about the team track situation and I thought that it would be a good idea with the track plan I had to use that space as a team track and it would be plausable so I left enough room with the turnout to allow the car to be spotted but the loco to still get passed it if needed. Especially as I believe that Latch Shoe corp isn't actually rail served. That is a recent industry to isn't it? If you use Bing maps in Birds eye that building is quite derelict looking and a mucky white colour.



Nice part of the world. It seems as though we've taken over RMweb a little in the past few weeks with US modelling. Glad you like the start of the thread, its just a shame I can't get it to a position to get some natural light in to get better photos.


A nice little package finally turned up from NJ international today, I was starting to think it might not make it, as its been over a month in shipping. These switch stands phol low design, I know Lance made his own, but I've a deadline and they look just fine.




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A nice little package finally turned up from NJ international today, I was starting to think it might not make it, as its been over a month in shipping. These switch stands phol low design, I know Lance made his own, but I've a deadline and they look just fine.





Dave - I was looking at those on Sunday - the site says they are OOS at the moment so I sent them an email 2 days ago asking when they would be available and requesting shipping cost and how to pay - still awaiting reply. they would be ideal for what I'm doing


PS - An Accurail car turned up today - that has been a month in shipping too - the sender did advise that there seems to be a problem with speed of transit shipping at the moment.

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ebay.com is your friend $9.95 for those, I didn't order them from hobbylinc it was just the first link to hand from google. They are very well detailed, although the flag rotates its quite stiff on the pair I've got, but I won't be connecting the link as it seems to operate in a different direction to the tiebar.

Its the first item from the US this year that has taken more than 10 days, I thought it had been stopped to add duty/VAT to it as it did come to a little over the apparent £18 threshold but no nothing to pay although the shipping notes are completely illegible.



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Is it me or are there some errors in this list on ESUs website: ESU US sounds list I've got a loksound 3.5 to add to my P2K gp38-2 which we all know doesn't have a turbocharger, but all the 16v 645 sounds appear to have turbocharged listed in the text, now I've had a look and reckon atleast 72482-5 should be non turbo sounds. Any one help there?




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A nice little package finally turned up from NJ international today, I was starting to think it might not make it, as its been over a month in shipping. These switch stands phol low design, I know Lance made his own, but I've a deadline and they look just fine.


I'm glad you like them because I ordered some the functional O Scale NJ International switch stands last week. I've not seen them but they come highly recommended so I'm hoping they'll be ok...

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