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Penhallick Junction


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Getting close to being finished for Hayle at the end of the month then?


Hi Richard


Like all models I'm sure it will never be finished,but it will certainly be ready for Hayle.


Just finished making the left hand signal operational; hopefully the point motor won't be too harsh, & won't damage the signal in time.


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


When I last posted I thought I had a working semaphore...Unfortunately when I went to demonstrate it.....needless to say it didn't work.

So today has been spent sorting that out & now, fingers firmly crossed, I have two working semaphores.

I also wired in 2 of the 3 ground signals & as I am now going cross eyed I shall leave it for now & do the third one tomorrow,then take some pics & post them to show progress.

There is a bit of light seeping from the LED's so I'll need to sort that out at the same time



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well i'm glad the postie didn't look at the stamp, and also that they work :)




Yes it was just as well....As it happened the diodes arrived just as I was finishing the semaphores.


As a word of explanation, I couldn't figure out how to change the ground signal red/green colour LED's using the single switch left on the Tortoise point motors.

B954673 came up with a simple solution using 16v AC and diodes.

As I had no diodes I tried with LED's but for some reason it didn't work, so he posted me some diodes & all works fine.

Even following day delivery with 2nd class stamp....

Thanks again,


Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Why is it that the so called simple things take the longest??????


Having wired in the ground signals when I put the boards down again I found I'd wired two of them to the wrong switches so they showed the wrong colour for the route set. Also one of the red/green LED's seems to want to show red all the time, occasionally flickering to green, then works perfectly !!!!!!!! Hmmmmmmm.The wiring seems fine ,so if its the LED then I shall have to make a new signal.


A few pics of the underside of the baseboard......People of a squeamish disposition look away now.....


First a general view....




Next a couple of pictures of the mechanism.I've used Peco point motors on bases so that the arm stays in its correct position.As you can possibly see I have formed a ' Z ' of fine wire to stop the signal arm being rotated too far.The movement needed is only just over 1mm & the throw of the point motor is considerably more,so this takes out the excess movement.

In the second picture you can see the diodes etc attached to the tortoise point motor....






Next a few pics of the signals working.

Unfortunately the ones that show the lights are a bit blurred as they are on a timed exposure & I couldn't get the tripod anywhere near where it needed to be.

The lights are visible in normal viewing but the flash is too bright & drowns them out;any way here goes......










That's all for now


Cheers Bill

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Hi Bill

I like the arrangement of the point motors to operate the signals.






Thanks for the comment,the arrangement came more by trial & error with the basic idea of using Peco point motors but seem to work.


Cheers Bill

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how are preparations going? only one week to go till its first outing.


Is there anything you want me to do?




Thanks for the offer.....Assuming your dear lady wife has done the curtain there's nothing that springs to mind


I could do with some signs ,though ,but I don't think your printer is working.



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Hi All


Had a bit of a play last night & sorted out one or two minor snags........All I can say is....If you want to check home made pointwork run Hornby CDA's through them.I ran them through one of the points on a route that they wouldn't normally go & they derailed......ages having later checking & adjusting wheel back to backs I finally adjusted the point blades & ........hey presto they now run through OK




Put a few people on the layout....






I also placed some loose sleepers & rail to imply some relying of track or track improvement being done.....








Well a few more bits & pieces to do but plenty of running to do to iron out any problems that may not have shown themselves yet..... Next Saturday is the day......Hopefully all will go well at Hayle Show


Cheers Bill

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Hi Bill, for semaphore operation you could try these which are the same as used by Dapol on their new signals,



they also do a cdu free point motor





Hi Nigel


Thanks for the info....They certainly would seem to be a lot less harsh than Peco point motors, but are quite pricey.


I shall bear them in mind for my next project.....I'll need five signals though & one is a bracket signal !!!!


Any way, more of that anon


Thanks again


Cheers Bill

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I like the odd rail sections and sleepers left lying around.

Shame I can't get to see the layout at the weekend.


Hi Richard,


Thanks for the comment.

It took me a couple of days before I was happy with the positioning & the overall effect,but I am quite pleased with it now.


It would have been nice to see you at Hayle show, but hopefully I might get other invites.

Time will tell.

Probably see you at Exeter.


Cheers Bill

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Hi all


Well my daughter in law turned up trumps & I now have a curtain......A fine job she made of it too.

A big thankyou....Most appreciated.






I have removed the lighting pelmet, which is why the pics show a low level of the layout.


I kept banging my head on it when I was working on the front of the layout, which became rather annoying & I didn't want to damage it.


I installed some trunking under the tracks from the signals etc. to the relay boxes.


I also fixed some restricted clearance signs to the clay loader & washing plant, & played about with the positioning road vehicles etc.










I've just realised I didn't take any pics of the trunking .....well maybr next time


Cheers Bill

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Hi bill, I may not have looked far enough back through the posts, but when is the hayle show?




Hi Jack


It's this coming weekend, 26th/27th.


Hopefully see you there...



Cheers Bill

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Hi All


Well Saturday's the big day.....The Debut show.


All works well at home....hopefully will this weekend.............Done some extensive testing & all seems to work fine......Touching lots of wood.

Made three more storage cassettes today.... they are slightly different design (cheaper) but seem to work fine.

Fine tuned the cassettes to try & make sure no derailments occur...............Again all seems OK.


Day off tomorrow so all will be packed up & loaded up into the trusty vehicle & transported to Hayle,where hopefully all will work fine.


I must admit I'm really looking forward to the show.

I've checked everything & all seems to work well,but we won't know 'till we get there........


Cheers Bill

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Layout looks superb. Hope Saturday's show goes well - you're certainly well prepared!




Hi Stephen


Thanks for the comment.Greatly appreciated.


Are you likely to be there ? If so say hello.


Your Avatar...... I assume that's Warspite coming off the Parkindillack branch?

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Hi Bill

It's looking fantastic Bill

Sorry to say I will not at be there for the show, So hope all goes well at the show for you. I'm shore it will.




Hi Ray


Thanks for the comment & best wishes....

As they say it's got two chances but I've done all I can to ensure all works well


Cheers Bill

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