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Hello, As can be seen above Halstow-on-sea now has some station name boards, I haven't fitted the smaller ones that will be attached to lamp post's as i haven't found any suitable ones as yet. Progress has been steady of late but mainly to the wiring side of things and playing with my sound chipped 37's. (there very distracting when i should be getting on with work to the layout).


The main thing that has been keeping me busy has been construction of the fiddle yard, The room in which the layout is kept is roughly 8 foot square so after the track goes beneath the road over bridge ( The N gauge layout) it turns sharply 90 degrees to the right into three storage sidings. That was going to be it but since going down the DCC route and especially sound i though it would be nice to have some sort of continuous run to let the locos stretch there legs. With this in mind i have now built a removable section that will form a double track circuit with a return loop on the outer track so trains can leave the terminus run round the circuit for however long i like then return to the station. Its still early days and i have yet to start the electrics but today i managed to get the first track in situ and right now my 33 and mail vans are testing the new section.



Thanks for reading



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Hi Graham,


Wow what progress you have made, when I see a NSE station sign it send shivers down my spine (Note for me I must get out more :jester: )

the third rail and track weathering looks just right and the platform with the typical Southern style concrete fencing looks superb :sungum:


Looking good look forward to further updates,


All the best


Darren NSE DAZ

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Good to see your making progress - even if that progress might slow future progress down a little lol! I'm sure the DCC sounds keep you enthused while your working on the terminus! I must admit I've no real experience of this sound lark!


Your carpentry work certainly looks well practiced! An important, yet unsung part of layout building! As a carpenter's son, I'm well versed in the theory, but in practice.....well I need some - probably a lot!


Does your N gauge layout have a thread? It certainly looks impressive!


Keep up the good work/play!


Lee :)

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Thank you for positive comments gents,


Hope to see some photo's of your 0 gauge layout soon darren.


Lee, got to say i was never a fan of sound to start with but since purchasing a couple of loco's its great, really adds another dimension to the layout, As for the N-gauge layout my Blog is here, wish i had done it as a layout topic now but nevermind. Thanks for the compliment about the carpentry, being a chippy its nice to get a bit of praise.



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Ah, so your a chippy - I should have thought as much LOL. It does show in the woodwork!


I'll be roping my dad into the construction of my future layouts, along with his myriad of tools and contraptions! He put the tools down about 17 years ago, but still has an impressive inventory. Nothing like a good foundation to get a layout rolling afteral!


Talking of layouts rolling, thats a pretty nifty idea you had there with the N gauge setup on the runners! Was that so you could get to the back easily? Or did you have plans to build underneath?


Off I go to check out your blog then!





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Well i originally built it on the runners to make it easy to get to the fiddle yard at the rear of the layout and also to continue with the electrics, I built the control panel at the back so i need fairly easy access. To be honest i hadn't planned on building the 00 layout at all, I have a fair bit of 00 stock and have made rough plans for years of different layouts to construct then Bachmann went and released the EPB and i thought about something more permanent, then last week i decided to build the additional circuit, Cant wait for next week to see what i come up with. The really scary thing is that i've got some 0-gauge track and points somewhere that could become something?



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Hi Owen, the platform edging is Peco and all i do is glue it down with a two part superglue, apply the glue to the underside of the platform edge then spray an activator onto the baseboard, place the platform onto the board in a pre marked place then hold for 5 seconds or so and job done.




So where would be the best place to get this glue?

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Evening all, Had a few productive hours working on the layout today, First off i received a return loop module in the week so fitted it to the layout and set about testing it, had a few slight problems which now seem to be resolved and spent an hour or so running different trains around to make sure all was well. Also completed the trackwork on the inner circuit with cork underlay and wiring etc. Final bit of work was to add a kickback siding on the longest storage road, wasn't planned but i had a spare point and in doing this i can now rotate loco's on passenger/mail trains without running them out onto the scenic/station section.


New kickback siding.



Testing temporary return loop.



Completed loops.



Thanks for reading



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Loving the idea behind the layout. i was brought up on the Hoo Peninsula and my Dad still works at Grain Power Station, so lovely to see the area getting some attention :)


really good work so far on the layout, I've received a lot of useful information from here and will hopefully be starting a layout thread in the not too distant future :D


keep up the good work and enjoy that slam door stock :)

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  • 5 months later...

Hello all,


It has been a long time since i've done any work on the layout, however after receiving a new toy last week i've had a boost of enthusiasm and thought i would clean the layout off and do some work to it. When i say clean it off i mean find it, I covered it back in february with a sheet of ply so i could work on the other layout and ever since it has become a storage area for tools, rolling stock, boxes etc. After a lot of tidying, track cleaning and hoovering i have something that resembles a layout. First off i've loosely placed a Gaugmaster backscene behind the platform, I put it there just for photo's rather than having a blank wall but i may keep it? Moved platform 3's signal back as i was informed it was to close the points, and installed the first platform light, This was a trial to see if it looks ok and i'm fairly pleased so i'l order some more and do both platforms. Other work has been to my favourite subject of wiring so the less said about that the better.

Looking at what really needs to be done is finish the ballasting and the third rail, I may change what ballasting i have done to N gauge size as what is there is not that great, although when weathered its ok, i'l see.


Few pictures of the new toy, Must say i'm very impressed again.











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Evening all,


Small update, yesterday evening i spent a couple of hours (stabbing my fingers) sorry, threading third rail insulators onto code 60 rail and then fitting them to the layout, Now my third rail EMU's can go wherever they choose, not the greatest of achievements by a long chalk but one of those jobs that i've found very satisfying now its complete. Next job is to get on with ballasting.


Also a little question, How do i go about getting a bespoke printed backscene? From what i can gather it's me who would have to lay it out etc then get it printed by a specialist company, Only trouble is my computer skills are very limited, Rm web and E-mail are about my limits.







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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Hello All,


 Well 6 months has passed with no work carried out on the layout whatsoever, That's not to say i wasn't planning though. 


I have had the odd hour or so to run some trains but no actual progress in construction, One thing i have noticed though is a lack of storage for rolling stock. The layout is  meant to be 80's/90's so theres blue and grey plus network southeast stock but i also have some modern traction, networkers 66's MPV etc so its nice to be able to change it around and run things in a more current guise. I would rather not keep boxing and unboxing stuff so i thought i would expand the hidden sidings. 


In the right hand corner of the room the layout has a double track circuit to let loco's stretch there legs and also forms a return loop so trains can return to the station, This works fine but i think i can improve things, What i have done is remove the two cicuits and associated baseboards and build a new one about six inches lower, now the inner line drops down under itself and underneath my workbench where i can lay a fan of storage roads, These will be named the Dust sidings A name I've pinched from my Dads layout. The workbench is now removable for access and this also creates space for something i'l be building in the not to distant future.

The outer line will be re-fitted at its original height and will be a circuit with the return loop as before, Even though it's only half completed it already opens up much more operating scope and also extra capacity for more rolling stock.


Early photo's





More updates soon.  



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Hello all,


 Things are progressing well, started off this evening with a blank board and after an hour or so i now have 5 storage roads, I've got to add some more feeds for the DCC wiring and a couple of point motors and i'm done. The upper level which has the circuit/return loop on is all cut and ready to be fitted, the supports are all done and screwed in position but i need to make sure the point motors for the fiddle yard are working correctly as these will be fairly unaccessible once the top baseboard is fitted. 


Started with this.



Ended up testing trains with this.







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