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Pine Road. The original 4mm scale Lyme Regis based layout


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  • 1 month later...

I have Gone back to have a re-think of my Signal Box. As i have recently pointed out it's a Ratio GWR kit painted in Southern colours that was taken from my old layout.


Type 2 or Type 3 ?


I had all the plans ready of Liphook, thought this may make a good model, about the right size for my needs. Then learn't that Type '2s' never spread farther out from London than the Portsmouth direct line. So, that's out of the question then. 


Think it has to be a type '3' ,A,B,C Built between 1884-1897.


Hopefuly a prototype from some where, Devon/Dorset area.


I understand that there were a lot of variations on a theme.


Any suggestions greatley recieved.



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I would agree that you should ignore Type 2 and go for a Type 3A. 3B really were mostly further west and recent reaserch suggests that 3C really was a bit of a misnomer and just a continued,but belated use of 3A on the NCR.


For 3A examples, then really anything off the Sway line, Bournemouth area, Swanage, line thru' Wool etc.

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Hey Chris.


I have been looking at them and came across an old photo of Moreton. This is a very strong contender. It has of course long gone so more research is required. 


A friend of mine lives quite close to Moreton and informed me that The Frampton arms is a good source of some local railway memorabilia.


What a fabulous excuse for a trip to the pub. I'm sure the lady of the house wouldn't mind being taken out for lunch.



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Do you need an excuse to go to the pub? :sungum:


If you have not seen it already, Plate 151 in George Pryer's "Signal Boxes of the London & South Western Railway" (Oakwood Press X68 pub 2000) is a close-up view of Moreton box being 'carefully' dismantled, so you might find it useful for some constructional information.


Incidentally, on the subject of SB classification, my previous comments related to the original classifications given by the Signalling Study Group in their OPC book "The Signal Box". I'm afraid George rather 'muddied the waters'  with his later book, by using 3C to mean something different.


Moreton (and Wool) actually were more akin to a 3B (and listed as such in some sources) in that they had horizontal boarding above the windows rather than the glazed toplights of a true 3A (as in (say) Branksome and boxes to the east thereof). But hey, this was Dorset after all and it will save on some of that fiddly glazing !

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NO i don't..... :sungum:


I have that book, yes will be a great help.


I like a challenge and was tempted to include the top lights. more fool me.


I also found a picture  of the inside of the box in Colin G. Maggs book, Dorset Railways. 



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  • 1 month later...

Well i wanted a signal box and this is what i have come up with.


Just the guttering, name board and roof vent to do but all in all i am happy with the way it has turned out. The roof hasn't been stuck down yet until the guttering is done and then all will be bedded in


Based on Moreton in Dorset, although certain sizes were a bit of a guess a friend of mine had some drawings of Worgret witch helped a lot (thanks Steve). 







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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

I should mention that the Adams Radial is the first brass loco kit i have ever built, talk about jump in at the deep end. I am pleased with the way it has turned out but i do keep putting off linning it, just buffers, transferes, couplings to complete.




Ps did the Brake van actually ever have SR on the ide at some point. I have been looking through pictures and can't find on wth it on   

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Very nice Colin. I never knew PDK did an Adams Radial. Is it a recent kit? The Smallbrook brake van is also on my shopping list, what chassis did you use for it? I know there's a Dapol one available but yours look to have more detail, very nice. Sorry cant help you with SR on the sides but i'm sure someone will.



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  • 2 months later...

Hi all.


It's been a while hasn't it.


With a move of house, we have finally got their.


Thanks to Nigel and Steve for helping me move Pine Road, With a slight detour via the Dorset 3mm club day for a play so that everyone could actually see it 


Well, Pine Road has moved. It has its own room now so i consider my self very lucky. Just a few snaps taken off the Mobile.













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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all.


Well we finally got it finished almost and it runs. As it's my first ever kit i am chuffed to bits. So on to the next one now








It was a huge learning curve for me but with some help from a couple of good mates, we got there. A BIG thankyou to Steve and Nigel.


Oh and also this. Built by Nigel, Painted, lettered and weathered by me



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All.I bought a new camera so just thought i would have a little play




Tis is a view down the goods shed line. I am in the process of painting some people, well workman should i say 




And then just a few odd ones











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  • 10 months later...

It's been a while but have been working on a few things.


A Drovers Brake van from a Falcon Brassworks kit. Doesn't go together to easily but getting there. 


There is one major flaw that i noticed, the inner wall at the brake end is the wrong way round, the door should be on the other side









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I have also been working on this.


I am pleased with how it turned out, my first experiences with a Bow-Pen.It's far from perfect but from a usual viewing distance its acceptable i think.


It's one of the Branchlines kits,


I have the other coach to build from the set, So time consuming but am so glad i had a go







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  • 6 months later...

"June" That was my last post, HECK, Time for an update then. I can't believe it was 6 months ago.


Mind you, i did get slightly side tracked (excuse the pun ""tracked" get it, ok ok) I have been building these.




They are that odd gauge that can't make it's mind up weather it's 2mm or 4mm scale.


I got involved in rebuilding Swanage in 3mm scale and was being continually pestered as to when i was going to build something for the Layout. It will have it's first outing November 2017. Hopefully you will all come along and see what me and the other 3mm reprobates have been up to.


Anyway, lets get back to events on Pine Road.


Yeah (big shout) the Drovers Brake van is finished.






Not quite sure what Mr Guard Van Man is looking out the back for, but perhaps he is wondering if he has forgotten something, but just can't quite put his finger on it.


Ready! yeah (another big shout)

I have finished the other carriage for the Lyme Regis set (yes, Hornby have announced it, Bah) That makes 2 (Been building a lot of coaches lately)




The second coach (the one nearest the camera) is a vast improvement on the first one, well you live and learn.

Finding the right set numbers, coach numbers was a bit of a minefield but thanks to a good book  by J.R Hartley. No no, wrong subject. by none other than Mike King it was sorted, Thanks Mike.


So, what else, Oh yes Ready for another big shout. I had Adams Radial No3520. Might as well build the other one of the day No3125. So here she is in all her glory.




I have to say she runs like an absolute dream.


While i am here. The Station Master's green house has plants growing in it now. Also, Edwin, the Blacksmiths garden is complete. The rhubarb looks like it's doing well. Not quite so many Sweet Peas as Ed was hoping for tho. The cauliflowers tho "By eck they got to win at this years Dorchester show surely




And Cyril had his new Steam Roller delivered last Tuesday




Will leave it at that for now, Doggie needs to go out.


Wishing you all a Happy New Year.






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