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  • Location
    Near Hemerdon Bank
  • Interests
    Post privatisation and anything westcountry
    Learning new railway modelling skills (favourite so far, individually tiling roofs, it's amazingly therapeutic)


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  1. its really important to make sure all clothes are packed for a trip. lol
  2. love this shot really great with the sunset clouds in the background
  3. The cat does not look sorry there are no trains. That’s more you will pay me attention kinda look
  4. Those yard towers really work well creating a great atmosphere.
  5. Nice to see some more updates. the shed looks really good. happy new year.
  6. Same for me now I’m looking back at it. They show fine on my phone but when I upload them they always come up black. Not sure why
  7. A well timed video from lanhydrock (respryn) yesterday.
  8. Took these a week or so ago. Probably last pictures I’ll get before the December timetable change and castle hats are phased out. Never thought I’d see the day.
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