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Outwell Village


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Yes pwr, idea's are going round in the back of the grey matter. My thoughts are leading to Wisbech East Station, this being where the tramway joins the rest of the network and also where the trams were stabled.

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Superb choice. I love the way the tramway leaves the main line at the crossing and wonders down the side of the road. Would you have the space to have all this and the station?


Look forward to hearing more about this



Paul R

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The above photo shows how I think the plan might work, Some of the tramway sidings have been discarded, but I hope it will give a taste of what it was like. The end nearest is where the lines go into the goods yard, and at the far end you can see the tramway line starting to vear to the right and to go over the Elm road crossing. The boards are 4ft x 2ft and there are two of them. It is hoped that this and Outwell Village can be run as one layout if exhibition managers so wish.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Another development in the upgrade to Outwell. Two new fiddle yards one at each end of the layout have been constructed, this will enable the second operator to turn trains ready for the next turn of duty without having to handle the stock. Both fiddle yards can be operated from their own controller or the main controller. As can be seen they have a turntable arragement



Edited by alan
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Another development in the upgrade to Outwell. Two new fiddle yards one at each end of the layout have been constructed, this will enable the second operator to turn trains ready for the next turn of duty without having to handle the stock. Both fiddle yards can be operated from their own controller or the main controller. As can be seen they have a turntable arragement



I can't see the photos, and I've tried in Google Chrome and Safari. Disappointing not to be able see them as this is a great layout and I also have fiddle yards to build so it would be good to see how you've done it.
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  • 2 months later...

They certainly are Jonathan, took me two attempts before I was happy with it then had to fill parts where it still didn't match up.

Martin, Outwell will be at the East Anglian show in March, DEMU maybe in July and Midland Railex in August.

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  • 1 month later...

Very nice presentation of a superb little layout. I got very inspired by the way you have continued the street into the backscene. You have achieved a wonderful effect here, which I have tried in vain to do on my own layout. Is there any chance you can upload some bigger pics, as I would love to have a closer look at how the buildings and backscene go together.

Edited by norseman
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