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YORK 'Leaman Road' MPD - LNER 1938

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YORK 'Leaman Road'. My interpretation of York's Motive Power Depot in 1938




This thread follows the development of my representation of York Sheds. The real York MPD incorporated several sheds within a 2 mile radius,  where as mine represents a single shed, designed using York Railway architecture as a basis.








Evening all :)

Well, I felt the time was right, to show what is to rise from the ashes of the old Eastcote layout.

Leaman Road....yes you may notice the misspelling there ;) as this is my version of York.

I don't intend to to go over the issues with the Eastcote layout, all that needs to be said is, it was too big....hadn't been planned properly...and I wasn't able to run the type of locomotives I wanted (kit built finescale locos). I wanted a layout that I could enjoy...something the last layout was never able to do.

The biggest change is this will be DCC operated, allowing me the freedom to move whatever loco I wish.

Area....North Eastern Region....I live in the area, and LNER heritage, and pregourping GNR, GCR and NER all appeal to me.

Era Circa 1950, back when I decided the Eastcote layout would be LNER based....early nationalisation had appealed to me...but at the time I saw there was alot more late 50s stock available without repaints etc. This seemed like the time to do the original era I intended, lots of colours, either LNER liveries, experimental BR, and the standard BR Green.

RMweb user great northern (Gilbert) has been of great help and I can't thank him enough for setting me on the right course with this one!

Below is the rough Plan for Leaman Road, there will possibly be some alterations to certain tracks...but the plan is roughly based on Bradford Adolphus Street




Now over the next month or so, major alterations will be taking place to the current baseboards....the whole thing slopes at either ends, not my Dad's fault who helped build them, more me keep changing my mind on what the layout would be, with there originally being gradients at each end. So a new frame will be built up with new ply baseboards being used on top. So the actually new baseboard height will be a couple of inches higher than the current one seen in the pictures below.

These pictures below aim to simply show things stripped back look.

The dimension are 14ft by 2ft

MPD area

Area of coaling stage and running lines

Scenic break of road bridge and fiddle yard/storage beyond

Anyhow...I figured the thread should be started at some point, although not as big as the last layout...this feels like a far bigger and better venture...wish me luck!



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.. and there I was thinking it was based on North end of York Station! Good luck.. :)

t'other Tom


Well, it sort of is....in my world! :lol:


I love York, the city itself and it's connection with railways, but sheer amount of different motive power seen at 50A I find amazing, locos of GNR heritage in the shape of J6s and O2s. GCR with O4s and D11s and well NER of course with Q6s, J21s J27 etc... and having my period as 49-51, means there are some locos I can have that disappeared shortly after nationalisation! :)


And then there are the Pacifics...everything I could want! :D

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Hi Tom,

Just come across your project & wanted to wish you all the best with your building. Great to see another East Coast layout.


Ian (silverlink)


Many thanks Ian :) seeing how great DCC operations is on your layout....how could I not! :D


Oh, did mean to say, when I was at the Shipley show got talking to a chap who makes the Yard lamps you have now added to Haymarket Cross, I'll be getting some of those for sure! Look forward to their NER lamps when made! :D



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Oh, did mean to say, when I was at the Shipley show got talking to a chap who makes the Yard lamps


Who be that then Tom?

This looks like a great project.

P @ 36E



Hi Phil, was the chap from RMelectronics



Was quite impressed with the products he had to show :)



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Wish I'd seen these; must have been walking around Shipley with my eyes closed! I've got some Patronics lamps which are very nice but these look very good indeed. Think I'll try a couple of the Goods Yard and Coal Yard models. Can't have too many lamps on the layout can you?

Thanks Tom.


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Wish I'd seen these; must have been walking around Shipley with my eyes closed! I've got some Patronics lamps which are very nice but these look very good indeed. Think I'll try a couple of the Goods Yard and Coal Yard models. Can't have too many lamps on the layout can you?

Thanks Tom.



They do look pretty good, they are working on an NER style one, using the last remaining one at York...certainly be having some of them!


Update on layout....old baseboards cut out for half the layout....it's all coming along nicely :)



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Good to catch up with your antics Tom. Will be interesting to see how this develops-I'm a great lover of the city of York myself (and it's hostelries too...... :declare: )


Cheers Martin.......alot of the things from this will be proving ground for Appletreewick (yep thats not been forgotten)


Just removing the last bits of baseboard this weekend, then the new frames for the new baseboards...by November we should have a clean new baseboard to play with! :)

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Evening all, thought I'd give an idea of this weekends plan of action.


As mentioned earlier, the layout slops at each end, due to my decision on the old layout having an increase in gradient...was very foolish of me, but alot of things with that layout were stupid franky!


So, we are currently removing the main areas of the old baseboard. Our reason to remove the old baseboard tops, is so access underneath for wiring will be alot easier, rather than drilling through several layers of ply and MDF.


Here is what was done last weekend, apologies on picture quality.


And here is the area to be done this weekend.



From here a new level frame will be built up, and finally the new plywood baseboards laid....this is the part I loath, I want to get on to laying my track....but I know this obviously has to be done first...so I'm trying to throw myself into it somewhat. The sooner it's done...the sooner we can crack onto the bits more fun! :)

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Love MPD layouts, will be watching this one!


Cheers LeeJ


What I'm really looking forward to is the flexibility of DCC operations and having locos move independently about the shed and yard.


Oh couple of kit locos to appear on the layout next year...

B16/3 61449 of 50A


D49/2 62738 'The Zetland' :D

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Your baseboard area looks like my workbench on a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Got your lamps yet?

P @36E


Haha, well that should all be cleared tomorrow…needs to be if that boarding is coming out! :P


Not ordered yet as I'm holding off until they have developed there NER lamp.


I'll be seeing them at the Hull show so shall enquire then. :)


Feel free to post pics here Phil of yours :D

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Just thought members would like to see some of the RMlectonics lamps in use. I know you have seen them on 'Haymarket Cross' others may be interested. Robert Denton from RML is very helpful so give him a call and tell him Ian from 'Haymarket Cross' told you to call. He'll more than likely add 25% to your bill!!!






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Thanks for posting Ian, they look rather nice :)

I'll be seeing RMlectronics at Hull, I think Robert Denton was the chap I got speaking to at Shipley, very nice gentleman.


Tomorrow, I intend to get weathering another loco for the fleet.....either a Blue, or Apple Green A1 :D

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Afternoon all


Just updating the weathering thread, but thought I would throw a couple of photos in here of a couple of pacifics you will see visiting Leaman Road..... ;)




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Hi Tom


Sorry to hijack you thread, but, can I ask Ian if there is a thread for Haymarket Cross and some more photos?




Wouldn't a PM be a better option :scratchhead:


Work on removing baseboards gone well today, hopefully tomorrow the whole lot will be off, leaving the frames themselves left, already for a fresh start ;)


Little something taken this evening after some further tweaking, uploading the rest of the pictures to the workbench thread :)






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Hi Tom


Sorry to hijack you thread, but, can I ask Ian if there is a thread for Haymarket Cross and some more photos?



Hi Ian,

take a look at youtube


These are a couple of videos from Doncaster. I will post a thread on RMweb on Layout topics so keep checking.

Tom, sorry I wasn't trying to hijack your thread it was just the questions about the yard lamps that made me put up the pics, if you need any help with your layout please ask.

best wishes


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