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Hi  Everyone.


AS promised here is a picture of the lorry which I am building from a Radley Models Kit. The vehicle is an AEC flat bed and the kit has gone together fairly well but the instructions do leave a bit to be desired. Still a bit more work to do on it but it is coming on.

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As we have been talking about road vehicles I thought that a picture of the Goods Yard Models flat bed might be of interest. Here it is in the coal yard of Ramchester. Howard has started to weather the deck of the lorry but has more to do befoe it can properly take its place on the layout


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Hello Paul


Not sure which truck you are referring to. The AEC truck in blue was built from a Radley Models kit and this has plastic windows. The second truck is a Goods Yard Models lorry "ready to run" and is an excellent product. Not sure if the windows are glass but I suspect not.

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Hi guys!


I imported mine from Holland (legitimately - LOL!), so it was made for a company in Spain, in China, ending up in the UK, via Holland!


Although I model the later era, the so called 'modern image', I remember some really old coalmans' and scrapmans' lorries from the 1950's and 1960's still hanging on into the 1970's.


They are a nice model though, if a little pricey (mine - with sides and a load - was about £25.00 with all the charges) - very few true scale 7mm/1ft lorries though in RTR form.


Kind regards,



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We had another session this afternoon which Rod spent cleaning the track and generally tidying up in preparation for a running session on Sunday to which he has invited a few local 0 Gaugers while I have been sticking strips of tiles to the station canopy roof:-




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I have to say that the Radley Models AEC went together very well and I am pleased with the result so far. There is still a bit of detail work to do on this e.g. side and front lights and a bit of touching up of the paintwork but I feel that the effort of sorting out the instructions and putting it together was well worth while. Howard will be weathering this lorry in due course if I ask him nicely!!


On Sunday I have invited a few members of the EXGOG group around for a running session and a cup of tea/coffee etc so I will have to spend some time on Saturday to ensure that the electrics are still OK!



Edited by railwayrod
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That AEC lorry certainly looks the biz! I have one of their 1:43 AEC bus kits to do. A strange choice of prototype for them to do as it was a unique demonstrator bus!

By the way, you may want to swap your front and back wheels round. I think they are at the wrong ends...


Jon F.


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Hello all,


I was one of the invited guests from EXGOG today and it was my first experience of this little line.  The whole experience was inspirational as it all fits together so well.  From the 2 dimensional background scenics to the very 3 dimensional rock cutting, with the line running in to the windswept terminus looking out to the Solway Firth, it comes across as a single entity.  Apparently the track plan is based on no particular prototype but that doesn't stop it from looking very realistic.


Then there are the unobtrusive couplers and they are so effective as they make coupling and uncoupling so easy.  The stock is all very realistic too and the only criticism that I could possibly make is that it isn't a God's Wonderful Railway layout - ah well.  I was able to have a go myself and I managed to empty the fiddle yard and jam up the station with excursions, parcels trains and the local goods much to the amusement of all present.


Rod, from a part time modeller and dreamer, I can only envy you as you have actually done it rather than expending lots of hot air on how it might be done.    


Maggie's cakes weren't bad either and I trust that you've got all the stock back to the right destinations!              

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Well said Gateman (Gateman???)  I too was part of today's "visit to Ramchester"  I was mightily impressed, not just by the layout and the work thats gone into it, but by the whole setup there.

My great thanks to Rod for the hospitality, and to Mrs Ramchester for those wonderful cakes.

All the best,


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Thanks Jon for your comments about the AEC lorry - I will check this out but I have a feeling that the wheel castings are all the same. The photo appears to show them as being different but without going down to "Platform 2" to view them first hand I am not sure. Thanks anyway.


It was my pleasure to play host to some of the members of EXGOG and thank you for the nice comments which you have posted. It was nice to see the layout being operated by various members even if Gateman managed (somehow) to get all of my stock into the station at the same time.


Lovely to have you round chaps we will do it again later this year.



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We had another session working on the layout this afternoon. I have done a little bit more to the station building while Rod has been fitting coupling loops to locos. There is still more stock scattered around the layout than normal following our operating session on Sunday so I took this picture of the station.



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Hello Jon.


You are quite right about the wheels on my AEC flat bed being the wrong way round. When I put it together I did not notice this. At present it is sitting in my station car park awaiting my attention. I will try to remove the wheels and put them the right way round but I suspect that the super glue used to fix the double wheels at the back my cause me a few problems. However now that you have pointed out my mistake I will have to correct it somehow. Keep fingers crossed that the wheels will come off their axles and the double wheels at the back will separate.



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Hello Jon.


You are quite right about the wheels on my AEC flat bed being the wrong way round. When I put it together I did not notice this. At present it is sitting in my station car park awaiting my attention. I will try to remove the wheels and put them the right way round but I suspect that the super glue used to fix the double wheels at the back my cause me a few problems. However now that you have pointed out my mistake I will have to correct it somehow. Keep fingers crossed that the wheels will come off their axles and the double wheels at the back will separate.



Sorry Rod! I didn't mean to cause you extra work but once I noticed the wheels with the nut-rings were on the back.....

I'm sure the superglue will crack off without too much trouble. Maybe the chaps at Radley Models will oblige with a spare set of wheels if there are problems?



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Hi Jon


OK I will have to change them over. I will put this on my "to do" list for March. Perhaps Radley models will supply me with a new set of wheel castings if I mess them up during the removal. Will keep you posted. Promise I will not hold it against you!



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We have managed to remove the wheels from the lorry and with a bit of brute force and ignorance last night I managed to part the two front wheels which Rod had superglued back to back and put on at one side at the rear! Rod is cleaning them up before putting them back on the lorry. Rod has also been busy putting coupling loops on several locos over the last week and has now done his Class 04 which he then ran on the layout this afternoon. This loco is a superbly smooth and powerful runner and walked away with twenty goods wagons with no problem at all! Rod bought it when Tower were selling them off for £199 and I rather wish I had bought one at the same time!

I have now fitted the roof to the single storey section of the station building after adding a little bit of internal detail. Here are a couple of pics I took this afternoon showing both the building and the 04 at work:-





Edited by HSB
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As Howard said in his post of March 5th I have started to correct the self inflicted errors on the AEC lorry. The rear wheels have been refitted and the front ones are in the paint shop having been stripped and cleaned. Today Howard has been working on the station building and has finished painting the Station Masters desk ready to adorn his office. He has also repainted one of the buffer beams on my EE type 3 diesel after I managed to damage it whilst drilling the holes for the wire loop coupling. When the paint is dry I will fit the coupling and this loco can go into service until we (Howard) get round to numbering it. At the end of our session today I started to clean up the sides and ends of a Slater's BR 13ton open wagon and drilled the first few tiny holes for the various fittings which will eventually adorn the wagon. This kit is not ready for compensation so will have to be modified as I put it together. More anon.


Do have a happy modelling weekend.



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We've had a couple of afternoons working on the layout this week but not much to show for it. I've made a little bit of progress on the station roof but have spent most of my time trying to work out the best way to fit Bachmann couplings to Rod's MTH BG. I have the first one screwed in but it still needs a bit of packing to achieve the correct height. Once the first one is done it will be relatively simple to make mounts to the same dimensions for the other end and for my own coach.

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