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Zimo sound in a Hornby 60


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Hi Guys.


Have fitted Digitrains Zimo sound to a Hornby 60 and am not happy at all.


I have an 8' test run as well as a set of rollers. I'm using an NCE Power Cab with 28 speed steps.


I'm finding the following problems:


On pulling away the loco revs up, I move off and then the revs die and I coast the loco. If I go above speed step 3, the loco revs up again and plays the whole sound file even if I have now brought the loco to the stand still.


I have tried altering CV5 but this only effects the speed step by -1 or +1 for the point at which the next rev level starts up.


Anyone got a small layout that has had some success with alternation CV settings.



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Don't know much about their 60, but try dropping CV57 down - to say 80 then work downwards in increments of say 5.

CV57 is like tweaking CV5 and 6 together. - it has worked for me on other Digitrains Zimo sound chips that are not multi drive.

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I just recieved my first Zimo but not fitted it yet, but according to the instructions they recommend you use 128 step, maybe try that first see if thats the core problem.




Thanks for that.


Have tried 128 step and the next sound level starts at 15, meaning that the loco is doing the same speed as on 28 step.



Quite frankly, I'm feeling a bit fed up. Hornby can get it right, so why can't Digitrains.


The recording has a slight echo, suggesting that it was made inside the engine room.


I'll be ringing Howes today to see if they are able to re-blow a Zimo. Otherwise I'm £80 out of pocket.


Cheers again.



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Have you dropped CV57?

To say 80 and work downward in increments of 5 - till it sounds right to speedstep.



Hi Cassey.


I've now had a chance to check out CV57 again. I've varied this from 20 - 150 and the only difference is the speed of the loco with the next rev level on the PM still being 4 out of 28.


at 20 the loco moves too slow and at 150 it's too fast at step 3 to be controllerble.


I've emailed Digitrains with out result.



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