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Heathrow pods

Michael Delamar

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I have used these and don't remember the ride being as bad as it looks here, I was pretty impressed in general. They are more like cars than trains and are pretty unique - I travel extensively and have not seen anything like them anywhere else yet. Certainly better than the airport parking shuttle buses.

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It's taken over a year of testing and technical problems to finally open the 1st phase of the Heathrow system.

For anyone interested, there's some detail here......









..and Surfsup, yes this system is being proposed for use in cities and small towns. A couple of cities in India are looking at it and they are being put into the futuristic new Masdar City in Abu Dhabi.






Edited by Ron Ron Ron
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Very Minority Report!


n the face of it, it seems a bit odd to have private public transport - you have public transport-style infrastructure, but car-style vehicle loadings. Are the infrastructure costs for pods less than for e.g. bus guideways?



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I have used these and don't remember the ride being as bad as it looks here, I was pretty impressed in general. They are more like cars than trains and are pretty unique - I travel extensively and have not seen anything like them anywhere else yet. Certainly better than the airport parking shuttle buses.


I've a vague recollection of seeing some at Chicago O'Hare in 2008.

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Despite the concept of Personal Rapid Transit having been around since the 70s, this is the first second true PRT system to come into service (there have been a couple of others with some PRT features). If applied to conventional cities the economics and the visual issues are likely to be challenging.


Edit: I gather the one in Masdar City got in before Heathrow.

Edited by Edwin_m
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Does anyone know how many Pods there are and the maximun number that can run at the same time?


164 Vehicles Per Hour


according to Ron's link above


- which is starting to sound like a M25 traffic jam!

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Does anyone know how many Pods there are and the maximun number that can run at the same time?


Quote from one of the manufacturers links that RonRonRon posted above:


"The first phase of the ULTra network opens in summer 2011. It consists of 21 vehicles, two stations in the N3 Business Car Park and one station at Terminal 5."


I'd like to see it operating on a dark and icy Friday evening (any frequent travellers from Heathrow will know what I mean)...





The fibreglass hollow track looks a bit freaky to me, but ought to solve the snow issue!

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Interesting concept, I'd like to have a play next time I get a job out at Heathrow. Can anyone use it, like the Heathrow Express link between terminals, or do you have to pay?

Stewart, this first phase runs from Terminal 5 to the N3 long stay Business car park, which is situated at the western end of the "north side".

The car park is secure and fenced with access limited to paying users. If you want to spend a months salary on a day's parking, I'm sure you can have as many "free" rides as you want. :D


Seriously though, it might be possible to get a "free" return ride starting at T5, unless you have to produce valid car park tickets.


You can see the track on Bing Maps ("Aerial view", not "Bird's Eye" yet).....





Edited by Ron Ron Ron
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Maybe, but all the schemes they list as "proposed" are in the US or Canada, so it would be a bit silly if that is what's happenning!


San Jose airport

Santa Cruz

Alameda Point

Mountain View

(all in CA I think?)



Ithaca NY

Hillsboro OR

Tysons Corner VA

Raleigh NC


And Calgary AB


There's some interesting feasibility stuff from the UK, but other than Heathrow nothing that looks likely to go anywhere at present from over here. Interesting that they see it in many places as providing local feeders to heavier public transport rather than replacing it.

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I remember seeing an item on Tomorrow's World (my favourite adult program when I was a child) towards the end of its run, so maybe 15 years ago(?), and there was a basic test track of this concept running in Boston (USA) - I forget where exactly, but I don't think it was the airport. At the time, I remember thinking this was the answer - private public transport. That version was a bit more ambitious - the pods run on the tracks in city centres, then when you get to the end of the system, you take over and drive it onto the roads to take you home.


I really hope this takes off, as it brings all the benefits of public transport - safe, automatic high-frequency transit that allows for convoy formations to maximize densities, and lower emissions, and of private cars - the privacy and perceived safety in a bubble of your own.


Horrendous to convert existing infrastructure, but lets hope in new towns and cities, this could be considered.



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