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Modern Locomotives Illustrated 192 - The Peaks


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Lots of copies now at Ian Allan Waterloo (but still no "First Generation Railbuses", to draw another thread).


First impressions? Another winner, quite a good balance of coverage (although I'd like to see separate sections for the three types in BR service), shame that there isn't room for more of the same.

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Compared to the stuff that Loco's illustrated did then yes!


IMO There could have been the option to split the classes, Class 45 in one issue, and the 44s and 46s in another issue.


I wonder if there is going to be an issue covering the 60's

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An interstesting read. Can't say I get every issue... mainly focus on the loco types of my era, which this fitted nicely. The class 50 one should be worthwhile.... where's the Class 55 issue, that's what I'm wondering (reissue and glossy update of Locomotives Illustrated 17?)

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Pardon my repetitiveness but it seems that the "peaks" were yet another class which never appeared to have worked in and out of Bescot, or the freight area of the western West Midlands. So classes 44-46 join the 31s and 56s and 24/25s which were strangely absent from Bescot ever since 1966. Mind you perhaps I am being a little harsh because MLI did show a shot of a 40 at Wolverhampton High Level on the BOC tanks.


Yes I know there are only 90 or so many pages in the publication, and there are only so many to choose from, and yes, I am particularly Bescotcentric, but come on Colin, lets be a bit more representative of the classes featured in what is after all a photograph magazine.


Looking back at MLI 189, there isn't a single photo of a 31 at Bescot despite the class being allocated there for nearly 20 years from 1981 to 1999. There is actually a closely cropped shot of a 31 at Bescot but it is not captioned as such.


The peaks despite never being allocated, started working on and off the depot from 1967 on all manner of freight work, and even had a passenger diagram for one year, going light to Oxley to work 2J61 Wolverhampton-Salop.


Have to admit unsurprised disappointment, knowing that as we never had any involvement with class 50s, I've no need to look at MLI 193 !!!

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We spoil ourselves on here, Phil. The WR New Images thread harvests from about five sources regularly, but to see the line in the monthly printed media you'd be forgiven for thinking it was a one-train-in-steam operation with Canal's A3 quartet sharing the workload....

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Being a Peak fan, I'd expected to be almost certainly buying this one, but to put another slant on dissatisfaction, there just wasnt enough early period stuff in it. I'd hoped there would be, simply because the locos were not amongst those that lasted into various Sector liveries (which, trying to be a fair minded bloke), I naturally accept will sway coverage of more long lived classes. But is it really necessary to show quite so many pages of preservation era or (particularly odd IMO) scrapyard shots?

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Some seriously tasty locos due to be covered next year...NBL type 2s in September and the 70 - 74 DC electrics and electro diesels in November.

The only issue I have with these publications is they make a big issue of the problems various classes had when new, but don't go into the modifications that were made to make them more reliable. The issues covering the 15,16,17s springs to mind. As new the 15s had serious issues, but modifications to the cooling, oil flitering and a change of cylinder heads to cast iron and different profile piston rings made them very reliable machines.

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To be honest, I think BR washed their hands on quite a few of the unsuccessful loco types. The class 15's were a 44 strong class with a power unit built by the engine manufacturer to their standards, and not under licence, so it was probably worth their while chasing that one up and getting ten years service out of them. The class 16's had the same engine, but the control system was non-standard and they had ventilation issues. With NBL on the brink, they probably cut their losses and got what use they could out of them before getting shot of them at the earliest opportunity. The class 17's are interesting. I have heard that the Paxman engine used on the Clayton was designed with cast iron cylinder heads and all the stress calculations were done with this in mind. BR decided they wanted aluminium heads, to keep the design weight down, and it all went pear shaped.

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I like Peaks a lot - though they never made it to the former GER (so far as I know). Were any worked upon at Stratford?


Best, Pete.


Class 45's and 46's were fairly regular visitors to Stratford. They were sometimes tested on the GER mainline after a works visit. I have seen a picture of a class 46 at Brentwood. They mainly worked along the GER mainline through Haugley Junction, then down to through Ipswich and onto the Harwich branch with the Mossend - Parkeston freight.

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Were the Peak actually based on a modernised version of the Bullied 10203 diesel with their bogies?

Not exactly, the Class 40s were more correctly the 102XX's descendents, although the basic bogie design is common.

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Compared to the stuff that Loco's illustrated did then yes!


I enjoyed the issue (and the others I've bought) but I still think the loss of the format and presentation of Locomotives Illustrated is a real shame. It had a touch of class about it whereas MLI looks like any number of monthly mags.

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As a series it does suffer a bit from the 'Colin Marsden' factor - clichéd phrases used repetitively (It is interesting to note.....), and a keenness to use his own photos if possible (leading to skewed coverage), serious caption mistakes (e.g. the BSYP 'electric blue' Peak), together with poor proof reading all spoil what should be a useful resource.

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Id like to ask what did people think of the modelling section?. I've been writing it for the last three magazines, i try and put a fair balance of pictures for all gauges in (although with the Peaks issue a lot of the photos passed over were not a suitable size for use, so Bachmann/Mainline did feature strongly).


Hi Phil, about the lack of Bescot/West Midlands shots would you like to submit shots to the magazine, it is a problem an editor can only used what comes into the magazine and unlike monthly news you cant fill a hole with just anything.


Also the next magazine that Im writing at the moment (50s have been done) is the BR Production Shunters (all excluding the 03 and 08-10/13s) so any photographs or information relating to the model side of the magazine would be useful, digital photos to be bigger than 1mb and sharp throughout (preferably 300dpi by 26cm, but just off camera unedited will do), any photos used are paid for like the rest of the contributions my email is:-





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Hi James

Antony, you really ought to feature a photo of Gareth Bayer's class 13 for the BR shunters issue!

Its not including the Class 03 or 08-10 or 13s, Colin will be doing those at some point in the future just not yet!


It will include North British, Drewry, Andrew Barclays etc, on the model side, only got 16 manufacturers and over 30 models identified so far...



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... it is a problem an editor can only used what comes into the magazine ...


I've been counting the hours til this came up (well not really, but...).


I did suggest once before that the editorial team might like to be a little more proactive (as modelling mag editors are), rather than waiting to see what dropped onto its doormat - you can hardly move on the Internet these days for Flickr and similar sites.


Id like to ask what did people think of the modelling section?. I've been writing it for the last three magazines, i try and put a fair balance of pictures for all gauges in (although with the Peaks issue a lot of the photos passed over were not a suitable size for use, so Bachmann/Mainline did feature strongly).




Personally, I could do without the modelling, there are plenty of other places I'd look first for that and it doesnt really add anything new.

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