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Lindridge Road

Pete Harvey

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This year in between running PH Designs, building models for people and keeping my work shop tidy, I have managed to find time to use up most of the wood left over from Dudley Road & Peters Street.

What could I do so yet again a small very portable layout, I must admit that another reason is to have a platform to display some of my products and to demonstrate how they can be used in conjunction with other manufactures products, in the end I'm a modeller and I enjoy the construction of a layout.


Well here are some pictures to show what I'm building.


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As you can see from these pictures I have altered the Peco point work slightly, I have done this so that I can get more track on the opposite end of the base board it has given me about 50mm more track on the sidings.

All of the rail joints are soldered and I have used Exacto Scale Brass Cast fishplates soldered on place on the sides of the rails over the joints.

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The hard standing is made from four 2mm sheets of plasticard some Peco Concrete Sleeper rail fixings and some Code 75 rail.


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The back wall was constructed from some of the 2mm plasticard, some brick pattern plasticard and what was left from the wills bridge sections that I used on Dudley Road.

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Well that is about as far as I have gotten at the moment I will post more pictures as as when I have time to make some more progress.



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  • 4 months later...

Well it has been along while coming but I have made some progress on Lidridge Road.


Adding some Palisade fencing and swing gates at the front, painting the track and hard standing.


Adding a Yard Tower and inspection platform, the fence and tower are fitted in position the platform not fitted in its final position yet.









Positioned on some 3mm plasticard to bring it up to sleeper height.



I shortened the tower from the original height of 257mm by removing 50mm from the length of the top section.


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It has 6 Led lights to give plenty of illumination.


If you click on the picture you will be able to see the picture with the correct proportions.



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  • 4 months later...

Well Jack


Since taking the last pictures I have ballasted the layout and painted the fence but due to a lot of 7mm modelling I have not had much chance to get anything done on this layout for a while.


I do want to weather the ballast with the airbrush at some stage.


I will try and take some more pictures soon.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Lindridge Road was built using the majority of the left over wood from building Dudley Road and Peters Street.


For this layout the material governed the finished size so I built a softwood Ladder frame and clad it in 6mm ply.


Here are a few CAD images of the layout I try to work out as much as I can on the cad system first then if I need to I can change things as I go.









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  • RMweb Gold



Your method for making the hardstanding is simple, but very effective. Probably a lot easier that filling (tile grout or similar) after the track has been laid.

Are you going to fill between the outside of the rail and the plasticard?



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I will be putting some greenery in the gap between the outside of the rail and the plasticard so its like weeds growing up through the gaps.




Thank you


Yes it is.


Made using the test etches.


Keep an eye on my website and my PH Designs forum section.



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The length is 4ft and 1ft wide.


I have had no problems with any of the points as I have electrically linked the stock rails to the blade rails on all of the points and there are power droppers on each of the exits from each point.




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Hi Pete,


This looks like it is going to be a great little layout. Everytime I look at your Peters Street one it distracts me from my own project as it tempts me to build Morecambe or Windermere as a mini project! Your detailed items really stand out and create that point of difference. Really like the look of the inspection platforms they look really neat. Will look forward to seeing this one progress!




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  • 1 month later...

Over the last couple of weeks in between the rain I have been working on the turn table fiddle yard and I have finished it at last I only have a few guards and more bits to it but it works :rolleyes:


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I can fit a two 66's on each track if I need and they will pass safely.



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  • RMweb Gold



The length is 4ft and 1ft wide.


I have had no problems with any of the points as I have electrically linked the stock rails to the blade rails on all of the points and there are power droppers on each of the exits from each point.






Hi Pete,


Thanks for sharing your skills.


Can I ask the reasoning behind the extra connections? You obviously think it is worth doing, but looking at the underside of my peco insulfrog points the blade rail appears to be connected across the frog to the running (stock?) rail on the other side.

I'm a real numpty when it comes to electrickery (and point biology!) but if it improves performance I think I will do the same. Its just nice to be able to understand the theory.




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  • 2 months later...


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