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Railway Modeller May 2007


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Given the age of the mag and the fact that the Peco website does not make it obvious in any way shape or form how to purchase "NEW" backissues what is the great hoohaa about someone wanting a copy of an old article.

AMJ's response says they can be purchased from a second hand dealer...THAT is not a new issue so why should one have to purchase from a second hand dealer when someone who already has the issue can scan it.

I would dearly love to hear the reasons from the Mods and Andy as to why someone cannot scan for another member of this group.

We "are" a group of friends, are we not?

I don't see this group any differently to any club I may go to, where someone is free to ask another member if they have a copy of an "OLD" article from long ago, and either scan or copy for said friend........we are talking 4-5 years ago.


Puck, If I had that issue, I would have scanned without an issue for you.



(Whos is fed up with listening to BS about this subject)



Edited poor punctuation!

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Given the age of the mag and the fact that the Peco website does not make it obvious in any way shape or form how to purchase "NEW" backissues what is the great hoohaa about someone wanting a copy of an old article.

AMJ's response says they can be purchased from a second hand dealer...THAT is not a new issue so why should one have to purchase from a second hand dealer when someone who already has the issue can sacn.

I would dearly love to hear the reasons from the Mods and Andy as to why someone cannot scan for another member of this group.

We "are"a group of friends, are we not.

I don't see this group any differently to any club I may go to, where someone is free to ask another member if they have a copy of an "OLD" article from long ago...we are talking 4-5 years ago.


Puck, If I had that issue, I would have scanned without an issue for you.



(Whos is fed up with listening to BS about this subject)


It is not BS but as you've pressed the point you will have to suffer my perspective on the matter; it is law and we've been over it many times and I shouldn't have to do so again.


Look at the publication and you will find they state copyright. We do not encourage breach of the law and using the forum's facilities to do so.


End of.

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Go to any club sales stand at any exhibition and you might even get a copy for free or for about 10p max. :D

Therein lies the issue.

I can see the issue Andy has, but then when you can buy an issue s/hand, what happened to the copyright???


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Nothing happens to affect the copyright: it survives however many changes-of-hands/ resales the publication goes through. The right to copy or export that information into another format resides with the copyright holder, in this case RM.

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The copyright remains with the original holder - if you buy a new issue, or a second-hand one, the copyright is NOT transfered to you with the purchase. In fact it might be very sensible on your part, before commenting further,, to read the terms and conditions of sale (which do not prohibit resale under certain conditions) laid down very clearly on page 2a of the current edition. Copyright is valid for 70 years FROM THE DEATH of the copyright holder - copyright issues are a minefield that have made a lot of lawyers VERY rich. Also remember that this is Andys forum, and his ar$e will be on the line if he encourages in any way the breaking of copyright.

Laws are currently under review, but unlikely to change in the near future

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