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Trezeath - BR(S) in N Cornwall - 00


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Belatedly starting this topic as my layout (Trezeath) is attending the Orpington & District MRS show next weekend (7/8 January)

( http://www.rmweb.co....8-january-2012/)


A few of you may have seen the layout mentioned on the hold RM Web in my layout thread (see signature). The layout has been refreshed, a new fiddleyard built, turntable motorised (it may even work!) and various other things like a lighting rig. This has happened over the last 6 months withe the help of a number of friends from the club. I had every intention of documenting the rehabilitation but I couldn't find the round tuit. :) New stock has arrived, locos have been fettled and much has been fitted with Sprat & Winkle couplings.

I'm going to try and attach some photos, but not sure whether this will work! No it didn't, so if the problems go away soon I will try again


If you are at the show, drop by and say hello

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Well I've spotted some photos uploaded on another thread today, so here we go.








fingers crossed :)



Hi Paul


Pictures look very good.Look forward to seeing more when you can post them.


Shall follow with interest


Cheers Bill

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Hi Paul,


a lovely looking layout you have there, agree for the request for more pictures.




Thank you all for your kind comments. I just hope (especially after tonight's "last minute" session, that things run OK at the show. Tonight for some reason when a controller was plugged in and on zero, two engines suddenly shot off in opposite directions for no reason :(( - binned that controller!


I'll try and put some more photos up tomorrow, I need to reduce them in size first so it's too late now...z z z

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well the show has come and gone, and I've had a week off from layout preparation. The layout ran better than I thought it might, although we did have electrical problems, being unable to use the second controller for shunting.

It's now gone away in boxes in the railway shed, surrounded by a load of "stuff" from the garage, which is currently being rebuilt from 55 year old concrete with asbestos roof to a proper one with bricks and tiles - and an internal division to make me a workshop for kit building, painting etc.


I'm pleased to say that the layout has now got three provisional invites to shows in 2013, so watch this space :no:

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very nicely done. It's a nice simple design and not overly complex. The station does have that north cornwall look about it. Also impressed with the backscene and building applied to it. Hopefully not too long till we see more pictures of this layout. The question is when will a Bachmann n class make an appearance on tis wonderful layout as the were perfectly at home on a line like this?

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK, the first photo is a weathered M7 (30031) and blood & custard Maunsells, with the goods shed behind, and a very cruel baseboard gap in the platform - I must do something about that!

Following that are the carriage sidings (as they are overnight with the stock for two of the through Waterloo services. The is the coal yard area, the townscape and a wideangle view of nearly all the layout.


In reply to WindyHale76, two N class did make an appearance on the freight trains - they just didn't make it into the photos, but may do one day.


I have had an enforced gap in modelling activity since the show, as my garage is being rebuilt (from an old concrete one with asbestosised roof to a proper one with bricks!) It will have a working area at the back for painting, kit building etc, and the main bit will have all the wood, saws etc. And all the paraphernalia which seem to make up a garage these days. I had to move evrything out, so it has been spread around the gardening shed, the greenhouse, the railway shed and next door neighbour's garage! Plus a pile in the dining room, bedrooms etc. Looks like at least another 2 weeks to go.


It has given me some time to think about the snagging list which we made up after the exhibition: not an enormous amount of this was actual problems, much of it is "making things easier/better/both". I have decided that a short new section of scenic layout is needed between the current scenic break and the fiddleyard - this will allow shunting from the carriage sidings to be done "in the open" rather than having to disappear into the FY and back. There are also some tweaks to be done to the section wiring, as there are a couple of idiosyncracies here, such as not being able to park two engines in any of the shed area, and splitting up the goods loop. There is also the need to add isolating sections at the bufferstops, as currently the section split is at the baseboard joint, which gives rise to problems for short trains. I think there will be about 8 new sections in total, which will make it easier to operate, and I am seriously considering building a new control panel to facilitate this. Design work for this, of course can be done while the railway shed is full of other things!


More soon (possibly!)

Edited by paulr1949
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Like Mickey i would say this looks very familiar as in Railway Modeller some years ago.


Hi westerner and Mickey


Yes it was, it was in the July and August 2000 editions. The layout was built by Richard Lane and I bought it from him about 10 years ago. For it's outing last month, a group of us enhanced the scenery and a number of little bits, completed wiring fences, generally weathered the layout/track (it was a bit bright) and also made the buildings greyer (they were a bit green).

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  • 4 months later...

An update at last! As I said back in January, the layout was packed away for a while (turned out to be 6-7 weeks) whilst new garage was built, then another three weeks to do some fitting out with shelves, racking, worktop etc. Then I had a week's skiing holiday - and managed to break my wrist (not too badly, especially as I didn't realise I'd done it for two weeks!) That meant 4 weeks in plaster and another couple of weeks recovering, so it was the middle of last month before I could do anything :-(

Anyway, I have been busy since and built an extra 3ft long board to go on the end of the curved board with the TT (see plan above). This will enable trains being brought out of the carriage sidings to remain in view throughout the move rather than disappearing into the fiddleyard and coming back again. Track is down, wires attached and ballasted, just painting to do there, then start on thescenery. I should be able to post some photos and more information in the next few days

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good morning all.


The promised photos - well some of them. I have now built the formers for the scenery around the edge of the board (contoured to suit semi-rolling fields) and for the roadway, and ballasted and painted the track.


The photos show (1) the track after first painting but before ballasting,


(2) after ballasting and painting,


(3) after completion of (most) of the ply formers


and (4) looking through the hole where a brick bridge will be built.



This week I hope to complete at least the remaining scenic formers (strips of card from cereal boxes, on top of which will go plaster bandage, eventually to be followed by static grass and a couple of trees.

There's a loose bit of plastic card lying around in one photo - this and others will form the road surface before that is covered in something yet to be decided.


Eagle eyes may have spotted that the bridge in the background (at the end of the current scenic section) has been partially demolished. The side needs replacing with one [a] the same height as the other side and closer to the baseboard edge.

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  • 5 months later...

A brief and possibly overdue (depending on your point of view) update. Most of the scenery on the new board is now complete, with basically infilling to do. It has taken rather longer than I had hoped, so the snagging list mentioned in an earlier post is not going to get very much shorter - just the very important ones will get done. More problematic is a slight misalignment in the track, as something has warped very slightly during the last few months. I am currently investigating the best way forward.

The box for the board and the two fiddleyard support boards has now been constructed.

With a bit of luck, some photos may appear soon.


For anybody who is interested, the layout is booked to appear at the Erith show on 26th and 27th January 2013

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  • 1 month later...

Well final(ish) checks have been made and I think the layout still works OK! A couple of section breaks have been added to make shunting easier and some workings will be made easier by the introduction of a Hornby push-pull set! Yes I know they didn't run in this part of Cornwall, but mine came with a free modeller's licence. The layout has once again been erected in Martin's shed (green giant of this parish) and will be packed down on Friday afternoon prior to being taken to Erith in the evening. I've only got one photo of the new board, and I've blacked out some of the extraneous clutter that always seems to gather round layouts! Say hello if you're at the show.


PS the boards are not on their legs or properly joined together in this photo :-))


Edited by paulr1949
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Nice layout Paul. It captures the North-Cornwall feel very nice. I think the additional scenic-section looks very well and should improve shunting on the layout. The station could do with some run-around points i think.




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