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Niddrie East - MillerhillBoys Notional South-East Edinburgh Layout


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Apologies again for the repetitiveness of the pictures, I'm aware this is really a) quite a small layout and b ) not close to be finished so continual photos of the finished bits will become boring.


Equally I encourage you to pipe up good bad or indifferent. Any comments on anything most welcome. I was too young to see a steam engine earn her keep in real life, and the Waverley route to me was just the easterly end of Millerhill with a buffer stop!!


I'm also aware that stock wise there are only 8 or so active locos of a fleet of approx 16 or so, and I've pretty much done those 8 to death.


Due back soon are a pair of B1s 61244 and 61354(?). Also imminent is std class 76049, who has been out on lease down south!


Lurking but not released for service yet is a new class 47, and a new rather nice Dapol 26 ought to be working its way north sometime soon.


I also have 60027 in for major overhaul AND a Peppercorn A1 (but not the Farish one) just back form the paint shop awaiting lining out.


Finally I have a peak that's undergoing conversion to a lovely split box version.


So hopefully there might be some more excitement stock wise coming your way soon.


Thanks for listening....:-)

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No apologies needed whatsoever, mate! I was sat back with feet up and a bottle of Blandford Flyer in hand imagining your recent postings working past - the BRCW clatter or Gresley Beat both resonating through the Lothian landscape...


It's blatantly obvious to my eyes that you're steeped in the Route, and what I'm seeing just shouts Table 219! I'm guessing despite your age you're no more disadvantaged than many others on here, in that we never saw steam earning its keep outside the north-west or never saw a Waverley Route through train! So that suggests to me that you've intuitively absorbed the key essence of the line and what gave it its distinctive character.


Keep em coming bro - the earliest sightings we had of your fleet before it went into its present upgrading phase were well received too, so the more the merrier!



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No apologies needed whatsoever, mate! I was sat back with feet up and a bottle of Blandford Flyer in hand imagining your recent postings working past - the BRCW clatter or Gresley Beat both resonating through the Lothian landscape...


It's blatantly obvious to my eyes that you're steeped in the Route, and what I'm seeing just shouts Table 219! I'm guessing despite your age you're no more disadvantaged than many others on here, in that we never saw steam earning its keep outside the north-west or never saw a Waverley Route through train! So that suggests to me that you've intuitively absorbed the key essence of the line and what gave it its distinctive character.


Keep em coming bro - the earliest sightings we had of your fleet before it went into its present upgrading phase were well received too, so the more the merrier!




MHB, I agree with everything Chard says.


It is a pleasure to see the pictures of your layout and models which you bring to life brilliantly with the atmospheic narratives that go with them.


Please do keep them coming!



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Thanks chap for your kind words, much appreciated I do hope to mix it up a bit more in the coming weeks with some new stock to photo and hopefully some new embankments!!


This weeks work involved wiring in route indicating LEDs into the control panel so not the most exciting thing to present.

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Hi MHB. I did most of my train watching as a teenager in W Yorks in the early sixties. Best compliment I can pay your work is to say that's just how I remember things looking......well done, it's wonderful. I'mm just starting in 2mm, so will keep watching so I can nick your ideas...............

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Progress of late has been slow with limited time most of which has been spent on a second control panel as well as digging up a bit of track and adding a passing loop through the station to increase the operational scope.

All of that means a limited amount of notably visual improvements.


However was down at my dads attic, working on the layout today and managed some pictures. Mostly A1-centric it has to be said :-).


Please excuse the big pile of white polystryrene sheet, with a box on top. That's the beginnings of some new scenery, but early days.


D5310 approaches the station on a tanker working, to replenish the shed in the background. 76049 sits awaiting departure on a local working.



Hawicks 76049 still simmers in the station on a local service, whilst the rear of an Edinburgh bound express sits in the other platform


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D5310 has taken a pause in the bay platform to allow the northbound express to take the northbound path. The Edinburgh bound service is being worked by Leeds loco 60134 Foxhunter.



The Signalman has had a change of heart and rather oddly has given the tanker train the road to allow it to pull through the station and reverse back into the shed.

Can't imagine the express passengers are overly enamoured with this given they are only a matter of 15 minutes south of Edinburgh.


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Eventually the Edinburgh service gets the nod from the signalman, (I think he's maybe grumpy because he has to find a ladder from somewhere every morning and night to get access up to the cabin itself)..... :-)


Actually the signal box is a Scottish-ified Hornby N gauge box from decades ago probably. I still have the cardboard shell of a Shankend on my workbench but I'm just not progressing quickly...


Anyway 60134 eventually gets the nod from the grumpy signalman and starts to ease her train out the station and past the engineers sidings.


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Meanwhile a northbound Kingmoor originating mixed freight approaches its final destination in Millerhill.

The St Mags stalwart 60824 is at the head of the train, and looks in much worse condition than the wagons in the train!!



A few minutes later 76049 plods southward with a local working


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Later in the day Gatesheads d1573 had filtered north and haymarket had sent her out on a ballast working down the Waverley, here she is working northbound again with the ballast empties.




Here she taking a rest in the centre road at Niddrie station before taking the working out to one of the yards on the west of Edinburgh. She'll no doubt return to 64B and might get sent back down the ECML to her home shed eventually.


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  • 4 months later...

Just had a good read through this thread and thoroughly enjoyed it!!!


If you don't mind i've got a couple of questions...


Who does the replacement front wheels you use on your farish A3s? Just (2 mins ago!) got a farish A3 for £40 off Ebay and am looking to WR-ise it! Also wondering about the gap between the footplate and the tender on 76049- not had a chance to look at one of these 'in the flesh' and was wondering if it has to be as big as it appears in the photos on Hattons (and others) websites or if it can be narrowed?


Final question- can we have some more photos please?!!!


All good stuff!


Ian B

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the A3s is easy, the replacement bogies come from a great resource for 2mm detailing.


think you can get them made up or in kit form


from memory 760489 comes with two couplers of differing lengths out the box, I think the shorter of the two was OK for my eye.


layout is boxed away, my brother and family have had to move back home with parents temporarily (2 months so far) and the attic has been decommissioned :-(

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  • 1 month later...

Very little happening on Niddrie East these days sadly. The layout room, my dads attic, has been turned into a princess lair by my brothers 2 1/2 year old girl, who had to take up residence whilst my brothers family was in between houses.

The family have moved to their new place but the lair remains until grandad can negotiate it back to a railway room, although I suspect he could have his work cut out there!


As well as that my wife and I are now proud parents of 16 week old twin boys and that really has stopped all progress until further notice, of course all for a good reason.


However in the meanwhile a couple of diesels in the fleet have taken a trip working down to Carlisle care of max Stafford, for some weathering attention. If I get a chance and we get one of these rare dry days in central Scotland to tomorrow I'll see if I can get some pics of these workhorses in their new guise.


Thanks to max for his efforts, hopefully they'll photograph well.

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  • 6 months later...

Really nice layout which captures the character really well. I actually live about 5 minutes walk from the supposed loco shed location, and there are enough features to make it recognisable.

Thanks Fresian

Intention was just loosely to replicate the area with all the different lines running at different heights and different directions. It was also a combination of slightly rural in sections but whilst very definitely in the middle f a built up area.


Sadly work is all stop until further notice due to nowhere to store the layout combined with the arrival of little people x2 so time, space and money are all 'oot the windae' as my grandad would have said.


Thanks for posting though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope you find room soon as really enjoyed this thread. I'm not that far from you as work up by Shotts but live near South Edinburgh.


Hope you find room between nappy changes.



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I hope you find room soon as really enjoyed this thread. I'm not that far from you as work up by Shotts but live near South Edinburgh.


Hope you find room between nappy changes.



Thanks David, much appreciated.


Not a huge amount of time at the moment but as we approach the twins first birthday I'm hoping that I might just get some time somewhere along the line.

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  • 1 year later...

Sadly all works still completely halted here, my old man has been unable to renogiate a lease on the attic therefore layout still in storage.


On the plus point both my twin boys (2 1/2 now) are showing a good interest in the big trains, with visits to Boness now and again and also a vist to the recent Falkirk MRC show, not to mention haulage behind 55022 during the very recent Boness diesel day. Not bad for 2 1/2 I suppose!! Although he did repeatedly say he liked the 'big orange one'.....ie. 56105 in Colas livery :stinker: over the Deltic, so still some way to go!!




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