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Staying well out of it. It's crazy over here, from Sidcup Hill I can see the fires in Croydon, sirens and flashing over Welling, and smoke rising from London in the distance. I've been listening to BBC News, I think it would be great to have a whip around for Trevor Reeves - owner of the furniture shop burned down in Croydon. He's been a very brave man to speak to BBC News this evening.

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I'm really scared.


I live in Leicester.


leicester has so many different races of people, so many different cultures and religions and im scared that its going to kick off here too. it's kicked off with some youths in London but i think it will get worse before it gets better...


I feel very sorry to those who have lost their property and homes and such in the riots. I really do. they don't deserve to be victims. no one does.


EDIT: what i meant with race and such is there are certain groups of individuals who will use this violence as an excuse to upset and rile up tensions for no reason, causing trouble :(

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01:30 I'm watching BBC News as reports are coming in from Birmingham, Liverpool and now Manchester.


It's spread all over inner London.

Ealing for gods sake! Hardly a deprived area. Looting and cars on fire.

Clapham, Croydon, Lewisham - buildings and cars on fire.

Hackney earlier, now Canning Town and Camden.


No excuses. Poverty, alienation blah blah....all Rubbish. I'll stop there.

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Yes the BBC has just been warning about incitement on social networking sites :mellow::unsure: maybe I should edit some posts. I can hear the helicopters and sirens... still..

Unfortunately it seems those who are involved are too stoopid to realise their communication on Facebook (which I'm surprised hasn't been taken down) and by text counts as evidence against them.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just worked trains from Bognor to Victoria and then the last one back down. Thick acrid smoke in the air at East Croydon and it looks like I managed to pass through Clapham Junction on the homeward bound run just before it really started kicking off there.


Lots of nervous and apprehensive people at London Victoria just before I set off, I was nervous too but maintained an air of confidence, reassurance and stiff upper lip for my passengers, walking through the train regularly and making sure everyone was all right.


There was a noticeable sigh of relief once we left Croydon heading south. Although I was only standing outside on the platforms at East Croydon in each direction for at most a couple of minutes, my uniform shirt still has a distinctive acrid smoky smell to it.


My thoughts tonight are with those brave members of the Police, Fire Brigade and other emergency and support services who are having to work tonight in situations way above and beyond the call of duty, also those tonight who have been affected by loss of business, property, etc.


How no-one has been killed so far I do not know.

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Well, you're not alone in not being able to sleep.


I'm not especialy worried about my own city, Hull has its problems, but most of our underclass are too lazy to be that organised.


Can't stop watching Sky news though, as I've got friends in all the cities so far affected.


This feels like our own version of the Kristallnacht.


My beloved country is burning and there's nothing I can do about it.


Very sad.

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Hope they stay clear of Hattons.


The store is just a shop front with limited stock, the majority is held in a warehouse somewhere else in Liverpool.


But like so many of the affected businesses, it will be the sole traders who suffer the most, Debenhams whilst great for putting on the TV can re-stock and re-open if they choose, but for sole traders it's their livelihoods going up in smoke and they might not be able (or want) to recover from this. Then there are the people who are losing their personal property as well, a lot wont have insurance and if they do it will rocket next year and you cannot replace some personal items.


This no longer, if it ever had, anything to do with a police incident, personally I think there is a political element stirring this up with disaffected youths who want to see this 'anarchy' and watching Ken Livingstone use this as an opportunity to sell himself to the London electorate and link this with the riots in the 80s had me seething.

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  • RMweb Premium

Much the same chain of events occurred around 20 years ago starting in north London again. That was long before we had social networking sites. So far most of the areas affected seem to be very mixed culturally and many have a long history of tension between certain communities and the Police. That does not condone any form of civil unrest but might offer some background as to why one apparently isolated incident and a peaceful protest which followed ignited flashpoints in apparently unconnected areas.


I was innocently caught up in rioting in Leyton and Walthamstow in the last significant period of unrest in London. It's a real concern for those who simply wish to carry on with peaceful lives since nothing is sacred to those intent on destruction. There may be some evidence that key targets are picked but most victims are quite innocent including the hijacking and burning of buses since they are "easy" and high-profile items.


Keep your heads down and stay safe until this violence passes, as it surely will.

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  • RMweb Premium

I have just been on Facebook chat reassuring a friend of mine who I can tell is clearly deeply worried by what she has been seeing unfolding on the TV tonight. There are a lot of very scared people out there, we can only hope that tomorrow's Cobra meeting sees the gloves taken off the heavy mob and affirmative action taken to stop this insanity.


Now seeing that the huge Sainsbury's distribution depot in Waltham Abbey has been completely destroyed by fire. Not sure if this is connected with the violence though as it seems a bit isolated away from other events. Still probably means 750 people potentially out of a job as a result though.

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  • RMweb Premium

As it was Sony's main depot then I think sadly we can probably assume it was targeted for looting before it was torched. Fire brigade are trying to fight the fire but judging by the level of destruction there doesn't seem to be anything left to save.

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